A topic which usually gets a lot of TRPer's panties in a knot. "But its unethical", "your smv is too low", "you bad person boo boo", "you monster, you hurt their fee fees", "Real men only plate", "real men dont cheat"

Man fuck that shit. After a period of 3-4 months of you seeing a girl, to maintain a harem I find straight up lying to women way better than the plate system. Just dangling the carrot of a POSSIBLE relationship, of her being able to lock me down, of a future together, of an emotional bond, of love (emphasis on the word possible because you provide maybe 5% of it just to keep them hooked) mixed with this Red pilled dread, awareness,game and strong focus on my mission in life seems to work as effectively as uncut dope on these bitches. Fucking her hard in each hole of her for four days straight and then whispering some bullshit like "can we go on a cute ice-cream/walk in the park/make art together for our date next week" is fucking kryptonite for these cunts.

Whether it is a bookworm nerd or a club slut, few months down the line, they all want commitment...period. Because thats their biological goal. Which clashes with our biological goal which is to fuck a lot of women. It's like playing the whole plate system game with a five year old retard once they are hooked on to you. Because no matter how well you lay the plate system, their inner worm is going 'lock him down' 'lock him down' and eventually it turns into "I'm not okay you seeing other girls" or "I cant continue this way, it makes me feel so insecure imagining you with other women"

Fuck that. Lying and cheating is so much easier as long as you dont act stupid (date two bitches who stay very close to each other/same social circle, she sees texts for other sluts on your phone). Not only is it easier, but I believe you get straight up the best behaviour, lesser shit tests and best sex from them and how could you not, you're her future shes put so much investment in and youre so aloof so she clearly needs to work harder to win you over and to have to invest more.

I'm enjoying the fuck out of this. Maybe I get in a fix someday and the whole show comes crumbling down like a house of cards or maybe not but for now this is the best thing I've ever had in my dating life. Any other sick bastards apart from me doing this shit? Come on out, let's talk this shit. We cant be 1 million strong and not have a few hundreds like me. Share your experiences you fuckers