I assume many women are here ready to comment on the idea of "changing for a man". Fu-huck no. It's not for the man. If you change yourself for the better, then it's for you. If you are holding yourself back and actually giving up something or making a negative sacrifice that makes you uncomfortable or lesser, then that is for a man. We aint making no devaluing sacrifices here. I'm about to teach you how to polish your crown, queen. We good? Good. Now, time to learn you a little somethin.

Here is a little experiment I have been doing recently and I have seen some pretty wack results:

I have been tuning into my Feminine Energy.

I first heard about it when studying Taoism in philosophy class. Yin and Yang. It's a concept of relationships and the necessities of dualism of the universe. Opposites attract, they create a balance and compliment each other.

Yin (dark): Feminine. Earth. Passive. Feeling. Giving. Soft. Creative. Peace. Radiance. Loving. Tenderness. Spontaneous. Listening. Negative.

Yang (light): Masculine. Heaven. Assertive. Logical. Taking. Hard. Planning. War. Focus. Strength. Confidence. Integrity. Telling. Positive.

Yeah, the last ones were negative and positive. That's because everything has an opposite and when there is good there is bad. That does not mean that Yin is bad. Also, many may be thinking at this point that women are Yin and Men are Yang. Nope. Everything in this universe has both. And even within Yin and Yang are more Yin and Yang (warm vs hot). What I am focusing on in this post is having and excess of Yang (masculine). So this advice may not apply to women with a balance or are struggling with an excess of feminine energy. Go away.

This post is for those with excess masculine energy. Like me. Hear me out. I am a bad b***h, which is great, but I took it too far. I was always mad at this world (see: men). I work at a fire department and I always feel like have to act more tough and dude-ly to fit in and do my job. And I always went to the gym with a scowl and I stared down every mother fucker who had a dick and even looked approximately towards my general direction. I didn't give a fuck what I wore, I'm talking sweats and on the daily, I just put my hair (which is oh so sexy and short) in a hat when I didn't want to do it. If I felt like I was being treated unfairly (say being interrupted), I would stand for myself (as we should), but in the most awful and overly defensive ways.

Now, God just showed me into the future of ya'll lovely women reading thus far and becoming a bit defensive. STAY WITH ME HOLD ON. Now, I am not saying that I am no longer a bad b***h. OH let me make that very clear, I will always identify as a complete bad ass, thanks. BUT! Here is what changed when I have been trying to tune into my feminine energy:

  1. I think this world has a lot of horrible shit going on and men certainly got their place but I have accepted it and moved on, the anger didn't serve me.
  2. I have this energy within me now wherever I go where I feel so inviting and warm I want to find others who are like me. I don't scowl when I go to the gym as a defense to keep the creeps away anymore. I want to show my happiness. If someone I don't vibe with shows up, then I'll turn on the yang a lil more and tell them to fuck off, no biggie. Guys I don't vibe with aren't really showing up though, just kidding I interact with at least one creep daily... but they are now suddenly greatly outnumbered by GOOD HIGH VALUE MEN. Guys are attracted to the happiness. I am welcoming and happy and it attracts likewise actually, HVM see that. Now this isn't contradictory to Yin and Yang.... if you are happy it does not mean you will attract unhappy, remember that Yin and Yang is about opposites complimenting each other? Yeah, unhappiness does not compliment happiness, it dulls it down. Energies like that can not exist together so they don't seek each other, they seek their same energies in that case. That's where Law of Attraction comes into play in my opinion. You can google that.
  3. Now I got a Ruby Rose hair cut, I usually wear boyish type of clothes (they comffffy), and I got tattoos. Screw it, I am Ruby Rose pretty much. I look like a lesbian, I admit I will never not look like a lesbian I would rather die, this is my comfort zone dammit. If I were to dress more "feminine" then that would be changing who I am for the man. I would be sacrificing my comfort. How I tuned into my feminine energy is I gave fuck and really tried to look my best, I make sure my clothes don't got stains on them, I don't put on a random pair of crocs to go to the store. I get ready for the day, light makeup, same dyke hair, and wearing clothes that are comfortable and flattering. I didn't buy anything new for my wardrobe. Pretty much I wear pajamas at night only now is what I am trying to say. I loooooooook fucking great and I feeeeeeel fucking amazing. I have gotten so many compliments wearing the same style I always do (not the pajama style but the lesbian style). Yesterday and old dude even complimented my haircut.... old people hate my haircut.
  4. At work, I should clarify, I am not a firefighter, I am just an EMT and I work along the firemen. I have always felt pressured to be more assertive, speak up, take lead, be perfect, and hide feelings. It's male dominated and that's really fucking intimidating. The biggest issue is that success is unfortunately associated with masculine energies, such as being assertive, leadership, strategy, logic. And with all those dudes? You think you gotta be that too. I have allowed myself to be who I really am and dropped the excessive masculine energy I was forcing, tuning into my feminine. I don't fear that I am going to make a fool of myself or say something stupid anymore because my assertiveness and leadership is now natural and not forced, I use it when I know it's right. I am no longer trying to prove myself to be assertive 24/7. Sometimes I like to just follow. In this case of work I didn't really add feminine energy it was already there.. but dropped the excessive masculine energy. No, this doesn't mean I let myself cry (during someone else's emergency) or am completely submissive and quiet and don't speak up. Again. I am balanced.
  5. I was a big believer in staring creeps down when they molest you with their eyes. I don't see a huge problem with this for other women and I hope those who disagree with me don't see me as "wrong" either... but now I have a new more peaceful solution. I tell myself "you can look, but you can't touch :)". It would just bring so much anger to do this all the time, it would ruin my day. Honestly, even if the guy does look away, you aren't really controlling him or teaching him a lesson, he is just going to stare at the next girls ass who passes by once you're gone. All I was doing was ruining my own day. Again, to each their own, I just wanted to explain my why and I hope we don't go into war about this that one's way of handling creepy staring perves is either correct or incorrect. I think both are just as empowering.
  6. When people treated me unequally, especially because of me being a woman (men seems to interrupt me more than other men) I used to fight it with fire which would only make them fight back with more fire. No bueno. I still don't allow it, but I am not burning bridges because of it. I handle it like an adult who is confident and just wants to get her point across. I am polite and say "Oh I wasn't done with my point, I hope you don't mind if I finish :)" and if they keep going then pull out that yang and fuck em up.

It's beautiful being a woman. I feel so two faced and I like it. I walk everywhere like this delicate lil thang who don't know nobody on the outside knowing that if anyone fucks with me Im finna kill what they love and they don't expect it. Perhaps that's a sinister motive, but I can't lie, I feel so empowered not trying to seem so powerful.

Okay but the results: People in my immediate environment have been acknowledging me and wanting to associate with me. I got a number today at the gym (well I mean, he got mine), some random weird dude outside of the grocery store asked to be my gym partner (I was wearing my gym clothes) and I politely said fuck no ew I'd rather die weirdo... but not like that. Our conversation ended with him saying"God Bless" so peace was kept.

Now those were just examples of me affecting my immediate environment... and only from today, I had more things happen this whole past week. Also, I think the universe is hearing this shit... now I don't know if this is cause Mercury is in Retrograde or whatever the fuck you guys are coming up with when you're wine drunk with your metaphysical girlfriends but my ex followed me on social media after I removed him from following me a year ago. No, I didn't follow him back ladies as he is the trash's trash. This is the only thing that has happened outside my immediate environment but I think it might have something to do with me changing my energy. Maybe Mercury had something to do with it rather, I don't know, I'll leave that for you to decide.

Now, in the past I have always had an unbalanced amount of masculine energy and looking back I think that's why I attracted such pansies of men. The other day some tall handsome thang and I did a lil eye-contact-then-hehe-look-away-and-repeat game. He was one of those guys where you just look at him and you think "Wow, that is a man". He seemed so confident and was probably the most handsome guy I ever saw in my life. Total alpha male vibe. Exactly what I fucking want. No, he didn't make a move, but I was enthralled to get attention from some dude who actually seemed better than me.

I have to say too, liberal feminism disappoints me because it is teaching women to act like men in order to be equal. NAH. I'm sorry but if we get any more masculine energy in this world we're all just going to spontaneously die cause I don't think this world can handle it any more there is so much contention and anger. We need us calm things going around and creating peace and comfort. It doesn't mean we don't stand for ourselves or fight for ourselves, because remember, we still have yang (masculine energy) within us. It just isn't the energy we try to unnaturally take over in order to be "heard". We hear you loud and clear when you promote peacefully your happiness and love with your feminism while you simultaneously are still so utterly disappointed in society's example of an ordinary man. How you do this is you chose the right HVM, you go to work and you let others see how you can influential you without using masculine energy as your only tool, and you walk around knowing your mother fucking worth not taking no shit.

This world doesn't need women trying to be like men in order to fight patriarchy. Do you see the irony?

Thank you, someone else may have the soap box now.