for one thing, anti-feminist activists actually do the research. yall saw the post on feminist misandry? that must've taken hours! Whereas, with feminist research, it's not so much research as commentry on posts/1 or 2 news articles.

oh and of course the fact that feminist women judge all dude's based on 1 or 2 people, but only for bad stuff, even if all dudes did something great for woman? they'd just ignore it, or find some way to twist it against dudes.

one dude rapes someone? clearly all dudes are rapists according to them

one dude murders someone? clearly all dudes are violent murderers, according to them

and of course you can't do anything right according to them, here's an example

woman: I want you to be more open with me, show me what you're feeling

option 1: actually show what you're feeling. (response by feminists: MaLe FrAgIlItY!!!)

option 2: hide your feelings. (response by feminists: tOxIc MaScUliNiTy!!!)

and of course, 1 fairly large points: we don't actually ban people who disagree with them, they are allowed to show their view. if we disagree with it, they may get hella downvoted, but that's nothing.

Whereas on radical feminist subs, or actually pretty much any feminist sub, the moment they realize you're a dude? banned.