I was a 30 year old accountant who went crazy with cold approach and pickup and didn’t ever stop trying to get good, even after over 500 failures. I recently got my first taste of success after I fixed my fashion, hairstyle, and vocal tonality and fucked my first 15 girls.

Now, I also lost all my old friends and family because all of them are blue pilled and none of them support my journey of personal growth and development. It’s honestly laughable how much of a crab bucket mentality there is with nerds who don’t get laid.

I got depressed for a while after the quarantine killed all my leads and plates and left me alone just like in the beginning but I pulled myself back up with no support from anyone else and started working on my Instagram. I filled it with high value pics and recently fucked and plated my first 9/10 as a result.

I’ve also taken to hanging out with and coaching a local guy as it’s time to make new friends. I’m not picky, I didn’t care that he sucked with women, I was willing to teach him everything I knew to make a friend and add value to this world.

His life is more or less the same as mine. Pressured by his parents from a young age to become a doctor, forced to take classes he had no interest in. Zero attention from girls in high school and college which means escape into video games, etc, etc.

The problem is he could never get his own ego out of the way. It’s honestly insane how people refuse to even try new things or continue to hold onto old beliefs even in light of new evidence. I told him to get a faded haircut. He says his current long hair is great it makes him stand out... I told him to make an Instagram and fill it with high value pictures. He says that he doesn’t do social media because it’s a waste of time... I told him to wear a blazer and he says “that’s not my style...”

All he cared about was game, game, game. He would ask me day in and day out about which line to say to a girl and I’d tell him everything I know but he’d get zero results because his value was too low. So much potential wasted because of a shitty ego.

I noticed this same shitty pattern among my old friends as well. Every one of them had it. None of them were getting good results with women but somehow they had the loudest opinions about what to do (all blue pill).

One of the biggest traps of any developing alpha is the trap of ego. It feels good to finally stand up to authority figures. It feels good to go after what you want instead of what society tells you. But it’s so easy to fall into the trap of always thinking your opinion is right, especially if you’ve invested a lot of time and effort into the opinion.

Fellow redpillers, I hope no one is naïve enough to believe that effort equals results. We all know people who have been trying the same thing for decades and getting nowhere. Don’t be like them. Be adaptable. I’m at the point where I don’t dismiss anything unless it’s field tested. Not all Blue Pill stuff is bad. Random flowers or making tea for your girl are actually really good for retaining plates but nobody here will recommend it.

As Bruce Lee said, be like water. Always test test test and never think you already know everything. Ego is the enemy. It must be destroyed at every opportunity for it is the enemy of progress. No ego means testing out whatever advice someone gives you and only using results to guide you, not theory. I personally found that a lot of dark triad manipulation tactics work best and that’s totally fine. If it’s field tested to work, do not judge anything, let the results guide you.

I’m mentoring a new friend at the moment, someone you’d think had no potential. Dumb as a brick and short. But he actually listens and follows advice like a soldier. He went out and bought all the clothes and fashion accessories I told him to get the very same day.

Now he pulled home 3 girls total over the past week and banged 2 of them. The only difference was coachability.

If you find that you have a high confidence in yourself from RedPill and are following all the advice but still not getting laid with the girls you really want, ask yourself “how coachable am I?” Most of the times you’ll see that that’s the missing ingredient.