In the past acting (or genuinely being) aloof has worked for me more always than not (In particular with girls in my old social circles).

The less I did, the more I received from women (the less I invested, the more they did (to an extent)).

I've often read here that you also need to show interest, and I've been recently applying that but it never really worked or made the girl attracted to me.

Perhaps I'm too energic/thirsty when I show interest and get confused for a beta loser.

Somtimes in the past though, even if I acted thirsty, by totally ignoring the girl right after (soft next), some of them actually came back to me.

What do you think? I remember reading somwhere that in the initial approach you should act like a CEO of a society, displaying a sort of "seriousness". Only then you can show interest, otherwise it will result in an excessive pull (while on the other hand if you both act aloof and show interest, it's 50% push and 50% pull, like "I'm giving you an opportunity to meet me. Take it or leave it." (sorry for the lame pua mindset but I think this one is extremely right).