I've been thinking about this recently and was interested in getting some more opinions. I don't have any answers at this stage so my post is really just a question for discussion.

The question is: Consider a woman who acts in a way which we find distasteful or unpleasant (hypergamy, cock carouselling, lacking honor etc). Is this woman a bad person, or is she a victim of the inevitability of her nature and her circumstance?

Is the woman who branch swings from a beta to another partner who she deems more suitable a bad person who acts out of deliberate malice, or simply a victim to her biological and societal hypergamous programming?

Is a woman who rides the cock carousel a bad person, or did she simply know no better given that all of the messages which come to her in a feminized society geared towards her "getting hers" and "having it all", and she did not have the opportunity to be exposed to any other way of thinking?

To what extent do we ascribe the role of personal agency to a gender which is pre-programmed to be poor at logical deduction, critical decision making and introspection? Are women simply doomed to disappoint us by their nature, or is it only the "bad women" who act in ways we don't like?

Should we persecute these women, or feel sorry for them?