Reddit CEO bans salary negotiations because women are poor negotiators. 838 upvotes | April 10, 2015 | by 0xdada ------------------------- If you had any doubt about the cynical opportunism of feminism, Ellen Pao (of recent false sexism lawsuit fame) has allegedly banned salary negotiations at the company she is CEO of (this one.) Third wave feminism is a totalitarian mindset, but that a company has staked out a policy saying "take it or leave it, because feminism" is the most Orwellian example I have seen so far. By banning salary negotiation, it necessarily means that she has a policy of paying everyone less than market rates, because market rates are _negotiated_. It's her company, she can do what she wants with it. But wow, just wow. This sub should seriously consider moving off reddit soon, as it is only a matter of time before the current CEO comes around to TRP for some kind of insane ideological symbolic act to make up for her humiliation. ------------------------- Archived from