Dear ladies,

I have a pretty great relationship. We just moved in together. The only "problem" sometimes is my higher sex drive. For a long while, I thought the solution to this was basically letting him know any second I got that I was always ready to have sex and would pout and whine whenever he wasn't in the mood. Probably the most emasculating thing I could do. This wasn't working, why wouldn't I try something different?

Anyways, I didn't think I could get anymore feminine than I already was but I realized some things I wasn't really happy with and decided to change them and I'm oh so happy I have, because I already see changes.

For example, my boyfriend works from morning until until 7pm and if it were left to him I don't think he would have the energy to cook a quality meal. But, I was rarely cooking even though I had much more time as a student who was home a lot. When I did cook, I would ask him to do the dishes a lot because well, I cooked and that was supposed to be fair game, right? Wrong. While sometimes I think I'll allow him to if I'm ever cooking for a large group and it's a weekend, I've been down right refusing lately when I realized it probably sucks to work 10 hours and then have to do dishes because I claimed to be so worn out from the dinner I just cooked.

Then, while I never considered myself to dress frumpily in any sense, I wasn't wearing my very cutesy-sexy pajamas as much either. I decided to start doing that too these past few days. And looking good at home, because him seeing me at my best was something I realized was more important than presenting myself to strangers at my best. I put some mascara on, some cute and sexy things on and cooked dinner that was new, delicious, and super fresh. Nothing frozen, nothing pre-made. He asked if he could do anything and I ordered him to go relax and not worry about it each and every time.

When he asked if he should bring anything to cook from the grocery store the other day, I told him to bring an empty stomach and flowers never hurt. I think he's been slightly confused but very much enjoying it and him buying me flowers and coming home to a cooked meal while I'm looking sexy has done something. I think he feels like a man and I feel like his woman. On top of all this, I experimented by absolutely stopping to push sex. Don't get me wrong, I was flirty and suggestive,I hinted at it..but then went about my business walking in my cutest home outfits and acting like I couldn't be bothered and enjoying touch without anticipating sex. I realized we must have both been on edge every time he touched me because I was watching him like a hawk to see if he would initiated. Horrible. I just let us touch without turning into something sexual immediately.

He has initiated way more than usual just this past week. He usually is the opposite of me in that when he is tired or stressed from work, his libido shuts down and he also needs more days than I do to "recharge" and be horny again. But despite him being obviously tired and it just being a day since we last had sex each time..he has initiated quite a lot and very enthusiastically. And more in control. I'm loving this. I'm excited that even small changes could improve an already great relationship in such a short amount of time.

I thought I would share my little story and I'm looking forward to being a part of this little sub of women who know what they're doing.