Pretty much every woman I know puts tremendous effort into looking good, and taking care of herself whether it’s for the purposes of attracting partners or just for the sake of feeling good and confident. It’s fun sometimes, but it’s really a lot of effort!

Meanwhile, I really don’t see many guys doing the same. Honestly, I feel like there are a lot of simple things one can do to look more physically attractive, if you just take some time to figure it out. Is it because it’s more fun for dudes to play video games rather than learn what hairstyles are most flattering? Is it because there isn’t any advice for guys who want to learn to groom themselves? I’m unsure of what’s stopping them.

I do have a lovely partner, and one of the things that attracted me to him was his sense of style. I’m constantly impressed by his ability to know what suits him and what styles of clothing he likes/dislikes. It’s attractive. (Of course that’s not the only thing I like about him, but naturally it makes me want to sleep with him more than someone who doesn’t care to look nice.)

And I guess for this reason, I always find it strange when guys complain about women having more options. Like obviously we do, while growing up we are literally taught by society how to be attractive to men, how to look sexy etc. If men were to do all that maybe they’d be the ones getting chased more often.