I feel like the PUA world is so far from TRP. Pua techniques are bullshit if you don't understand why they work (this is why trp exists I guess). Many people follow RSD but I really don't like them because everytime I watch a video I end up overthinking and procrastinating. And I guess it's like that for most people who watch endless yt videos and pua books. I've studied pua for like 3 months in the past and I ended up being a social robot and went negging every girl with no reason. I then found out trp and understood why every technique works.

In my opinion most of the pua techniques are made for people whose value is that low that they have to compensate somehow with alpha behavior so they start negging/pushing girls totally random and still get the girl attracted.

While if a muscular attractive guy does that, girls get offended and you will be seen as the unpleasant asshole (the bad asshole) (personal experience).

So my question is, does a high value man really has to study all that stuff to get laid? I feel like the only thing an attractive guy has to learn is holding frame, passing shit-tests and cocky and funny behavior. That's it. Everytime I acted like an asshole (too much push) the girls lost attraction towards me.