It's one of the seven essentials so if you're not already doing so, put the phone down and do the work. Dawson Trotman memorised over 1,000 verses in his first three years as a believer, there are no excuses. I don't need to tell you how or why you should memorise scripture either.

Sidebar 208 is relevant, so I'll include an abridged version here:


  • Tell them what: Jesus usually started by preaching. He laid out a road map and said, "Here's what I expect of my followers." He gave clear boundaries and enforced them
  • Show them how: The next thing he did was to live by example. He put into practice what he preached. Others saw his life and wanted to follow in his footsteps.
  • Let them try: When they were ready, Jesus would give his followers opportunities to make a difference. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. He always gave feedback.
  • Send them out: After developing some competency, Jesus sent them off to practice on their own - outside of his presence. He always gave feedback when they returned, answering their questions and continuing to train them.
  • Pass it on: His ultimate lesson to them was not merely one for their own benefit, but to help all the others who would be affected by their influence as well. This is the core of generational ministry and what Jesus means by discipleship.


  • Tell them what: First I mentioned in conversation to my fiance that I memorise scripture, why it is important and the number of verses I had memorised. I had already established my position as a spiritual leader to her, so the groundwork was set. Without being a spiritual leader who imitates Christ, your wife is unlikely to put into practice what you preach to her. My fiance was interested in learning more, simply because she was impressed by the number of verses I had memorised and because I imitate Christ.
  • Show them how: I organised to do a quiet time with my fiance, with the intention of showing her how I memorise scripture. I didn't tell her in advance. We prayed, read the word and then I pulled out my memory verse app (thanks for the plug Warrior Jesus/Christian Alpha, the app is called Remember Me). I then asked her to cycle through my list of known verses, reading the references so that I might recite them, and then let me know if I got them correct. I showed her some other functions on the app too.
  • Let them try: After this I prompted my fiance to download the app so that I might show her in detail how to use the app for herself. After seeing how I incorporate scripture memory into my quiet times, my fiance was interested in trying for herself (Mine is a FAST girl, makes the task easier).
  • Send them out: This is the stage I'm currently in. My fiance has memorised three scriptures so far. I check in with her every 4-7 days on her scripture memory progress. When I ask her I do it in times when we are already talking about spiritual matters. In this way I appear to be more naturally encouraging her, rather than ticking off an item on my discipleship check list. I encourage her to choose verses that are smaller, so that she can build her 'memory muscles' more before tackling longer, more complex scriptures. These pieces of encouragement and advice help her motivation.
  • Pass it on: Part of my discipleship with my fiance has been to get her more involved in passing on her faith rather than just being involved in ministry. Because of this my fiance has started running a bible study for teen girls. I'm praying that as she develops in this area, she can pass on scripture memory to other women in her life, particularly through this group.

Hollywood often shows BIG moments that change everything. The Thanos snap, the Disney kiss that takes the couple into the happy ever after or when the basketball coach gives THE motivational speech that leads the team to victory. We have become accustomed to thinking in this way. In reality, change happens one day at a time, from one small action to the next. This is the mindset to have for leading your wife in memorising scripture.