The Number 1 Turn Off I Keep Hearing From Women 803 upvotes | July 24, 2019 | by Boo-urns1 ------------------------- I have talked to many women about men, and it is shocking how true red pill views are when the truth comes out. There is one trait I keep hearing time and time again from women of all types that causes them to break off from a man. INDECISIVENESS. Their man is indecisive and does not take charge of the situation. You don't decide where you're both eating for dinner enough times and she can't take it anymore. You don't decide on key life choices or what is best for the both of you, she dumps you for a man that takes charge of every situation he's in. She sees that you're not taking charge at work and are complaining to her about your indecisiveness. Be aware at all times of it. So remember, don't hesitate on saying what you're BOTH doing. Tell her where you're taking her to dinner and what time and how you're going to fuck her after. Tell her where you're both moving because of the awesome new job you got. If you don't understand her well enough to not have to ask her what she wants, it's already too late. So be decisive in everything you do in life. Women will be all over you for it. ------------------------- Archived from