Note: This is also why early womens rights activtists have nothing to do with feminism, so it is absurd that feminsits say "oh but feminsits got women the vote", as they do not share the idealogy below at all (some radical marxist types did i.e. seneca falls, most didnt though). Feminism is an idealogy. Thats like saying the men who created humans rights, or free speech, or democracy, or rules protecting mainly men in war e.g. prisoner of war laws, geneva convention were MRAs**

This is important, so Kate Millet basically made patriarchy conspiracy theory (a complete bullsh*t retelling of history: in modern feminism (she stole concepts from marxism), she is absolutely vital for modern feminism due to this as patriarchy is the whole feminist lens in which feminists see the world and shape their policies, opnions etc; and also she was an icon in setting up feminism and gender studies programmes throughout the world. She is seen as the pope of feminism by many, time magazine cover, very important feminist pioneer

Guess what? her sister, Mallory who even named Kate's her orignal iconic book (sexual poltics) is a massive anti feminist MRA, check video below she reveals how bat sh** crazy Kate Millet was and man hating, her dad left her which gave her severe men issues, she had psychosis, hearing voices and seeing images, was paranoid, she used to lie awake saying how hard women had it and how f**ked up men were, her sister also reveals how f**d up and made up patriarchy theory was.... she talks about relgious cult like chants the feminsits (mallory tagged along in these years, she was a feminsit)

All the key authors of 2nd wave e.g. Dwrokin, Mackinon, Solanas, who completely shaped modern feminism now had combinations PTSD, schizophrenia, psychosis, substance misuse, gender identity issues, sexuality identity issues, severe esteem issues (many were really obese, ugly etc), this all affected their work, their work shaped feminism & collective feminism inherited their disorder... feminsim is literally one big mental illness. Group think.

Feminism is literally hate speech and delusions warped into a movement.

** Well actually you could say that those peope were MRAs, since MRA isnt feminism, it isnt an idealogy, cult etc.... so I suppose you could say that, but you get the point, its a stretch...

Also feminsim got wome they vote, or you couldnt say that if it wasnt for feminism giving women rights is an logically absurd arguement. Thats like saying I have like the current corrupt Greek government because Greece invented democracy, or I must vote republicans because they freed the slaves, got first black politicians etc, and I must not vote democrats because they opposed ending segregation, were part of the KKK etc.

Camille Paglia Explains Feminism's Problematic Origins