Stop being a martyr and learn to be selfish 908 upvotes | May 24, 2017 | by hawkeaglejesus ------------------------- One of the defining characteristics of man is his predilection for sacrifice. A man is expected to go off to war to die or get maimed, while the men at home pay more taxes so that women can have free birth control and raise college tuition rates due to Title IX. But why do this? Why put in more effort when it doesn't benefit you in any way? Pulling on this thread is the key to finding the blue pill conditioning inside you. ------------------------- Delayed gratification; holding off on immediate reward to receive more reward later. This idea has to be planted into the psyche of child and nurtured over many years until a man's entire identity is ego-invested into his ability to sacrifice for the "greater good". Like a pavlovian dog you're conditioned to do certain things using covert contracts. * Eat your veggies and you'll get two scoops of ice cream for dessert instead of one. * Charge grandma $10 to rake the leaves, or do it for free because you know she'll slip a $20 in your coat pocket when you're not looking. * Be a good boy and Santa will bring you gifts. Be a good man and you will be given entrance to heaven. That is the essence of chivalry. You do not explicitly ask for a reward, because you've been conditioned to expect one as part of a covert contract. ------------------------- But therein lies the greatest hypocrisy of selflessness and martyrdom; it only works as long as the martyr expects a reward for his actions. The entire concept of karma is inherently a selfish ideology. You're not a good person for the sake of being good, you're investing in a pseudo-spiritual ponzi scheme and expect to "get out of it what you put into it", "what goes around comes around", and "good things come to those who wait." Islamists aren't blowing themselves up because they hate infidels, they're doing it for the 72 virgins. And while I admit sacrifice is a necessity, after all any great society would not be what it is without the sacrifice of men, it is ultimately a sisyphean task where each time you satisfy the existing list of demands a new list arises to take its place. Look no further than Feminism. ------------------------- The truth is, Game for women is learning how to manipulate that conditioned response to their benefit. Just as Pavlov could get his dog to salivate even when there was no food present, women are able to get men to sacrifice even when there is no longer any reward. Like a ponzi scheme women have figured out how to take advantage of this. Ask for large upfront investments, kick off a few small returns, and keep the investor hooked with promises that a big pay off is coming, but it never does. A Beta orbiter will spend hours listening to his oneitis talk about the guys she's fucking, drive an hour to give her a ride home from the bar, hold her hair while she vomits, and spend what little money he has on gifts and all she has to do is say, "You're such an amazing guy. Why can't the guys I date be just like you?" And that little burst of hope and validation, being told you're a "good guy", is all it takes to perpetuate more investment. She'll recognize his sacrifices eventually right? If he's the hard working ant while the grasshopper is fucking the girl of his dreams, surely he'll get his reward soon... ------------------------- But the reason you're here today is because you realized this is a lie. Like a restaurant which brings customers their food first with the expectation of payment later, you've seen far too many women simply run out on the bill. ------------------------- Which is why I advocate being selfish asshole. To me, the definition of asshole used to be someone who goes out of their way to make the lives of others worse. But that is not the definition that women hold. To women an asshole is simply a man who refuses to get with the program. A man who refuses to be a martyr because he knows there is no reward waiting for him on the other side. A "normal" man is expected to give away his work for free and _hope_ that payment will come. An asshole says "fuck you, pay me." Society (women) will tell you to "Do the right thing" and you have to ask "Why?" Why is it that 99% of the time the "right thing" is one where you benefit and I don't? Because the only thing they have to offer in return is validation. You give them what they want and in return you're given permission to call yourself a "good man." Guilt and shame are their weapons. The implication that by refusing to go along with their emotional manipulations it means you're a bad person. Martin Luther caught on to this scam 500 years ago when the Catholic Church took your soul hostage and offered to sell it back to you. Advertisers and women are just as savvy. Why shop at Starbucks and Whole Foods? Because we'll give away .0001% of our profits to charity and that means you're a "good" person for giving us your money. ------------------------- Be a "bad" man. Be an asshole. Because assholes have committed the dastardly crime of defining their own self worth instead of buying small chunks of it at a time from the women who have assumed ownership of it. When an asshole sees a girl he thinks, "She seems cute. I'll go over and talk to her and if she's interesting I'll ask for her number." Instead of "Oh no! I'm objectifying a woman's value based on her appearance. But because I didn't actually go over to harass her with my presence that means I'm still allowed to call myself a good guy unlike that asshole over there. Thank you Feminist overlords!" ------------------------- Archived from