Turning her down 1016 upvotes | July 9, 2018 | by CMajorThe3rd ------------------------- I was informed of something very interesting by a plate yesterday (lets call her Akiko). She was laying in bed and I was rummaging through my fridge for something to eat after having a shower. I didn't feel like spending the afternoon with her - she had been hinting at going to see a movie together (I avoid almost any activity that could be described as a date with my plates once I get them spinning on less they start to fall off then a lunch date or a dinner might happen if me cooking at home isn't enough to stem their sway), I told her I had other plans. "What plans" she asks. "I have a meeting with a heavy Iron bar" I responded ..... ..... Silence ..... ..... "How about you help me with that secret mission of yours" (its a joke we share, making her cum from sex) she asks. ..... "Nagh, Im not the kind of man to skip his meetings" "ok mister, your loss" she says with optimism. ..... "You care more about yourself than you do getting pussy" she offers. It hit me hard hearing her say that, she was right. I do care more about myself than getting laid, and it feels fucking empowering. I drove her home, we made plans to catch up again in a few days time to work more on my mission and parted ways. * Never negotiate for sex. * Never concede who you are for her will when it doesnt server both of you. * Hold frame, even when you feel there is no need to. * You are the prize, at all times. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/51309