No need for a link, it's everywhere in the news. Just google it.

I find the symbolism quite awesome.

The iconic bull statue on Wall street was installed in 1989 as a symbol of "bull market": share prices rising, generalized optimism, prosperity for all... But the strongly masculine image never escaped anyone: the aggressive, strong, belligerent and unpredictable aspect of masculinity symbolized just as much in the muscles and horns of the beast as in its massive testicles that visiting women and beta males just love to fondle and take pictures of. It represents that same strong masculinity that is necessary to navigate in high finances: massive risks, massive rewards, massive losses, massive creation of wealth, massive destruction of resources.

So it was just fitting that at some point in our modern times, feminists/women would need to counteract the overly Masculine symbol by a Feminine one.

They just did. At the occasion of the International Women's Woe-is-me Day. And in the most splendid manner: by choosing the image of... a defiant little girl.

The combination of those two symbols is full of meaning. I love it.

First, apparently when women see Men as strong charging bulls, they see themselves as defiant little girls. Exactly as the red pill teaches. So next time you feel bad about having to force yourself to see women as children in order to Game efficiently, just remember the statue that feminists put on Wall Street: they see themselves as defiant little girls so why wouldn't you?

Second, the irony of the symbol didn't seem to have registered in the mind of those who put it there: what do you think would happen if a little girl would defiantly stand in the path of a massive charging bull? That's right. She would die on the spot in an absolutely horrid manner. It is likely that, in the last milliseconds of her short life, just before the sharp and strong horn - projected with fantastic kinetic energy by tons of muscles moving in a coordinate manner towards a single goal - eventually connect with her pale, young and fragile skin covering her soft belly, the young girl's defiant attitude would cede place to one of tragic fright. She might just have the time to form in her mind the distinct thought "I have made a terrible mistake. What was I thinking?" just before stupidly losing her precious life... The symbolism of it all just shows, as clearly as it was possible, how out-of-touch with reality feminist dogma is. But then, what would you expect from a little girl?

Lessons learned:

May you keep this image in your mind, my friends, to remind you always that:

  • Women can be seen as defiant little girls. They think so themselves.

  • Feminism is just little girls posturing, unconscious of how reality works. Don't break a sweat over it. Break a smile about the cuteness of it. While women take pleasure in massaging your big shiny balls.