Leg day ruined by just one female. 1311 upvotes | May 11, 2018 | by [deleted] ------------------------- It's a long story, but worth a read, lots of wtf moments. Went to the gym tonight. As I was passing a new couple the woman was staring at me hardcore. After I passed by, I heard her tell her boyfriend "He looks ridiculous.". I ignored it and grabbed a rack. A little about her: She's overweight with absolutely no curves, egg mode. Probably hasn't washed or brushed her hair in weeks. Legging read "PINK" all over them. Was warming up on squats, I glance over... she's obviously talking about me to her boyfriend. I finish my set and turn down the volume on my headphones. Listening... I can overhear saying to her boyfriend "you should say something. You need to say something". A little argument ensues between them saying he doesn't want to bother me. I'm still warming up, approaching about 65% of my 1rm where I'll increase 5% for singles from 60-80%. I focus on tightness and pause them. I'm running 8 sets of 3. Still have my headphones on, can hear her bitching on and on about my hideous form and how I'm going to hurt myself just doing a single squat. I've been powerlifting for 9 years with no major injuries. I'm running weights that I can absolutely rep for 8-20 reps if I wanted to. I do my first working set and she comes over, flailing her arms about and rude as shit tells me "you need to take some weight off it's way too much for you". I roll my eyes and tell her "Thank you for your concern, have a good day." And slip my headphones back on. She hesitates, staring at me before storming off mad. She goes back to her boyfriend yelling "its unbelievable how he just ignored me like that don--- what are you doing? I told you I didn't want to do that exercise Anon." Her boyfriend mutters something I can't make out tail between his legs style. She yells again "Fine, whatever. Lighten the weight you can't lift more than me, I already told you." He complies (what the fuck). She's over there talking shit the whole time to him, emasculating him word by word, second by second. She says some shit to him like "You should thank me for coming, I would have just been at home eating pizza or something". Jesus christ. She's been watching me the whole time, I'm resting before set 5. I watch her walk away. I'm racking set 5, when there's her and the front desk guy right walking into the weight room. Front desk guy waves me over, I walk over and say "hello". Immediately he tells me "You need to control your weights." She's standing there with a shit eating grin. I tell him "I am controlling the weight" he tells me "well I was told you almost lost your balance with it" I start to say something back he cuts me off "take the weight off and collect your things and come talk to me upfront" I comply and head upfront, he tells me he needs me to sign a form saying why he kicked me from the gym and it's only for tonight, I refuse. I tell him "I've been lifting here for 5 years dude. I explained to him the weight was actually light and I was controlling it. Watch the cameras." He tells me "That wasn't the only issue, you attacked a gym member when she tried to correct you for the safety of yourself and everyone else" (what the fuck?) I explained to him what happened and how rude and vulgar she has been all night and I said like 5 words to her. He told me she felt threatened and now I'm making up lies about her and I need to leave before he calls the police. I leave without any words. Going tomorrow morning to talk to the gym owner, I am demanding that the front desk guy be fired for punishing me without investigation and threatening to call the police on polite and calm me. I am demanding that she be kicked from the gym for lying and disturbing other gym members. Plus her vulgar and rude behaviour. TL;DR Some girl ruins my leg day at the gym for no good reason. Gets me kicked from the gym ultimately. While simultaneously emasculating her boyfriend. There's a price to pay for all of this. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/50183