The young man’s guide for a simplistic way to finding his purpose and fulfilling it 736 upvotes | May 28, 2020 | by Metalgear222 ------------------------- I was recently PMed for advice by a young man frustrated by trying to implement the advice here, but finding himself stuck with the SAME defeated ATTITUDE. The complaints he made were all too familiar to the voice in my head 6 years ago when I began my journey into swallowing TRP: “How the fuck can I grow the fuck up man?” “I’ve been a bitch for too long” “I’m tired of letting life pass me by. I try everything, I workout 6 times a week, try not to watch porn, and try to educate myself daily on my goal. But still I lost my swag” “How the fuck do I believe in myself?” If this is resonating with you, don’t trip. There’s hope. Here’s my message to the struggling young man unknowing of his purpose: “I’m gonna give ya some medicine man but it ain’t gonna taste good. (RIP Patrice) First, I get where you’re coming from man, but this shit ain’t easy or everyone would do it. Second, It takes more than working out 6 days a week and trying not watching porn to live a fulfilled life (Read: applying a miniscule amount of what’s learned here). YOU STILL HAVE A SELF-DEFEATIST ATTITUDE. It’s no one's fault but your own. You are not a fucking victim. [] Take responsibility for where you are and know that you still have a fuck ton of work to do. And that’s okay. Third and most importantly, the lack of confidence you have in yourself and the reason you’re not fulfilled is because you’re living your life in a way that you’re not proud of. If you were truly working towards your goals and aspirations and getting closer each day you would be fulfilled. THE DESTINATION DOESN’T AND NEVER MATTERED. Read that again. It’s the _journey_ man. Once you get to the top, you’ll realize that it wasn’t enough to satisfy you either and you'll plot a new course to be fulfilled again. This time for an even more strenuous climb and higher peak. Raw confidence will grow when you truly respect your efforts to get to where you want to be. If you’re frustrated, it’s because you’re dicking around not putting forth the effort into getting where you want to be. It takes a metric FUCK TON of dedication, practice, and failure to make it. You’re half assing it and then wondering why you’re not satisfied. Cause you instinctively know you’re not giving it your all and wasting precious free time [] on time wasting activities. [] How can you respect yourself and your progress if deep down you know you’re not giving it your best shot? Again, this shit ain’t easy man. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, splash some freezing water on your face, and get fucking cranking. I mean forreal this time. Evaluate what you want and then make a list on how to get there, for as little or as many things as you aspire to. Then each and every fucking day you look at that list and ask yourself did you get closer by following your plan. And if you did, you’ll nod and feel fulfilled. If you did not, you will continually lack confidence and forever lose your swag. I know this ain’t what you want to hear and quite frankly I don’t give a shit. There should be a pit growing in your stomach by now; Unease as you read this. _Good_. That’s you being afraid of failure and afraid to give your all. Might just be easier to read this, feel good for 30 minutes, and change nothing right? NO. Fuck that and fuck you. Force yourself to do it, build momentum [], take all steps necessary every day by getting rid of time wasting activities and replacing them with actions that get you closer to your goal. Right now, close your eyes and picture the life you want. _Actually_ picture it. This should take 5 or more minutes to visualize. Write down what it looks like (IN INK ON PAPER) and then write down steps to get there. You are _lying_ to yourself if your internal dialogue is saying “you don’t know the steps to get there.” Throw that horseshit right out the window. Time is the most valuable commodity we have. You Fucking ready yet or wanna live a mediocre life drowning in unfulfillment? As you thinketh, so shall you be. What’s it gonna be brotha?" ------------------------- Archived from