This started out as a reply to this post but decided to make it a stand alone post.

How can I get people to respect me as a man

  • Respect/reverence God.

  • Respect yourself.  

Men respect sacrifice  

A man who sacrifices his life for a cause garners the respect of others. Your cause is Christ's.  

Men respect a man who respects himself.  

Do you have your life in order?

Your walk with God, health, fitness, finances, relationships. All of it. Have you cared for and built (or building) a body worthy of respect?

If you don't care enough about your life to start turning things around (instead of getting by or doing "just enough") you won't have respect.

In the Bible, men were required to "rule their own houses well" before being chosen for spiritual leadership.

Let this principle guide you and get your own "house" in order even if you don't have a woman and kids in your life.  

*Men respect accomplishments. *

And while you're not on this earth to rack up the worldly goods, men respect those who build empires, who are financially successful, who achieve "impossible" goals, who have as marks in their life one achievement after another in a variety of things.

And the more rare and dramatic the achievement, the more respect.  

Men respect bravery and courage.

Most men shy away from tough or dangerous things.

Those that run to it, those who go where others dare not, those unafraid to face what the world finds scary, are those who secure the respect of good men.  

Men respect honesty, candor and forthrightness   A man who says what he means and stands by it. A man who "lets his yea be yea and his nay nay"

A man who lives by a set of standards and applies those same standards to anyone he lets into his life. He's not a respector of persons, and doesn't treat those unequally due to status, favor or recognition.  

Men respect a man who overcomes challenges.

Life can be tough. Exceedingly so, at times.

But when a man rises after each fall, he is not only strengthened, he gains respect.

for the righteous falls seven times and rises again Proverbs 24:16

It has been said "It is impossible to defeat a man who refuses to give up."

Be that man.

When life beats you down, when it's unfair, when it seems all the world has conspired against you, you turn to the One with whom you have to do, you gather your wits and your will, and you get yourself up and go out again.

You will fail. There will be times of trouble. (And yes, great successes too!)

You may be mocked, ridiculed and even left or made fun of by women in your life who don't understand or can't endure alongside you.

You get up.

If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. Proverbs 24:10

It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt beyond what you think you can take. Or that you understand perfectly or even at all. Or even whether your friends don't, a la Job. Or that it won't take some time to heal.

But you get up.

You press on.

Because you're a man, and you have a mission from God.

Men respect those who chart their own path, regardless of what others think

If you're asking this question (about how to get others to respect you), you're on the wrong field.

A wise man will listen to advice, and weigh it accordingly, but he does as his own heart and mind dictates (as guided by God), and not what others think can or should be done.

If you're worried about respect from other men, you need to fix yourself first.

Otherwise your actions are going to be determined by what they think.

You're trying to do things because other men will find them respectful.


Do things because you have set your heart and mind on God and nothing and no one, not their opinions nor their actions, will sway you from doing what you have determined, which should be what God has set out for you.

Once you have this framework, this guiding North Star, you go in that direction and do not move to the right hand or the left.

You have your mission. Nothing else matters.

And while on it, you'll see accomplishments, they'll be sacrifices, they'll be trials and temptations, stories of bravery and courage, you'll be the best version of you this side of Heaven, and very likely, a good and godly woman (or many) will cross your path and you may choose one to bring her alongside you (and never in front) as you continue the cause you've set out to accomplish.

And one day, when you rejoice before (and because of) your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you may hear "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joys of your Lord."  

That, is respectable.

And a legacy worth leaving.