How redpill changed my life 681 upvotes | March 22, 2017 | by pk3348 ------------------------- hello TRP, I want to start by saying thank you for everything. all these changes in my lifestyle and habits are all due to you guys. I first discovered TRP when I was starting NoFap. I began reading the current top posts and thought they were made up stories, but i kept on reading - maybe out of envy. I told some of my bp friends about trp, and they all told me that the people on trp are "cringy" and "try-hards." being the idiot that i was, i took my friend's advice. However, i didn't stop reading trp. the more and more i read, the more it made sense to me. I was a chubby asian guy with some serious posture problems, not to mention my terrible shyness. I began counting calories daily and did simple exercises like jogging, push-ups, the exercises that can be done without spending money. about 6 months in, i had dropped around 40 pounds, and the outline of my abs started showing. My boobs developed a solid form, and I wasn't huffing when i climbed a flight of stairs. I was so happy because i've been chubby and unhealthy my entire life. I read books that were recommended (robert green's mastery, 48 laws of power, the alchemist, ect.) But despite the physical changes, I was still terribly shy. I couldn't look at people in the eyes, and often looked away if someone made eye contact with me. But i wasn't about to give up. I began looking at my own eyes in the mirror, then stared at the eyes of youtubers on vlog videos. After a while, i was able to hold conversations while looking ay my parents' eyes, then my friends, then strangers. When people talked about people conveying emotions in movies, i could never see what they were talking about. but now when i watch movies or shows i can look at the actors' faces and see the emotion. It was amazing. Redpill, you gave me the guideline to improve myself, and I took it. From the bottom of my heart, i want to thank you. I have friends who care about me now, and I smile every day. none of this would have been possible if it weren't for you guys. Edit: wow, thank you for the gold! ------------------------- Archived from