My sister has taken on the role of feminism which is heavily encouraged by my parents. While I understand the good intentions, my entire family goes about it in all the wrong ways, my sister especially. In this particular case, my sister was on a big field trip for a club she was a part of. While I was not there myself, I have heard from my girlfriend and numerous others what she did on this trip. While staying at a hotel, one of the guys there wanted to have sex with her. My sister was not in a relationship with him and never was before or afterward. He began to pressure her into it which at this point I would think my sister would say no. If she is a feminist and all I would hope it at least inspires her to make the right decision at this time. Sadly it didn't. I heard from lots of people that my sister did indeed have sex with this man. I asked around as to why she would do this and I got an unexpected answer. My sister, being a feminist, saw it as disempowering to say no in this situation. All of the things that feminism taught my sister equated to her being pressured into sex when she didn't really want it. I understand this isn't the message that many people get but I think it's important to look at. I was already an anti-feminist when I heard about this but to me, this only strengthened my beliefs.