'Dread' is a complicated topic that is often described poorly and executed comically. Based on many of the definitions and examples that are lobbed around, it's not hard to see why just about every woman either recoils or feels the need to argue when it comes up in discussion. Fortunately, the truth is not something anyone should find distasteful. Remember, knowledge is power, so understanding the male RP strategies, and being able to recognize them will only make you better at vetting.

Keep in mind that the more extreme and manipulative forms of dread are generally utilized by plate spinners, players, and men that simply don't know how to create a stable long term relationship. It's also important to remember that when a man has been passive and overly accommodating, his first order of business is to reverse those habits. Extreme language, is often about driving home a specific mentality. This mentality is foreign and uncomfortable to just about every man, as it goes against everything they have been taught. As a community, we should be understanding and compassionate for the struggles men face on their way to finding better footing.

As advice givers to other women, we should be vigilant and wary of any man that utilizes dread tactics that are creating more disharmony and anxiety than excitement and joy. As individuals going out into the world dating men, women should be critical and suspicious of unnecessary and childish games. Any man that tries to undermine your happiness, make you feel insecure deliberately, or is unreliable and does not keep his word should immediately be removed from your life.

First, there is passive dread. You can think of it as a constant energy field that emanates from a man, regardless of what he's doing. This type of dread is created by his appearance, reputation, professional rank, social status. A woman can look at an extremely attractive man and feel this latent dread. Second there is active dread. This is created by the man's behaviors and actions. How a man talks, what he does, how he reacts, the boundaries and rules he operates by and demands that others obey.

It is also true that women can and do dread men. This is why they accumulate orbiters, and how they can pussy whip men. Active dread is not something anyone in this community should be using. Femininity, kindness, looking attractive, intelligence, capability, and social skills can all fall under either passive or active dread. It's really all about how a woman uses them.

Now to define exactly what dread is. Dread can make a woman feel fearful, unsteady insecure and worried. This is the negative side of dread that some men wield as a weapon. Dread can also influence a woman to do her best, be attentive, and encourage her respect.

The problem is that too much dread will break a woman, or at the very least make her unpredictable. When animals perceive a threat they will react strongly. Fight or flight kicks in. Some women will run, others will turn into uncontrollable monsters. An unhappy woman will shit test constantly and have extreme AWALT behaviors.

There is also positive dread. Meaning that the man does not emphasize potential consequences, withhold comfort, or play stupid mind games. He has healthy boundaries that are firm but fair. A woman that is attracted to her man, sees how great he is, and respects him; will feel this positive dread. It is a motivator. The woman is happy and grateful, she wishes to do her best and remain loyal be a use she loves him and doesn't want to lose what they have together. She feels very lucky to have him, and there is a sense of "how in the world did I end up with a man of his caliber?" Whether real or imagined, she thinks of him as her superior. Not in a dictator, or slave owner sense. It's a positive emotion, with an element of awe to it. This does not make her stupid or useless, it is not the same as anything you see in kink or BDSM. She simply admires and treasures him, and does her best to be her best for him.

Players often rely on negative dread and they consider it a positive if their plates are 'unbalanced'. That may work for the short term, but negative dread will rot a relationship from from the inside out. Players often have to switch out old plates for new ones as a result of this. Negative and active dread will include such things as negging, going silent or ignoring you entirely either in person or over the phone. If you are out with a man and he is clearly entertaining the attentions of other women in a flirtatious manner, your alarms should go off. Active dread tactics can be very exciting and increase a woman's sense of desire and drama over the short term. This makes them excellent tools for plate spinning and flings, but those same tactics become insufferable and damaging in a committed relationship.

Dread is not a universal tool that is necessary for every relationship. Some women are simply not capable of dealing with much dread. It scares or breaks them. Other women need a very masculine man that is very dominant. The only thing that defines 'correct' dread, is the stability and happiness of the couple. Persistent unhappiness therefore, is an indicative of a possible dread imbalance. This doesn't mean the woman is without fault and doing everything right. It only means that the dread tactics being used are not leading to the results the man wants. Dread that doesn't translate to desirable outcomes is flawed, and not useful.

The balance and forms of dread that create a stable relationship will depend entirely on the couple. What works for some, would be very destructive for others.

Dread is an advanced concept, and men have to first understand the female RP sexual strategy, be completely done with the anger phase, have a desire to lead and protect a good woman, understand the difference between shit tests and comfort tests, and have the maturity and patience to carefully calibrate his techniques and approach based on the reactions of a woman. Being a leader is no small thing, and it requires many skills. Too many men treat it as a battering ram when really it is a scalpel.

Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of this community and every individual woman to understand, be watchful, and figure out what does and does not work for her personally.