This is based on the comment made by u/igzgshcjv. Shout out to him.

Just yesterday I had a woman try to convince me that men are equally harsh and judgemental of women’s bodies and attractiveness as women are with men’s lol. This was my reply:

The pressure women endure for not measuring up to genetic body ideals is insignificant compared to the pressure men go through today.


Notice the very large amounts of men interested in and praising different female body types on this website alone. You will struggle to find subs wherein large numbers of women praise or lust for anything but the most genetically ideal males. Men have a wider range of preferences and typically an inferior threshold required to feel attracted to a woman compared to vice versa; Women tend to have a much more narrow range for what they find attractive. As a result of this very observable fact of life, the pressure males endure to measure up to genetic body standards/ideals is definitely greater, and we can’t openly talk about it without being shamed or viewed as less masculine lol. Women can claim they feel more pressure all they wish, but the fact is that males, overall as a group, are obviously less discriminating and judgmental of women’s body types than women, as a group, are of men’s.