Gaylubeoil's Introduction to Psychological Manipulation 674 upvotes | August 11, 2015 | by GayLubeOil ------------------------- Why do so many women repeat the phrase: _I'm a Strong Independent Woman_? Why is our media completely saturated with this phrase? More importantly who decided on the phrase. And finally, what is the propagation of the phrase meant to achieve? For something to be this widespread it has to be profitable, otherwise why spend the money to spread it? In fact, Strong Independent Women are very profitable. They buy large quantities of discretionary items, force betas to spend large sums of money, and reject financial restraint on principle of their manufactured _needs_. Strong Independent Women are worth it, not to the losers who date them, but definitely to the people who sell them shit. A more complex question is how do corporations condition women to be good consumers aka Strong Independent Women? The answer is psychological manipulation, but when a corporation does it, it's called marketing. A keystone of Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic theory is that human attitude, experience, and thought are largely influenced by irrational drives that are rooted in the unconscious. That's why modern advertising speaks directly to the unconscious rather than to logic. The implied message of this Mountain Dew advertisment [] is that the product bestows an irrational exuberance on those who drink it. Obviously, this an absurd claim for a sugary caffeinated beverage. However, advertising is so effective, especially with repeated exposure that Fatty Francis [] has fully internalized the message and made it part of his identity. The absurdity of Fatty Francis identifying with Mountain Dew is obvious to most people, but Strong Independent Women [] identifying with $500 purses is the same exact stupidity just with different objects and different idiots. Nevertheless, it is the cultural norm. The west is a society of Fatty Francises and Basic Bitches, precisely because of the power of the psychological manipulation that is advertising. It's easy for corporations to set cultural norms [] because western culture is a entirely produced by corporations. Every media product whether film, television show, song or news story was produced by one of six conglomerates []. People do what they think is normal and media exists to tell them what normal is. Twelve year old girls think Disney Channel behavior is normal. Young adults believe romantic comedies constitute normal. Plenty of thirty and forty year old women think Sex and the City [] is normal behavior. Normal is whatever corporations say it is and if they say buying a $500 Channel purse is normal than its normal. Transvestites weren't considered normal until Bruce Jenner was Photoshopped to look more womanesque [] on Vanity Fair [] and placed in every super market checkout stand in the country. Homosexuals weren't widely accepted by the public as normal until they started kissing on television screens to aww tracks [] in the early 2000's. In the west people do, say and think what the six corporations tell them to. Given the prevalence of psychological manipulation, isn't it time that the Alphas of TRP [] get in on the action? As much as being an imposing muscular asshole is satisfying, you can't exactly lead through fear and intimidation [] in 2015 like you could in the good old days of 2500 BC [], when men were men and women were war trophies. Psychological manipulation is the perfect tool for the modern era because while it has a proven track record of success, it's still poorly understood by the general public and virtually undetectable to the layman. This means you can mind-fuck shamelessly without worrying that people are going to catch on. Thus in an effort to transform the misogynist shitlords of Red Pill into psychologically manipulative shitlords, I the great Brolosopher GayLubeoil proudly present a few of my favorite tactics. PRIMING: Tired of dry frizzy hair? Have you always wanted bright white teeth? How about leak-proof tampons []? A common tactic of advertisers is to put people into an insecure needy state and then quickly offer a solution. Whenever Republicans talk about September 11th [] they're trying to make you a fearful bitch, so you'll be chill with the NSA ass-raping your constitutional rights. The theory behind priming [] is that exposing a person to one stimulus will influence their response to another, as long as their is an easy relationship between the two. The best emotions to prime with are the strong ones like fear, hatred, and pride. If you're trying to prime your wife to workout with you, talk about how much prettier her sister would be if she wasn't chubs, so she'll become fearful of becoming chubs herself. Prime your girlfriend into getting sodomized by talking about birth control failure rates []. Prime college freshmen into becoming feminists by talking about date rape, abuse and GHB []. The choice is yours! Priming is an excellent introduction to the world of psychological manipulation because its one of the simpler tactics to perform. Try priming first, before graduating to grander levels of mind-fuck. PATTERN INTERRUPT: While priming is used to create states and associations, pattern interrupts are used to terminate and disrupt them. There are several methods that are used to this effect. Rhythmic beats, flashing lights, [] and the repetition of simple mantras are used to disrupt thought and increase conformity []. NLP [] practitioners swish [] their hands in front of people's faces to disrupt their eye cues [], in order to prevent them from accessing negative memories and associations. It is also possible to achieve a pattern interrupt by jostling or moving a person unexpectedly. For example, whenever my personal training clients look like they're ready to quit after a particularly difficult set, I quickly disrupt their negative thought pattern before it is initiated. I might pull them and say that I saved them from getting bumped by another gym patron. I might brush a non existent thing off their shoulder or I'll direct their attention to something distracting like an ass in tight yoga pants []. Once their attention is diverted from the negative, I'll refocus it on something positive by asking about that funny story they never finished or that cool thing they never got done explaining. Then I'll interrupt them again and tell them to finish their final set of squats. Another application of this method is twirling a club slut before she can say: "I have a boyfriend." A prerequisite for this tactic is being the kind of dude who can touch people without coming across as weird. EMBEDDED COMMANDS: People generally don't like being told what to do and have a natural inclination to resist direct commands. One way to bypass this cognitive defense mechanism is to embed commands within a larger statement or question. This is done by delivering the sentence as normal while delivering the command portion with a command tone and without inflection. Here are a few examples: * Do you think _guns cause violence_? (a progressive favorite) * You can _talk to me_ when you're ready. * When _you feel like buying_, just give me a call. Since it's inception on Reddit, the Red Pill has been accused of teaching men how to psychologically manipulate women. However up until now, no one has ever written a Psychological Manipulation Guide. As a Shitlord pioneer, my hope is that together we Red Pill men can take our shitlording to ever greater highs. My dream is that with time, the Red Pill will grow to offer a high quality buffet of shitlording that satisfies every misogynist's taste. I know that the laws are stacked against us. But the feminists can never defeat us, because we have biotruth on our side! If you are interested in GayLubeOil souvenirs [] after reading me for all these years Grab a quality American Apparel GLO Shirt [] for $19 ------------------------- Archived from