This is a blog post I am developing, please let me know your thoughts so I can improve it:

Men can interact with women using one of two sets of rules: nature’s rules or society’s rules.

Under nature’s rules men have one primary evolutionary goal: to impregnate as many different women as possible. That is why biologically men have a strong short term sex drive and they seek to move on to the next women after each sexual conquest.

Women, on the other hand, seek an alpha male under nature’s rules. The alpha male is the most healthy, strong male in the pack and he also has the ability to kick the other male’s asses. Because he is the physically dominant specimen, the other apes obey the alpha male and the alpha male also the most access to resources (i.e., food).

Under nature’s rules, you will see, both men and women tend towards non-monogamy. Men seek as many different sexual partners as possible. Women seek only one sexual partner, but that partner will change depending on who is the alpha in the pack. Allowing nature’s rules to run their course will result in one alpha male having access to all of the women in the tribe, while the other males scrounge for leftovers and look forward to the day when they knock the alpha off of his pedestal.

As human societies evolved, men and women quickly realized that living under nature’s rules would produce horrible results for human beings. There are 2 main reasons for this:

1) Even though nature has instilled in us strong forces compelling us towards non-monogamy, human beings also have an overwhelming tendency to get attached to other humans, unlike apes. Allowing men to cycle through women and women to change men whenever the alpha changes is going to cause a plethora of unhappy men and women.

2) There are no true alpha males in human societies. Let’s talk about #2. When I say there are no true alpha males in human societies, what I mean to say is that it is very rare for all the biological characteristics that women look for in an alpha male to come together in one man at the same time. It is very rare for one man to both be the healthiest, physically strongest, most dominant, best looking and richest man in the tribe (in addition to having the other qualities women look for human men – compassion, intelligence, work ethic, etc…). Some men will be rich but will be old and frail physically and thus unattractive. Other men will be healthy and physically strong but poor financially. The closest thing human societies have ever produced to an “alpha male” is a king or a President but even a king may be ugly or physically frail. It’s interesting that in the Bible the pharoah’s wife (remember, the pharaoh was the most powerful person in the world at that time) tried to fuck Joseph because he was “well-built and handsome.”

Another reason there are no true alpha males in human societies is that being an alpha male is just as much how you act as what you are. The alpha male in an ape society does not supplicate to women, in fact, he barely acknowledges they exist. He only fucks them and gives them a banana every once in a while. Women are biologically wired to seek this behavior in men because their genetics think that a man that acts like that must be an alpha male. But in human societies, no true man that is interested in a woman is going to be able to act like an alpha male all the time (unless of course, he really is not interested in her whatsoever).

Because there are no true alpha males in human societies, relationships in human societies would become a shitshow if they were conducted under nature’s rules. Because one human man can rarely embody all the characteristics of an alpha male at once, or be able to sustain the behavior of an alpha male over an extended period of time, women would be attracted to men for a temporary period of time and then quickly move on when another alpha male catches her eye (add to this complexity all the other factors that attract people in human society – intelligence, money, social standing, security, all things that constantly change). This would cause unhappiness on all sides – men would be unhappy because they would form emotional attachments with women who would then leave them for other men when they stopped looking and acting alpha enough. Women would be unhappy because they would constantly find themselves trapped in relationships with men they are no longer attracted to and they would die alone, leaving a broken path of temporary flings, confusion, and bitterness. Another negative consequence of living by nature’s rules is that all the women in society would congregate to the few men that most closely embodied the characteristics of an alpha male. While most men would be left with no women, the king or the basketball player or the billionaire would have a line at woman at his door. Of course, like men, these women would form emotional attachments to the alpha male they are attracted to, only to be rebuffed and made to feel like shit when the alpha male moved on to his next sexual conquest.

Both men and women behave badly under nature’s rules, but I would argue that women’s behavior is worse. Men have sex with lots of women under nature’s rules, but men understand the source of their philandering and can still focus their primary emotions on the one woman they really care about. Women, on the other hand, have their primary emotions guided by their desire for an alpha male so they will trick themselves and the man that they are totally in love with one man, only to switch gears suddenly when another alpha male appears.
Because nature’s rules produce horrible outcomes for both men and women, society (and by society, I mean men and women) decided to create a set of rules to protect men and women (but primarily women). These rules are various, but they all basically go like this: they require the man to supplicate to the woman somehow (buy her things, perform a ritual for her, etc…) and they require the woman to pledge her loyalty to the man. They require a man to supplicate to the woman to prove that he is not just an alpha male seeking to fuck her and then move on to the next one. In fact, by requiring the man to supplicate to the woman they are forcing him to give up some of his alphaness so that they reduce the temptation for the woman to run off with the alpha male. The mentality behind forcing men to supplicate is this: “we think women’s desire to be with the alpha male is a harmful thing, so we force all men to supplicate to women so that we will have no alpha males in our society, and women can choose the man that is best for them based on logic, not emotion.”

Society’s rules also require a woman to pledge her loyalty to the man so that she doesn’t run off with the next alpha male he sees just because he has a nicer car or whatever. And both of these rules were RIGIDLY enforced, sometimes with the penalty of death as punishment.

Here is an example: men have to pay for dinner when they take the woman on a date. Now, we all know that biologically women have no inherent need for a man to buy them dinner before they agree to have sex with them. In fact, we have all had sex with a woman we just met and didn’t buy anything for. But society imposed this rule on men so that women didn’t run off with the first alpha male that caught their eye. Rather, women would end up being with the man who actually cared for them enough to buy them dinner.

The pinnacle of society’s rules is marriage. Marriage is a contract that forces the man to repress his urge to have sex with everything that moves, and forces the woman to repress her desire for the latest and greatest alpha male. To ease the difficulty of this repression, under the rules of marriage the man was allowed to have sex with his wife whenever he wanted. Society’s rules would also give the man the power in the relationship so that the woman would have a small-scale alpha male in her relationship.

However, now society’s rules are crumbling and nature’s rules are taking over. Whereas before women wouldn’t have sex with a guy unless he bought them dinner, now more and more women will have sex with a guy they just met. Jay-Z fucks a lot of groupies and he isn’t buying them all dinner. Women are back to chasing the biggest and baddest alpha male, which is a fruitless prospect because, as we noted earlier, there are no true alpha males in our society.

Worst of all, men who stick to society’s rules are finding themselves at a disadvantage. Whereas before, men would supplicate and reduce their alphaness now men who reduce their alphaness are only opening the door for the men who continue to act like alphas to have sex with women.