Don't wait for the New Year 720 upvotes | January 1, 2018 | by Snufek ------------------------- That's a pattern. You will change, just not today. Today you cut yourself some slack, because you will start tommorow. Except you won't. Who the fuck are you kidding? If it was important enough you would do it today. Instead you just throw empty promises around to feel better about yourself. You don't want it bad enough. It shows. There're still some hours left in the day. There's still time to lift, to pick up the damned book or put in some work. And for god's sake, it's not only about the New Year's Resolutions. It's about life. Each day, you let those hours slip like it's nothing. Because you think there's still much time. For now, there is. But one day, you will wake up being obese, stuck in a horrible job and without any hope for the future. You will stare blankly at the ceiling as you hit snooze for the third time, hating your life. Who will you blame then? Don't start today, because it's a New Year. Fuck the New Year. Start today, because it is today. Because it's NOW. And NOW is the only good time to start something, if it is really important. ------------------------- Archived from