A fundamental priciple of Feminism has always been the ownership a woman has over her sexuality. While feminist opinion is split on a subject like prostitution (a woman should do whatever she wants vs but men are dicks), public fem opinion is always anti-"slut shaming." They make no distinction accounting for motive, like a slut who fucks for approval vs a slut who really loves cock; a woman owns her pussy and can eternally use it in a judgment-free environment.

Male intent regarding sexuality is typically more closely examined in the mainstream world. A male's intent for seduction, outside of the desire for a long term relationship, is universally reviled; his behavior and intent, before and after sex, are closely analyzed and judged.

He lied, he mis-represented himself, he said he "wants to meet the right person to settle-down with someday..." BUT WAS CLEARLY LYING BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT SEE ME AFTER THE LAME DUCK SEX WE HAD AND THE BILLION SHIT TESTS I RAN ON HIM WHILE GETTING PISS DRUNK, etc. Even if the man was lying about something- his marital status, his job, his education- whatever the situation was and whatever he said, he convinced the woman, in that moment, to want to fuck him.

Remember, a woman owns her sexuality- judgment free- so, in that moment, she wanted cock- big, hard, and fast- and her future interests shouldn't matter at all, right?

Having a conditional motive is, at its heart, dishonest. An unspoken "if and only if..." is the same as telling a lie (ie: "i'll fuck him if, and only if, he makes $250,000," "I'll fuck him if, and only if, he's interested in a relationship"). The girl here is behaving as though her interests are purely sexual while her sexual motive is conditional- her greater end is the next objective to be obtained (relationship status, access to wealth).

So while a man may inflate his status or lie about his intent, a woman may lie-by-omission and obscure her motive.

The woman owns her sexuality, we all agree she should, which makes her sexuality an end in itself. The woman becomes attracted to the man, sexually aroused, commits to sex, and enjoys it- this is how she chose to spend those moments of her life, and anything outside of that shouldn't be relevant. This idea is celebrated and cherished- those who try to shame her are ostracized- any mistakes made or misbehaviors are immediately forgiven...

The man and his end of the interaction are both deeply analyzed and judged, even if the man and the woman fully enjoyed each other from beginning to end. While this does not seem fair or logical, Feminists justify this by .. ...... t3tefa4ggwrg


EDIT: As a minor addendum, if the woman makes it clear pre-sex that she will only fuck if the man commits to a long term arrangement, or if some other condition is met, the man would be in the wrong for lying- the problem is when women are excused for having hidden agendas and men are highly scrutinized for the same behavior.