
~ archived since 2018 ~


Summary: SJW's have an epic meltdown over an anti-PC event that took place at my university.

Hello Red Pill. This is my first post. This is an incredible community and i'm forever indebted to this subreddit for all of the knowledge that it has provided me. Now, on to the story at hand:

On April 25th, 2016, The University of Massachusetts Amherst hosted an event that was designed to be an informative, thought-provoking, and insightful discussion into the intricacies of political correctness and attempted to examine whether or not the culture of political correctness was getting out of hand. In response, a horde of angry, triggered SJW's showed up and chaos quickly ensued.

The SJW's wheelbarrowed out their most formidable warrior; a "girl" who has now involuntarily adopted the campus-wide nickname "Trigglypuff" (which stands for "Triggered Jigglypuff"). She was the main SJW protester during the event who caused the most disruptions during the lecture.

Here is another rare sighting of the infamous Trigglypuff.

This is an article that accurately summarizes how the lecture unfolded. These are the highlights of the event, as portrayed by the article:


Students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst set a new high for hysteria Monday night at an event featuring Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Steven Crowder. .... The event was intended to be a forum and discussion about the use of political correctness on campus, but degenerated into a shouting match as protesters sought to drown out the speakers with cries of “hate speech” and, less imaginatively, “fuck you.”

In fact, I could barely hear the speakers because the SJW's were screaming incoherent nonsense the entire time.


One of the protesters took it upon herself to pass out literature expressing her concern for the “triggering” event, claiming the speakers “all demonstrate either that you don’t give a shit about people’s trauma and pain and think it’s funny to thrust people into states of panic and distress OR that you fundamentally do not understand what a trigger is, what it means to be triggered, and what a trigger warning is meant to prevent."

In addition, anyone who refused to take her flyer would be accused (by her and her fellow SJW cronies) of being "narrow-minded" and "bigoted".


Crowder also evoked the rage of the protesters, in his case by discussing the Qur'an, which inspired a female student wearing Islamic garb to demand, “Don’t speak on my behalf!”

"I didn’t speak on your behalf … I talked about the Qur'an", Crowder states incredulously. "I wasn’t there for the French Revolution, but I can talk about it."

Here we see a religious SJW using her religion as a method of attempting to silence discussion. How clever. /s

All in all, the event was constantly impeded by SJW hysteria and nothing productive came out of it. The events that took place during this lecture seem to provide further evidence to the notion that the typical SJW's weapon of choice is to ruthlessly adhere to their own hypocritical agenda, and when all else fails, spout ad-hominem attacks until their faces turn red (literally).

Also: Milo's reaction to the SJW's. You can also watch the full lecture here.

Lessons learned (TL:DR):

  • Social Justice Warriors/Ultra Feminists have no coherent method of logically debating conflicting points of interest and will usually resort to abrasive behavior in order to try and get their way.

Edit: Formatting

[–][deleted] 365 points366 points  (24 children) | Copy Link

Let me get this straight. There is a event that was to be a reasoned debate about whether political correctness and SJW antics have gotten out of hand. This debate is disrupted by SJWs because the people there were not being politically correct, and did not allow a debate or free speech. I would say the meeting was a raging success and proved the point admirably.

And to cap it, an SJW demands to know whether you understand what a trigger event is (something from the context of PTSD), demonstrating that she does not understand triggers, or PTSD, or indeed suffering. This is hilarious. If someone having a discussion puts her into a state of panic, it means she needs to go back to her parent's house and stay there until she has grown up enough to go out on her own. Simples

'I know what a narrow-minded bigot is, I'm looking at one'

[–]Fielder57132 points133 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Yup. The SJWs literally did all the work in turning people against their own cause. All the event planners needed to do was show up. It truly is beautiful.

[–][deleted] 78 points79 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Not to mention, this feminazi, claiming to be 'equal to men' and a 'strong, independent womyn' no doubt, says that she suffers from panic equivalent to PTSD if she so much as hears someone say something she disagrees with. How weak and pathetic can she be? So not equal to men, because it take a war zone, and traumatic experiences like holding your best buddies guts in with your hands to make a man have PTSD and be 'triggered', but she gets it from nothing at all. I don't think even a poor bastard that was raised by a feminist single mother is ever as weak as this bitch.

[–]CornyHoosier24 points25 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

As a bastard that was raised by a feminist single mother ... I've seen shit that would turn her white.

[–]OregonReloader6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

watched a motorcyclist die in his best friends arms a few days ago, dude flew out into a neighborhood itnersection and got ran over immediately.

Still don't have ptsd. I was the third on the scene sense it was 50 feet from my house.

This poor fucking girl, can't even imagine how she lives life if she's conviced that everything triggers her ptsd

[–]juliusstreicher0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Is it that hard to understand that she's a fucking lunatic, with Paranoid Schizophrenia????

[–]2 Senior Endorsed Contributorvengefully_yours46 points47 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I have ptsd, I didn't get it from muffins, nor did I get it from opinions I didn't like, I got it from severe beatings nearly every day for 8 years. It was made even more fun by the first war I was in back in 90-91.

Having some stupid cunt claim she has something similar from simple words she doesn't like it's hilariously laughable. I have guns all over my house, it's not because I'm afraid, it's a fucking compulsion. I get mad in public because I get tired from watching everyone and everything everywhere, so I avoid large crowds and busy places. I have triggers that include smells, anniversary dates, weather conditions, and body language. Fucking words? Bitch puhlease.

If that bitch has anything even close to what we live with, her wimpy candyass would never leave moms basement. Nobody gives two fucks if I get triggered, unless of course I beat the fuck out of some asshole who does it deliberately, then they care and I go to jail. Using what severely impacts my life as a way to shame others into treating her special? I would hope there is a hell waiting for that type of idiot, but I'm not holding my atheist breath.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

is like retards that moan about rape culture actually takes onus away from actual fucking rape victims. Fat bitches like her that moan about getting "triggered" completely takes away from people who actually might get triggered, which I Never even thought about until now. There must be millions of ex-army guys who could claim to get "triggered" legitimately, yet until now I have never heard one comment from that group.

[–]2 Senior Endorsed Contributorvengefully_yours5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah we adapt to the world target than demanding the world change to make us comfortable.

[–]cursed_altruist3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

This kinda has nothing to do with the actual thread, but I'm kinda just curious about your own experiences. You said your PTSD was made worse by the war you fought it, my question is; Would you still fight in the said war you mentioned knowing it would make your PTSD worse?

Edit: changed some grammar

[–]2 Senior Endorsed Contributorvengefully_yours4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, if I could go back to 19 years old, I'd do it all again, and more. Already had ptsd, so it actually made me more effective. I'd know how to control my anger if I did it again, and my life would be much less stressful. I rarely get mad now, used to be all the time, mostly because I didn't know there was anything different about me.

[–]flyercomet12 points13 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

When people look at this presidential primary season through the rearview mirror of history it will be compared with the 1972 elections. People are sick of being bullied by the SJW intersectional victimology that pervades the public sphere but are afraid to admit it. People will scratch their heads and say "No one I know voted for Nixon Trump".

[–]JxBk8DtOPc 21 points21 points [recovered] | Copy Link

These fools hone in on "cultural appropriation" so quickly because appropriating the suffering of others is their bread and butter. It's similar to how dishonest people tend to be better at spotting other liars.

[–]mcavvacm8 points9 points [recovered] (5 children) | Copy Link

Is that true?

No wonder I don't recognise it when people lie. (Assuming I have no further knowledge on subjects)

[–]skoobled7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You don't have to be a liar, but deception is a skill that can be learnt. All that's really required is to accept that people are but machines that process inputs. Manipulate the inputs correctly, receive the desired outputs

[–]Forcetobereckonedwit2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Scary how true this is. Thanks for putting it so succinctly.

[–]Namelessfear94 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Man this knowledge just blew my fucking mind. No wonder I can't spot a liar.

[–]icecow2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I can't phantom this. I find it hard to stomach going out because I recognize when I'm lied to and it's by almost everyone I cross paths with. Reality has turned in to a late-night shopping network. Honestly I even feel lied to when I walk in a store and they say 'Hi' because I know it's part of their job description.

I've also noticed there are swaths of millennials that are completely guileless and will laugh in each other's faces if warned they are about to be taken.

[–]icecow2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Please make an original post about 'cultural appropriation' and appropriating the suffering of others. That should be 101 for the informed man.

[–]icecow0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

These fools hone in on "cultural appropriation" so quickly because appropriating the suffering of others is their bread and butter. It's similar to how dishonest people tend to be better at spotting other liars.

One doesn't have to be dishonest to master spotting lies. It's an uncomfortable life though. 'Spot' is a funny word because it sounds like trying to find Waldo. Half the time someone opens their mouth they are lieing.

[–]Fulp_Piction0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

My dad has a saying: "Give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves".

[–]BananaHammie327 points328 points  (30 children) | Copy Link

Stop talking to us like we're children!

"I will when you stop acting like one"

Get some, bitch.

[–][deleted] 95 points96 points  (27 children) | Copy Link

She was yelling "Fuck you" earlier. Is that not hate speech?

[–]metallica1148 points49 points  (25 children) | Copy Link

Drop on the floor and convulse, citing the word is trigger and they did not provide adequate warning. Play at their own game.

[–][deleted] 43 points44 points  (24 children) | Copy Link

I think the best way is to treat it like a shit test: Ignore

[–]sigma27237 points38 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

That's exactly what it is. They do it conciously.They never apologize, always pressure flip, and ignore any opposition. Hate to admit it, but SJWs are better at holding frame than most men.

[–]bornredd58 points59 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

Screaming and throwing a tantrum is the opposite of holding frame. They stifle all discussion, but don't mistake it for frame holding. It's frame-breaking.

[–]ChadThundercockII22 points23 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Screaming and throwing a tantrum is the opposite of holding frame.

You don't get it. That's their frame now.

[–]Trpidation13 points14 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Not entirely true. That is their frame. For alphas to act that way it would be breaking frame, but for a bunch of sniveling pussyfarts it is their frame to piss and moan about everything that doesn't fit their wacky opinions. When their frame is challenged they hold it more. Their frame isn't one of composure, in contrast to that of the alpha, theirs is one of obscene, illogical, emotional aggression. And they're holding it very well.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You're absolutely right. I can't even imagine having my frame be one that is so completely delusional and egotistical. It's impossible for them to admit that they're wrong or have logical inconsistencies. Instead they just double down every time and scream more and scream louder. It's fucking unbelievable.

[–]sigma27218 points19 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Since they have managed to impose their frame on most of the Western world, I'd have to disagree.

[–]Fulp_Piction9 points10 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

The most successful seductions happen when the victims believe they are making the decisions.

[–]sigma2729 points10 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

My hypothesis is that there are much smarter people pulling the strings of this whole social justice movement. Something similar happened before the fall of the Roman Empire. But perhaps that's a discussion for another day.

[–]hectortamerofwhores0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I'm inclined to agree with you about the string-pulling concerning a lot of today's social movements, but didn't know something similar had happened preceding the fall of Rome. Could you give a little more detail?

[–]MelodyMyst4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

The frame that was broken was the event itself, and by extension, the people who organized ,promoted, and the guest speakers.

Screaming and shouting IS part of their frame. Whether you like it or not. They brought their frame and set it down right on top of the event. Owned it. Made it non-productive as per the OP's notes.

If the organizers were half as smart as they thought they were they would have had counter tactics prepared because, we have seen this frame of theirs time and time again.

If the event was disrupted by SJW's and that was their goal, they won. Their frame won.

[–]Lurker_IV4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nah. I watched the entire thing last night. The speakers are used to these tactics now. The protesters lost the game there. The speakers just kept on talking over them till the audience could hear what they had to say. There were a couple standing ovations for the speakers in the video.

[–]juliusstreicher-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is 100% correct. The SJW's controlled the event and it's outcome. This is horrible, but, it was effective.


[–]johnchapel6 points7 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I upvoted you, because a lot of these responders are missing your point completely.

[–]ChadThundercockII8 points9 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Because they think holding frame is being silent and highly stoic. This goes a long way showing that they do not understand frame. A child crying and jumping in front of his parents is setting a frame waiting his parents to fall into it.

[–]johnchapel2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Most people here don't know shit from gold, let alone what frame is. Most people here are still busy learning rules, thinking its never okay to break them.

[–]ChadThundercockII0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Rule 1: There are no rules.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

pressure flip? Is that when they change the subject when they are losing an argument?

[–]bluedrygrass0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

That's the opposite of frame, it's what females and childs do

[–]666Evo3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You don't understand the term "frame".
Everyone has a frame. Even children. The idea is to hold everyone within yours, not be sucked into theirs.
Frame isn't something you do, it's something you have.

[–]joseph_fuzzco_Jr0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"Hey, didn't I see you at the zoo yesterday? Who let you out of the elephant pen?

[–]ghebert0014 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

They only consider it hate speech when someone says something they disagree with. If they think the sky is purple and you correct them and tell them it's blue, they will cry hate speech.

[–]NaughtyFred0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

She also laid an sjw flat with

"Check your facts, and check your privilege"

Watch the whole video, very entertaining.

[–]watcher450 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Saying "fuck you" while waving her arms around. Thats the most exercise that trigglypuff has ever gotten, she looks winded.

[–][deleted] 121 points122 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

I just don't get it.. Back when I was in college if there was something going on that I wasn't interested in, like a feminist rally, I just wouldn't go.

I don't remember any large protests on campus back then, if it wasn't your thing people simply wouldn't go to it.

[–][deleted] 113 points113 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]OregonReloader8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

exactly this, its people taking internet culture into the real world. Its the equivalent of those woe is me Facebook posts, just IRL

[–]icecow0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The Rolling Stone mess and Matress Girl mess are two easy examples of that.

[–]Endorsed ContributorNiftyDolphin18 points19 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

It's entertainment. You have a socially acceptable scapegoat that you're allowed to rage and shout your vitriol at in a safe environment. Afterwards you go to a bar with your friends and exchange tales of your badassery over drinks.

[–]2Overkillengine20 points21 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."

-Robert E. Howard

[–]juliusstreicher6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yep; free entertainment, SJW omega all of a sudden has friends, can see chicks, gets a chance to run his mouth...what's not to love??

[–]icecow0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"socially acceptable scapegoat" is a phrase not used enough.

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

same here. And I graduated a mere 5 years ago.

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Internet man. We think sub's like this help men out, but the internet and social media as a whole has fucked us

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

strange that the ability to share your opinion with so many has made people think their opinions matter more than facts

[–]makeshift9810 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well, in real life when you open your mouth and say something retarded there is a good chance you will be mocked for it. On the internet you can just find your own little echo chamber and spew your bullshit till it reaches critical mass.

[–]KartagoPill197 points198 points  (74 children) | Copy Link

Damn Milo helps men, he's true warrior.

[–]Fielder57194 points195 points  (68 children) | Copy Link

It's scary when the best voice defending straight men is from a gay man, but i watched an interview with him and he said the reason for his defence of the straight man is he knows the next target in the SJW cross-hairs are gay men. That was 6 months ago, and so far he has been right.

OP. Thank you for the write up. It was interesting and good to see things from the opposite side for once. I wonder what will happen to triggerlypuff when she leaves education and goes into the real world. She is in for a shock!

[–]Gagnostopoulos36 points37 points  (65 children) | Copy Link

How could the SJW's go after gay men? That sounds pretty hypocritical, even for them. I'm not arguing, I'm just curious and asking you to elaborate.

[–]Endorsed ContributorClint_Redwood129 points130 points  (34 children) | Copy Link

Because the prerequisite for being a SJW is you have to be completely incapable of logical thought.

They are basically mindless parrots that weaponize their emotions for power talk. There targets and reasoning are never based off logic. They will attack everything till they stand at the top of the social hierarchy. They are narcissists to the core.

[–][deleted] 46 points47 points  (27 children) | Copy Link

I always have a tough time deciding if they're that evil or that oblivious because evil demands intellect, albeit a misguided one. I think society at some point should start looking at "highly emotional" people such as SJWs as mentally ill just like highly unemotional (psychopaths) people.

PS: Milo is the man.

[–]Endorsed ContributorClint_Redwood101 points102 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

They are totally oblivious, I feel pity for them more than anything, I'll just quote a comment I left another guy, his question was about parents losing their shit and using anger to justify their discipline of spanking kids, his exact question, "So if your mind isn't strong enough to use reason to instill what you want, you resort to force?"

Yes and no. Anger is a primal mechanism to keep your ass alive. Adrenaline spikes, heart rate rises and all none vital functions shut down, like digestion. Well, one of those functions deemed non-vital is also your frontal cortex, which is where rational thought comes from. Or ability to use language and abstract though only evolved in our species 50,000 years ago.

Go look at the thread on the main page about the "trigglypuff" flipping the fuck out at the political correctness discussion. It's basically an animal that's been backed into a corner and lashing out because it's perceiving a threat. No logic is used, all emotion. Now she isn't really backed into a corner, she's just to attached to her identity and is ego invested into a label, but it's the same thing. She feels personally attacked.

Emotion is derived from the mammalian brain, which is something all mammals share. You can see the same reactions and non-verbal communications in a wolf the same way you can a human. When you lose your shit you revert back to primal subsystem because your body literally shuts down your more advanced systems.

You say "if your mind isn't strong enough". I'd say, "If you can't control your emotions and remain stoic" then yes, you will revert back to more primal actions, which is usually force.

SJW are just people that can't disconnect their identity to a fictitious label. Most of them are just parrots that feel attacked so they lash out to defend. I'd say only the people like Anita Sarkeesian are self actualized to be deemed 'evil' and that's even a stretch. I think she's figured out how to game the system, but as far as doing it out of pure malice. I don't think she's rationally capable enough for that. Maybe instinctually, as all women are naturally Machiavellian but you don't get pissed at a wolf for acting like a wolf. It's only malice when it's driven by logical intent.

Most SJW are just pathetic human's with nothing really going for them. There is a reason they are all fat and unattractive. No one taught them how to harness their innate gifts. So they feel alienated just like a lot of guys here at TRP do or did. They are just looking for a way to fit in. Unfortunately they latch onto an extremely toxic and damaging ideology. Then they parrot it. Then when people with an actual ability to think for themselves comes along, they call them on their bullshit, they go defensive, fight or flight kicks in and it turns into an emotional power talk battle, which usually woman are amazing at.

If anything, i feel sorry for them. I might be a bit to much of an optimist but I believe the vast majority of people are all born with absolute potential. But somewhere along the way someone else fucks them up at no fault of their own. So they indulge in their own weaknesses they can't even see. They have no clear path or direction on how to rise above themselves. Forever trapped in mediocrity by influences that shaped them years ago. For us, we found TRP. It's our path to overcoming ourselves. For social justice warriors, radical feminists and victim mentality people, they are forever lost. Searching for the correct answer. Their human nature, ego and identity is the snare holding them back. For most, the snare is invisible, they are too caught up on the external to look internally of what is stiffing them. Ego and identity is a cruel twisted design of nature, it's great for pack mentality, horrible for the individual. Our culture has found a way to weaponize it. Societies, cultures, cults and religions are designed to distract your from the snare you can't even see.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Modern feminism is truly a master piece of social engineering. It's capitalizes on a lot of innate human weaknesses, weaponizes them and welds them to great effect.

[–]RP_Vergil10 points11 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Can't upvote this more than once is a crime. This is the clear reason why SJWs are SJWs. They forsaken their potential to try and "fit" in the society as Victims to claw on scrapes others dump away. They don't look inwards and are forever lashing their emotions around because it's the only way they know to get attention, much like a baby crying to get their parents attention.

SJWs choose not to outgrow this exact stage because society tells them it's ok, with "Fat Acceptance", "Racism", "Prejudice" and "Oppressive" as their weapons to use it against the rest of the population who are just trying to earn and live an honest life.

[–]Endorsed ContributorClint_Redwood9 points10 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

SJWs choose not to outgrow this exact stage because society tells them it's ok, with "Fat Acceptance", "Racism", "Prejudice" and "Oppressive" as their weapons to use it against the rest of the population who are just trying to earn and live an honest life.

The internet and feminist combined has rapidly accelerated the collapse of natural sexual dimorphism and the forcing of artificial androgyny which has created the shitstorm or society is in today.

But the internet has also allowed us to collectively mobilize and identify these pitfalls rapidly. It's been cited that other civilizations have fallen from similar social destruction. I'm skeptical to believe those claims cause citing and literature are hard to come by for ancient times. But if it's true, internet and how fast it accelerates knowledge might be the key to reversing this pitfall. Idk, i can't predict the future but it seems the pendulum is swinging back towards sanity before a total collapse of the society through the fucked up idea of trying to become an androgyny's species. People are starting to wake up. It all revolves around how educated the average person is.

[–]RP_Vergil2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

IMHO, humans will band together to fight against a Common enemy as seen in History with countries defending against invaders. With the current Globalization trend going on, it's diluting the boders we used to know and feel as a "Country".

The SJWs are as mentioned before, Weaponized Mobs against anything labelled as their enemies, from an Idea, to People, to Factions, to Sexual Orientation or to even simply existing.

It's like the world just need something to be always creating issues, Humans cannot cooperate to form a society which really works. If the Internet is going to allow our generation to pull through an era of SJW Fanaticism, I guess we'll be really stepping foot into a Brave new World.

[–]Endorsed ContributorClint_Redwood12 points13 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

It's like the world just need something to be always creating issues, Humans cannot cooperate to form a society which really works.

They can as long as there is an enemy. Look at any civilization that collapses. They collapse because their is no enemy. Human's are innately 'Us vs Them' mentality. We have been pack animals for over a million years. Once there is no enemy the society turns inwards and in group fighting occurs. Divisions slip and it reverts back to 'Us vs Them'. It happened to the Roman's, happened int 15th century Europe. Happened to The Mongols after Ghanghis died, It's happening now with nationalist vs multiculturalist. Progressive liberals vs conservatives. It's not a coincidence this shit started right after the USSR and cold war ended. We need an enemy or we fight ourselves. The best thing that could ever happen to this species is aliens come and we get scared shitless.

If there is no enemy, the only enemy left is us.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

I disagree with the presumption here that unintelligent and evil are mutually exclusive. In Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand in fact argues that evil isn't some intelligent malevolence, but rather the half-assed.

Which, if you apply it to the Blue Pill lifestyle of half-assing your way through life, getting fat, consuming media, and playing videogames ad nauseum, then it's pretty clear to see that we are all here to try and kill the evilest of laziness within us.

[–]Endorsed ContributorClint_Redwood14 points15 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

I disagree with the presumption here that unintelligent and evil are mutually exclusive.

Evil is entirely subjective and a moral construct from group mentality. There is no 'evil' as far as nature cares. Nazi's thought the jews where evil. Puritans thought witches where evil. SJW think we are evil. Some of us here think feminism is evil.

They are all just constructs built by your ideology. Take that principle to the extreme and you get a radical. Get enough radicals and you get really bad shit for a society. That's why we preach here to not attach yourself to a label, to an ideology or to a group. True happiness comes from within. It's built, you don't acquire it because you identify with something. At best you feel like you are a part of something bigger than yourself. At the individual level you are just wasting the finite time you have on this planet. At worst you can massacre 6 million.

Evil is just a societal illusion built by your upbringing.

[–]juliusstreicher0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I think that you are giving too much weight to morality as a social construct.

Some things ARE evil, objectively and universally. Murder, for example. IIRC, even some Murder, Inc people knew that they were doing wrong; they just overcame their consciences.

Yada, yada. Won't go into a debate, but, there is so much more.

At any rate, unintelligent and evil are, generally, mutually exclusive. Take 100 normal people, without evil socialization or psychosis, and you will come up with pretty much the same conclusion, if they are presented with all the facts.

[–]Endorsed ContributorClint_Redwood3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Murder is only evil because we are a pack animal. If our species was lone wolf in nature like a bear or moose then there is no evil. It's merely a result of the innate desire to work as a group. To protect this desire we call it morality and punish those who pose a threat to the group.

At any rate, unintelligent and evil are, generally, mutually exclusive.

Not always. psychopaths that are intelligent usually become highly successful individuals at the expense of others. Media just likes to portray them all as murderers and killers. Only low IQ psychopaths go that route.

[–]makeshift980 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Unless you're religious and think that that morality is set in stone by some higher power, then it is a social construct. The more prosperous and advanced a society becomes, the more leeway they have to expand freedoms and rights. If the world were to undergo some kind of nuclear holocaust, that morality would go right out the fucking window and we would revert to devour to survive.

[–]trumpisafaggybeta0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I wouldn't call it "just a" anything. What you're saying, while strictly true, is just a few broad strokes that precludes how important these judgments are for most people. At the end of the day, in practical day-to-day lives, it is absolutely necessary to stereotype and judge right/wrong, good/evil in order to reinforce your own values, spread them, and ultimately practice them.

If most of the men here didn't view feminism as a vile social construct that destroys a society from the inside-out, I doubt that we'd have most of the discussions we have here.

[–]Endorsed ContributorClint_Redwood0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

It has it's place, just be mindful of it and don't let it consume your identity. Personally I think spending more than 5% of your day on this stuff is a waste of time. Ya it's good to stay current with what is going on in your society, but every minute you spend is a minute wasted you could be doing something productive. I'll quote /u/IllimitableMan here from his last entry "The Sanctity of Time"

A man should not only avoid the dramatic, but likewise the low value. Average people are a drain because the average are mediocre, they have no thirst for greatness nor vision, and thus an aspirational man has not even the slightest hope of relating to them.

The average are fueled by triviality, but the great do all they can to avoid it. The reason it is so difficult to avoid the trivial is because the average are numerous, and triviality is their prime interest. To become great you must avoid triviality, and in order to achieve this you will find yourself becoming more elitist in your associations. As the standards you hold yourself to rise, so do your standards of others, those who no longer meet the bar must be left behind, lest they drag you back.

It's counterproductive for any man to spend to much time dwelling on morality or what is right and wrong if he has greater aspirations for himself. Intellectual psychopaths rise as high as they do because they don't dwell on trivialities of the masses. They understand the structure they are in, but they focus on their desires and not others.

The opposite end of this spectrum is SJW, radicals, extremists. They are so caught up in their ideology, promoting and growing it that they never develop themselves past whatever they become after high school or college. There is a reason you can see a lot of correlations between a radical and a teenager. They have been indoctrinated to push what they've been feed their entire life.

If most of the men here didn't view feminism as a vile social construct that destroys a society from the inside-out, I doubt that we'd have most of the discussions we have here.

I agree but it's also the double edge sword of TRP. It's great if you want to understand the masses and educate yourself on how to navigate this world. It's bad if you invest in the battle against feminism as your time spent vs return is practically nothing. Unless you aspire to become a guy like Milo. Which is something most of us will never achieve anyways.

Time management separates the successful from the mediocre. It's funny to laugh at the trigglypuff but you shouldn't be spending your entire day consuming it else you become it.

There is a reason you see endorsed guys eventually fade out of TRP. They've learned that their time is valuable and eventually TRP becomes something of a high investment, low return.

[–]RedMoonAscendant1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

In general you're pretty eloquent and literate, but please do learn the difference between "there" and "their" and you'll do yourself a great service. (Be sure you grok "they're" too, while you're at it)

[–]Endorsed ContributorClint_Redwood0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Ha, thanks, I know the difference i just don't proof my comments and write them on the fly. 'There' is one of my biggest writing flaws though, been working on it for years actually.

[–]flyercomet0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Those of use blessed with the fortune to go to Catholic Schools had grammar beaten into us with a yardstick. I can still diagram a sentence. Strong command of language is an immensely powerful tool and impeccable grammar makes it unassailable.

[–]Endorsed ContributorClint_Redwood0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes it has, it's called propaganda. It's just we've only had the past 90 years to mass deliver it and it's design to blind them. Not educate them. And since we are working towards globalization it's going to shock wave across every economy and society attached to the collapse.

It's not really a question of if? But when. History has yet to not repeat itself.

[–]Endorsed ContributorClint_Redwood0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

If there's one thing the Internet has taught me, nothing is unassailable.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I feel exactly the same way but I shudder to even think about the back lash of merely alluding, out of sheer compassion, to an SJW that there's something wrong with their brain and that they need help. You've correctly identified the deep root causes but unfortunately that only confirms the fact that no amount of logic or reasoning is going to convince them otherwise.

I come from a 3rd world Muslim country and I've seen, firsthand, the full potential of systematic brain washing of an entire generation. You think SJWs screaming at events is bad, wait till they start blowing shit up, literally. There is no limit to the amount of "abuse" a society "permits", once you start going down that road you're a gonner.

[–]icecow0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I might be a bit to much of an optimist but I believe the vast majority of people are all born with absolute potential. But somewhere along the way someone else fucks them up at no fault of their own. So they indulge in their own weaknesses they can't even see. They have no clear path or direction on how to rise above themselves. Forever trapped in mediocrity by influences that shaped them years ago.

This part crosses my mind time to time. I'm uncomfortable with it because I don't want to accept that there are fucked up sides of me that I will never change because they will always be invisible to me, and also others can't be helped.

[–]Senior Contributorexit_sandman16 points17 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I think society at some point should start looking at "highly emotional" people such as SJWs as mentally ill just like highly unemotional (psychopaths) people.

This may be tongue-in-cheek on your part, but actually I think you're pretty spot-on. It's not that SJWism is a mental illness, but there's a strong correlation between being one and being mentally unhinged or having a personality disorder.

Just check for feminism: Gloria Steinem, Jessica Valenti and Amanda Marcotte for example are narcissists, and Amanda Marcotte seems to be a psychopathic narcissist on top of that (for your reading pleasure). Zoe Quinn? Psychopath. Matress girl? BPD or whatever, definitely not normal. Then you have feminists who may not have a personality disorder, but have some sort of trauma in their life that broke them in some way (I'd wager that actual rape victims who had never seen justice served are overrepresented among feminists... which is understandable in some regard, but being traumatized doesn't contribute to your mental health or a balanced outlook on life). And then you have plenty of activists (in their eternal quest of laboring on behalf of the disadvantaged) who actually wear their brokenness as some badge of honor, as if being bipolar or depressive or a "rape survivor" was some quality that made them a superior human being.

[–]Modredpillschool6 points7 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Didn't we used to have a diagnosis for that? Hysteria?

[–]user_none2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

And what was thought to be the cure? Eww, I shudder at the thought of applying that to the majority of SJW(omen).

[–]Uptonogood1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Could it be, that all they need after all, is just a good dicking? And that old medicine knew it better in this regard? lol

[–]bluedrygrass7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

They're evil. They know full well what they're doing, albeit more at an inconscious level than anything.

If you pay attention, you'll see they attacks are all well defined.

They hate everything that's good, and that costs energies to build. They hate virtues. They hate order. They hate beauty. They hate abstracts values, superior ideals, and most of all, they hate responsibilities, working, self abnegation, fatigue.

Most of the things they hate, is because they don't have, and don't want to deal with the toughness of building them or self developing them up to those standards.

[–]1theoctopuss1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

There is a word for "highly emotional", it's called Borderline Personality Disorder.

[–]nodoxsavefreespeech 13 points13 points [recovered] | Copy Link

This and because most gay men probably aren't the flaming, ridiculously liberal types that feminism wants them to be.

[–]Lord_NShYH10 points11 points [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

It turns out that being fabulously wealthy often coincides with wanting to keep greedy leeches far away from your designer pockets.

[–]my_sfw_alias1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Does being overweight and a pink buzzcut come before or after?

[–]trumpisafaggybeta0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ah, the most relevant iteration of the "chicken or the egg" debate

[–]trumpisafaggybeta2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It seems like every single SJW I've met has some deep-seeded mental issues. Daddy/mommy issues, "depressed" (code for too fat/scrawny/lazy to change their life), bullied, etc.

They seriously are mindless parrots who make excuses in lieu of changing things in their life. Sackless and ineffectual at anything they do.

[–]kazaul0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Are you sure this is powertalk? To me, it sounds like emotionally laden posturetalk dressed up in a poor attempt to imitate actual powertalk. They are blind and ignorant to a fault. Hallmarks of a certain segment of society which speaks posturetalk.

Also, they never rise to the top of the social hierarchy. They rise to the top of what they perceive to be the hierarchy. In fact, they gain no true power, just bits which are handed to them to make them believe they have risen. They are being used by others.

I do agree their narcissists though.

[–][deleted] 36 points37 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

deleted What is this?

[–]Cashews4U11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

And they are usually more adept than straight men at how to handle bitchy behavior from a woman. They can play that game far better than straight men. I see it happen all the time

[–]bluedrygrass7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Excellent resume of the situation

[–]porkmaster26 points27 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

They already want to exclude gay guys from some college LGBT clubs for being "too privileged".

[–]DrScientist81220 points21 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

The ironic thing is that there have been laws against male homosexuality for thousands of years (see: The Bible and others) but there have been relatively few laws restricting female homosexuality.

[–]itsmehobnob8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That makes sense from a social control stand point. You can't have all the productive members of society having their needs met by each other. You need them competing for something by producing more than what they need.

[–]2niczar0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The ironic thing is that there have been laws against male homosexuality for thousands of years (see: The Bible and others) but there have been relatively few laws restricting female homosexuality.

Yeah that interesting tidbit was pointed out by Steven Pinker.

It's part of a larger mystery wrt homosexuality and society; you'd think that male homosexuality would be regarded favorably by heterosexual men as it leaves more women to them, and that female homosexuality would be frowned up by the patriarchy for the opposite reason.

[–]Stythe17 points18 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Their end goal is silencing opposition, not achieving equality, or some sage space. Look at their actions and you can see the agenda at play. Whoever is the most "minority" decide what is offensive. It's inevitable that the more "acceptence" they "achieve" the less minorities there are. As a result they have to exclude the lesser minorities.

Gay men are far more accepted now. They'll start getting hate soon. Eventually it'll be white women because despite being women, they aren't minorities or have white privilege or whatever. SJW's are like cocroaches. They invade and then push out the biggest ones to be killed by the human who finds them.

[–]Fetish_Goth 15 points15 points [recovered] | Copy Link

They have been for a while. They feel gay men are privileged. I'm happy that more and more gay men are rejecting feminism and SJW ideology. Feminists have tried to appropriate their suffering and use it to advance their movement. Feminists don't give a shit about gay guys.

I had some gay friends when I was younger and I remember it was a whole different world. Gay guys are better equipped to fight for and support men than almost anyone. They hold onto the few remaining male spaces left in the west. We should do everything we can to embrace them- at least the guys that haven't been poisoned by the SJW "queer" community.

[–]Senior Contributorexit_sandman7 points8 points [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

They hold onto the few remaining male spaces left in the west.

It's interesting that the only way to reliably preserve a male space without feminist blowback is pulling the sexual minority card.

[–]planned_serendipity13 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Gay men are "men" after all. Now that gays are pretty much equal in society the men part makes them part of the "patriarchy" and therefore despicable.

[–]onehonesttruth16 points17 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

How could the SJW's go after gay men? That sounds pretty hypocritical, even for them.

SJWs are obsessed by the view that sex = power, since white knights are so desperate for the little sex they get and they put women on a shrine - and female SJWs can actually use their offer of sex to hold power over them. That's why they find it so empowering.

It's also why SJWs are so obsessed about rape, because it removes them their power to chose who they have sex with, and thus their power to control their white knights.

Have you not noticed how white knights accused of rape get destroyed so much more harshly than alphas?

And so to answer your question: gay men have no interest in sex with female SJWs. Thus, they are absolutely immune to their "power of sex". Hence, they have no way of controlling them. The second gay men, such as Milo, do not feel like oppressed victims in need of feminism, SJWs will fear gay men's "patriarchal" superiority much more than any straight male with whom they can use sex to tame.

[–]Mithra90090 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Have you not noticed how white knights accused of rape get destroyed so much more harshly than alphas?

What? I've never heard of white knights being accused of rape. I've heard of non-alpha men being accused of rape but never white knights. Are there any famous examples?

[–]onehonesttruth0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Of course. Jian Ghomeshi, was a self-proclaimed feminist always defending viewpoints of feminist agendas and one of the most recognized voices on Canadian radio on the CBC (equivalent of UK's BBC) responsible for interviewing movie and music stars, was accused of "rape" by 13 post-wall women (mostly failed actresses). Only 3 charges were deemed credible enough to proceed by the police.

Nevertheless he was absolutely destroyed in the court of public opinion and got trashed on a national scale.

Turns out the 3 witnesses were all found to lie in court about what they remembered or what they did (one even admitting giving him a blowjob after the "rape" and another emailing him that she'd like to fuck his brains out after the "rape", and one emailing him bikini pictures despite claiming she never contacted him again because thinking about him would traumatize her.

So witnesses completely lost their credibility over their allegations dating back 10+ years, and he was acquitted.

It outraged the feminists so much that they openly admitted they didn't even want to read at the reasons for the verdict, and claimed once more that he's a rapist and that the justice system must be changed in favor of special courts because #believesurvivors and because justice system = patriarchal oppression and a FEMEN showing her breasts even crashed into the speaking podium during a press conference yelling "Ghomeshi! Guilty!"

Basically they completely lost their shit way more than if he hadn't been a white knight in the first place and more the stereotypical cis male scum they like to target.

Funny thing is it's not the 1st time Jian Ghomeshi was attacked for not being the white knight feminists thought he was - he was even suspected to be gay by a woman trying to take advantage of him as her orbiter and she created a huge drama blog post when she failed. She doesn't name him specifically but we all know she's talking about him.

[–]Mithra90090 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I see. I didn't know Jian was a genuine white knight though. I thought he just pretends to be one for the sake of his job. I also didn't know that the feminist backlash was extra strong against Jian since it seems like they're always just angry anyway.

[–]Fielder572 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

SJW's mental gymnastics allow them to see Gay white men as just as bad as 'Cis white men'. It was only a matter of time. Apparently gay white men now have privilege too.

A quick few examples -

[–]Endorsed Contributoralways-be-closing4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

How could the SJW's go after gay men?

Gay men now have:

  • Media legitimacy; Anderson Cooper is mainstream. The sass-culture, the bears, the twinks, etc. All of it is now accepted by society at large. They are no longer subversive.

  • Marriage; gay men can now become property owners of legal bondage to one another, have children (even genetic offspring), and engage in the socioeconomic system of the West as equals

  • Sex-Sexuality Linkage; "Gay" "Man" - - this is a man, with cock and balls, who likes other men. He is a known, defined quantity, and there are sharp divisions; straight men are not gay men, lesbians are not gay men (they have the same privileges now, too, but the additional Suffering Points of being Womyn), etc. They are a defined category, and an exclusive one.

All three of these features; acceptability, material success within and outside the family, and definitive identity, are anathema to the exaltation of victimhood.

The exaltation of that which is downtrodden, servile, slavish, lesser, weaker, subversive, unusual, in order to break that which is glorious, masterful, proud, greater, stronger, righteous, and traditional, is the fundamental mode of critical theory.

So, gays, especially gay men, especially white gay men with money and media presence, are actually no longer part of the SJW reality.

There are some people, particularly trans-activists who have seen this social market reality and are investing heavily in stakes (like bathroom laws) and waiting for everyone else to catch up.

But it's not a realized truth in the woe-is-me-marketplace yet, so there's ample opportunity for people like Milo to still be subversive, mischievous and unassailable advocates for men and masculinity with a Gay-Shield.

For now.

[–]tehwankingwalruses2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The new argument is gay men are privileged... somehow. Thats the beauty of it, you don't have to explain how.

[–]Apexk92 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

They grew up as losers with no friends constantly being rewarded by their parents like they are special so now they found a group of socially ostracized people that think the same and made a club.

They crave acceptance because they had no friends

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well, they could come up with a term equivalent to internalized misogyny. Now, if a woman doesn't agree with them she suffers from internalized misogyny. Similarly, they could say gay people who don't support X, suffer from internalized (insert bullshit)

[–]Endorsed ContributorrebuildingMyself2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Part of his strength lies in making the SJW hamster explode with his mere existence.

[–]Endorsed ContributorThotwrecker1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The same way that liberals try to shoehorn black people into boxes, and then get upset and ostracize those who don't conform to what their ideal. It starts as "how can you think that, you're voting against your own interests but you're just too dumb to realize it" as we see happening when black people voted largely for HRC instead of Bernie. They do the same with women who don't behave as they believe women should, and they do the same with gays who don't fit the box of what a gay person should be / what a gay person should think.

[–]CornyHoosier0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Because he is a man and/or white.

I'm a liberal man who has participated in breast cancer marathons, counter-protested pro-life protests, voted for women as judges and Congressional representatives, was raised by a single mother, have nothing but women in my family and legitimately have no problem with women having equal rights as men.

All that said, I've been called every sort of name in the book, from racist to misogynist to "fucking asshole". I'm told I am unable to empathize with women, need to be informed not to rape them and that I don't understand my own "privilege".

Side Note: I realize that most men on here are not liberal and I'm okay with that as I believe TRP transcends politics and is more focused on human nature. I've reevaluated my political ideas several times over the years and while they have changed slightly in some areas, I do still consider myself a liberal. Like most Americans I absolutely cannot stand the blatant squelching of speech and assembly, even by private citizens.

[–]skoobled0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

For sure they are the most "privileged" current progressive minority. There was a great article on this from DE recently but I've failed to find it. Long story short, as more minority victim groups are assimilated into the fold, it's only a matter of time before tension builds to a state where a group will be ejected. White, male, gay. That's two major privilege points. When that happens things could get really interesting. As is often said on here, we ought to consider gay man our long term allies

[–]makeshift980 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Because SJ is a creepy mix of The Matrix and Scientology. They can't back up their claims or explain what the Patriarchy is, you simply have to be oppressed and experience it for yourself. And just like in Scientology, replace thetans or w/e the fuck they're called for oppression levels. Being black means you're oppressed, but being a black woman makes you even more oppressed, but being a black transgender genderfluid lesbian makes you way more oppressed. Gays are now, for the most part, pretty accepted in society, and as such have lost their place in the victimology index.

[–]killcat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Because they are not "oppressed enough" particularly white cis-gay men, on the hierarchy of victimhood they are lower than everyone else and therefore disposable as the pool of pity gets smaller. Also to the radfems they are still male.

[–]2Overkillengine0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

They go after anyone that does not 100% toe the arbitrary line they have drawn in any given minute.

And gay men tend to be far less influenced by the pussy pass than straight men. So a break in the ranks like this was pretty much predestined to happen at some point.

[–]afkb39sdfb0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I wonder what will happen to triggerlypuff when she leaves education and goes into the real world. She is in for a shock!

She won't be able to hold down a job, live with her parents into her 30's, balloon up, and of course that will be the patriarchy's fault as usual.

[–]juliusstreicher0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Social Justice Warriors/Ultra Feminists have no coherent method of logically debating conflicting points of interest and will usually resort to abrasive behavior in order to try and get their way.

Sorry to tell you this, but, since she's obviously got severe problems, is ugly and fat, she will probably never be rejected for any kind of state job. She's probably a dyke so that means fast track to promotions. I'm seeing her in HR, hiring a bunch of crack head sluts and gangstas. When they do shit jobs, and the work isn't getting done, she'll blame the white male supervisors and have a bunch of them fired. She will start to calm down, and she'll start giving seminars at Ivy League colleges, then, her own talk show.

[–]iLLprincipLeS 38 points38 points [recovered] | Copy Link

In times of universal faggotry, being a straight white male is a revolutionary act - Milo Yiannopoulos

[–]gvivalover13 points14 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

He's just really fucking smart and well spoken.

[–]5t3fan00 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

and he's FABOLOUS! but again, all true warriors are ruthless AND handsome by definition

[–][deleted] 42 points43 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Guys, if and when you have kids, don't be afraid to stand up to them, so we don't have to in 20 years

[–][deleted] 38 points39 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

If my daughter was one of those crazy sjw's with a victim complex I would feel like I completely failed as a parent.

[–]Senior Contributorexit_sandman84 points85 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Feelings don't count.

You would have completely failed as a parent.

[–]Cashews4U1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You would do the right thing and either a) give her an ultamatum to cut the shit or b) disown her.

[–]fuck_da_haes0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Just stop paying for her feminist dance therapy minior and gender studies major and ots all good :)

[–]bhaknu210 points211 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

You gotta hand it to the Muslim girl though. She could have blown herself up and chose not to.

[–]Modredpillschool50 points51 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

This made me laugh more than it should've.

[–]juliusstreicher9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No, probably just the right amount. Still gave you a point, tho.

[–]mwandazimu0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Can confirm. As a muslim this made me laugh too.

[–]Cashews4U19 points20 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Because who wants to go to a paradise that involves 72 virgin Arab men waiting to gang bang you?

[–]TheRedThrowAwayPill11 points12 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Ah, white women apparently.

[–]2Overkillengine3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'd almost bet money there is some torrid bodice ripper novel where a woman gets "courted" by multiple millionaire sheiks in an oasis.

[–]TheRedThrowAwayPill1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is rude and inappropriate!

But as the resident muslim guy .. I'll allow it.

[–]johnchapel34 points35 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

Here is Trigglypuffs OKCupid profile for anyone interested

By the way, saying that autism needs acceptance and not a cure is fucking insane. I wish these cunts would stop making up narratives.

[–]GC0W3018 points19 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

+1 to her for honesty.

"May trade nudes for burritos."

[–]juliusstreicher5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"May trade nudes for burritos."

You misspelled "a whole burro." You'll have to fix it yourself, tho.

[–]ThrowyMcGruder15 points16 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm actually a little surprised at how tame her, "If you don't like me being fat, don't waste your time", spiel was.

I don't think I've ever seen a woman go on the pre-emptive defensive without going into full-out attack mode.

You'll even get a good looking, athletic girl, who seems entirely normal in every other way, who needs to stick in a:


"...I also like dogs."

[–]CSMastermind5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

If you showed this to me cold I wouldn't be able to tell you if it was satire or not.

I feel a little bit worse about the world if there's someone out there willing to have sex with her.

[–]makeshift983 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's the crazy thing about this bullshit; it it 100% impossible to parody it. They're is nothing you can say that is dumber or crazier than the shit that comes out of these people's mouths.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I very much dislike this subreddit, but this thread is amazing. What a wretched hog this cunty dipshit is.

If I were an animal, I'd be a manatee...

Ah, yes. Nature's sea cow.

[–]Do not send modmail to my personal inboxCrazyHorseInvincible[M] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

No one actually gives a fuck what you think about this subreddit. Do you have any purpose in coming here?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Like most anything on Reddit, I come for varying degrees of amusement. Or was that question rhetorical?

[–]Do not send modmail to my personal inboxCrazyHorseInvincible[M] 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

It was to determine whether I should allow your continued participation.

Unlike most of reddit, this is not a casual hangout with a few or no rules. It's a forum with a purpose. We ruthlessly remove people who get in the way.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I simply don't often participate. I'm more of a lurker around here. No worries.

[–]makeshift982 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What the actual fuck is anarcho-communism? Is it anarcho-capitalism's even more retarded younger brother? Communism, apart from not working, isn't even possible without an authoritarian government.

[–]mygunuface0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Queer, full figured, has cats and into non-monogamous. relationships served on top with casual sex.

What a keeper..

[–]Murcus 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

That can't be real. This is satire and I'm not getting the joke, right? Someone made that up?

[–]slimcoat0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

You should message me if you're down for Netflix and smashing the white supremacist capitalist cisheteropatriarchy.

No better example of word salad:

Word salad may describe a symptom of neurological or psychiatric conditions in which a person attempts to communicate an idea, but words and phrases that may appear to be random and unrelated come out in an incoherent sequence instead. Often, the person is unaware that he or she did not make sense.

Although in this case it appears to be intentional.

[–]johnchapel1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ive never seen a movement that while supposedly being about destroying labels and promoting individuality, be so completely comfortable labelling EVERYTHING and operating with hive mind

[–]mrp_184431 points32 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

These type of outbursts are terrific. They are showing everyone the true face of feminism.

Nothing we could say or do would match her behavior.

She has outdone big red.

[–]juliusstreicher-3 points-2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I would like to say something at this point:

I think that Big Red is hot. Not joking. I'd fuck her 3 ways seven ways to Sunday.

Not to say she isn't full of shit, or I wouldn't perhaps want to fuck her daughter more, or anybody 20 years younger than her, but, well, I can't fault her looks.

She could stand improvement, and a boob job would be nice, but, I just hear her getting dissed to much. Sure, she's a cunt, but, some can be a cunt and hot at the same time.

[–]afkb39sdfb6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I think that Big Red is hot. Not joking. I'd fuck her 3 ways seven ways to Sunday.

Right... You'd probably fuck anything that stayed still long enough. Have some damn standards for yourself.

[–]juliusstreicher-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You don't like her, and you're attacking me?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

never stick your dick in crazy bro

[–]TheSupr3m3Justic3 31 points31 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Why are all SJW's fucking disgusting. I'm mean could they make my dick any more limp.....

[–]afkb39sdfb21 points22 points [recovered] (1 child) | Copy Link

They are the female equivalent of the "neck-beard." Bottom rung on the social and SMV scale but instead of changing and improving themselves it's the rest of the world that needs to change because they are perfect special snowflakes AKA incredibly narcissistic.

[–]Tscio2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Pretty much this.

I almost feel bad for them, I can see the bitterness and resentment that I once felt for the opposite gender. However; their actions and behavior nullify most, if not all, of that sympathy.

[–]MakeEmSayAyy13 points14 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

there's a reason why. they wouldnt be SJW's if they were pretty and could use their looks.

[–]TRP VanguardArchwinger27 points28 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

People said shit that I disagreed with in the past, and it made me angry and uncomfortable.

Now if you say something I disagree with, it triggers me. I'm a victim of your free sp... I mean oppression.

[–][deleted] 43 points44 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

Here is another rare sighting of the infamous Trigglypuff.

as an autistic person I am offended

[–][deleted] 18 points19 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

If you count your cards right, you can be offended too!!

[–]Senior Contributorexit_sandman8 points9 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Hehe, counting cards.

[–]juliusstreicher1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Took me a while, but, I finally got it.

[–]flyercomet2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's an unfair stereotype, some idiot savants are just plain old idiots.

[–]mygunuface0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Shitlord used logic, it was super-effective!

[–][deleted] 24 points24 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]manwhowouldbeking19 points20 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Nothing can be gained from discourse with SJW and Ultra feminists. They already have all the answers and live in an environment where questions are considers hostile because they punch holes in their flawed dogma. Not for nothing but compare SJW's at a MRA's advocacy event or an event like this and then look at westboro baptist church members protesting a funeral funny how similar they are ain't it?

[–]johnchapel2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

WBC don't attack or scream at you.

[–]mgtowmirror 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

WBC protested the funeral of a soldier killed in combat, yelling and screaming at his family that he died because he was gay, even though he wasn't. Perhaps he did support gay marriage though. Both are vile, but I like freedom of speech, to know which crazies to avoid.

[–]johnchapel0 points1 point [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

WBC is shit. I know. I was just making a joke

[–]remyseven16 points17 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"I got to tell you... I don't know why Black Lives Matter even protest me, I've got more black in me than they do." - Milo

[–]Jaxx_Teller32 points33 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Milo is one magnificent faggot.

[–][deleted] 34 points34 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]sqrt774412 points13 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The rule should be: if you disrupt, you get tossed (and not too gently). No warnings, no strikes, just out.

As long as you have real proactive security, and not a lazy disinterested unionized university rent-a-cop, it shouldn't be hard to maintain order.

Y'all know its true. A bit of muscle applied to those cowardly shrieky losers and they'd give up pretty fast. Their existence depends on both the tolerance of their nastiness by everyone and the intimidation of their opponents.

[–]saibot836 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yup, just look at that hilarious Pussy Riot video or if it was Femen or some shit like that. They started playing music in public and it took like a minute before cops beat the shit out of them with batons. They shut up real quick. That's how you ought to handle stuff like this.

[–]RP_Vergil13 points14 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

And I just watched this off youtube wondering why there is no room for proper discussion.

I guess trying to sit down and simply talk is too much for this cry babies to comprehend, yet they speak of causes far greater than their capacity.

The world is indeed in peril when people who can't even be do something simple are tasked with greater things to accomplish.

[–]Fielder577 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is why we call them CryBULLIES. They use tears as weapons.

[–][deleted] 16 points16 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]CornyHoosier11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Best part:

Speaker Sommers: "I once triggered 30 women and a therapy dog."

Angry SJW: incoherent yelling

Random Audience Member: "You're angering another dog!"

[–]winterequinox00711 points12 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Political correctness is just one way for certain liberals to get others to conform to their ideals. Just because one does not support PC does not mean that they are narrow minded, nor are they bigoted. I dislike broccoli, cauliflower, and bean sprouts. That however does mean I have a phobia of vegetables.

Get your act together SJWs.

[–]Planner_Hammish2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

[–]makeshift981 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Identity politics will be the downfall of the left

I think you mean civilization. The new generations are being inundated with this garbage to such extreme extents that when they take power we are completely and utterly FUCKED.

[–]pickledpeas8 points9 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The most cardio she has done this decade...

[–]Strike480 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Did you see how parched she was after that 1 minute of screaming? Phew, what a workout.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

If they were so triggered how would they even be able to show up to it? And if anyone was offended by it just dont go? Fucking idiots

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

deleted What is this?

[–]wiseprogressivethink3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

See my comment elsewhere in this thread. They aren't really "triggered." That's just a cry-bully tactic. Their real goal is to shut down any dissent. They do this by claiming to be oppressed victims whenever anyone who might say something they disagree with is invited onto a college campus.

Think of it this way. Their goal is to prevent Milo from speaking, because Milo says things they disagree with. If they could get away with it, they'd just stab Milo to death on stage. That would be highly effective at quieting him down. However, they can't get away with doing that. But their goal (shutting him up) remains in place. So this is just a different method to attempt to accomplish their goal, and this method has the advantage of not resulting in a lengthy prison sentence.

[–]apackofwankers0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

What we really need is some of us guys to act as bodyguards for Milo. They could wear Shit is getting uglier and uglier as these SJW tyrants try to ensure no-one challenges them. Best way to respond to SJWs is "or what" when they attempt their authoritarian demands. It will stop them in their tracks.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

interestingly enough, people with REAL PTSD avoid situations that triggers them like cancer. like you wouldn't even be able to force them to go because they'll resist hard

[–]wiseprogressivethink8 points9 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

This is just yet another example of "no platforming" in action.

No platforming occurs when an individual or group that is hated by the SJWs (so, basically anyone who is right of center or has a single "controversial" politically incorrect opinion about anything) is invited to speak somewhere.

No platforming Step One is to try to apply pressure through typical cry-bully tactics to get the event cancelled or the targeted speaker dis-invited.

If that fails, Step Two is for hordes of protesters show up outside the venue in an effort to block entrance to the event, to harass attendees, and to possibly sabotage the event (pulling fire alarms, calling in bomb threats, etc.).

Step Three is for SJWs to infiltrate the event and then disrupt it by periodically interrupting the speaker(s), screaming obscenities, occasionally attempting to attack the speaker or the attendees, etc.

And here's the really important lesson to take home from this: Even if the SJWs fail in all three areas (the speaker isn't dis-invited and the event isn't cancelled; attendees are allowed entry to the venue; and the speaker is able to finish his/her remarks relatively unmolested), the chaos surrounding the event makes it less likely that the speaker will be invited to (or allowed to participate in) future events, because most college officials simply don't want to deal with all the drama. So even in failure, the SJWs win because of the overall chilling effect it places on the speech they disapprove of.

They've done the same thing to Trump at his events. They do it to anyone they don't like. And they aren't going to stop, because it's working for them.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don't really know about the rules and regulations of American Unis but can't the even organizers make up a "no disruption" rule before hand, make people sign a form on entry and then eject anyone who creates trouble immediately.

[–]wiseprogressivethink2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You can do all that, but as soon as you begin ejecting them they'll claim they were brutalized by fascist security forces and possibly seek civil damages against the speaker and/or the organization that sponsored the speaker for their phantom injuries (see the Michelle Fields non-incident as a somewhat related example).

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's democracy - dictatorship by the stupid majority.

[–]syf3r6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

These SJWs are like those soccer players who pretend to be hurt to hurt the opposing team...

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This hosebeast needs to be taken out back and shot.

[–]oddlyaroused18 points19 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

I really like this faggot for speaking the uncomfortable thruths.

[–][deleted] 17 points18 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

America has the best faggots

[–]Fielder578 points9 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I may be missing something here but Milo is British.

(Unless I'm missing a point, which makes me a giant bell-end)

[–]Mooglemonkey11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Reasonably sure that it's just a Trump meme, as Milo is a huge Trump guy.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Milo is definitely a Greco-Brit

[–]penis_butter_n_jelly0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

He's our faggot now. We gave you Piers back.

[–]Fielder570 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

We don't want piers either. That's not a fair trade :(

[–]juliusstreicher3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes, but the British faggots have better accents, and the Italian faggots dress better.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

We love our faggots. They're great people, our faggots.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I didn't notice the Harley.

[–]LiftingtoAcension 6 points6 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Ok, so, a serious question for you lot. How is that fat creature even breathing? Shouldn't her organs have failed by now?

[–]Lord_NShYH2 points3 points [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

Let's hope they fail soon enough.

[–]prodigy2throw5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Great video. Hats off to the guys who organized this and kept it running as smoothly as it could.

I wonder who I agree with more, the logical, critical thinking people on stage or the raging maniacs yelling ridiculously...

[–]itsmehobnob6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

SJWs rely on the indifference of the general population to gain traction. Events like these expose their bullshit. They get victim points, but they also raise their profile. The organizers know this. They just show up and the SJWs make their points for them. And they make it loud enough that soon they won't have the indifference they rely on.

[–]faded_jester5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you think being insulted on twitter is the same thing as being a soldier with ptsd, you are out of your fucking mind. All their talk of "triggers" only demonstrates just how little they know of them and also highlights the fact they don't live in the real world. To them "trigger" means: "anything that causes feelings other than joy".

The fact they think they can compare themselves to people who have actually suffered is outrageous. Those retards don't even have the intelligence to understand that their little "protest" completely validated the subject matter and also proved Milo and Co. were completely correct.

[–]NeoreactionSafe9 points10 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Frame means ego boundry, internal Freedom, and is the basis of masculine polarity.

The herd mentality takes over these angry mobs.

We gain nothing by angry mobs... best to ignore them and gather as like minded males in societies that limit Access. (like the Red Pill)

Men desire Freedom, Women desire Access

...these angry mobs give Access too easily.

Stop giving easy Access


[–]johnchapel4 points5 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Men desire Freedom, Women desire Access

I would really like you to expound on this. Im fascinated and I wanna hear more. Can you?

[–]NeoreactionSafe1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

You must be new I've used that phrase dozens of times.


Masculine polarity means Frame, ego boundry, a firewall, separation, a Free condition, Freedom, not being part of the herd, "going your own way", etc.

So men desire Freedom.

Women are the opposite feminine polarity... they want Access to everything.

But there is a twist, a woman:

Never Wants What Others Have.

Hypergamy is the desire of a prize which is scarce. ("special")

You combine these polarities and we get human behavior.

The beta male lacks masculine polarity, so he doesn't register as a "desired prize" and so his SMV tends towards zero.

One can use a battery analogy:

  • Masculine male, charged battery, attraction, energy.

  • Beta male, dead battery, inert, lifeless, needy.

Androgyny is a dead battery.


[–]johnchapel0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

This is great. I'm not new or anything, but when I find interesting nuggets of wisdom that hint at a deeper interest, I want to appreciate it, and therefore want to hear more.

One thing though.

But there is a twist, a woman: Never Wants What Others Have.

In my experience, I've found this to be not exactly true, or rather, that women want what they can't have. And what they can't have is generally unattainable because either THEY are taken, or the man is taken.

I have found it much easier to attract a woman when either she is cheating, or I am cheating. Your thoughts?

[–]NeoreactionSafe1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

My wording could have been better.

If anyone can have something it loses value.

Women want Access to scarce prizes.


[–]johnchapel0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Gotcha. So conceptually, we're both correct. I really like that. Men desire Freedom, Women desire Access.

God, it must be some sort of delicate dance to ever achieve sympatico with those stipuations.

[–]NeoreactionSafe0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

It's pretty easy really.

A man desires to first rule over himself (Frame) then to rule over others. (Game)

A woman has no desire to rule she just wants the benefits that go with being the ruler. She wants Access to the good stuff without doing anything but opening her vagina.


A man can be trained to have a "higher stoic self" and be a good ruler in harmony with the Natural Laws.

A woman is incapable of Frame and can never be stoic... which makes for corrupt rule.


A bad male ruler is very similiar mentally to a woman... very corrupt. (Dark Triad)


[–]johnchapel0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes, but I'm just referring to the rise of feminism. Inherently, the two should compliment easily. In practice, in todays social climate, well...It's very much a "Strong live off the weak, the clever live off the strong"

[–]purplecabbage4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

My Alma Mater. Wow, things have changed since the '90s. I can see how the campus culture evolves over time, thought. Back then there were a smattering of butch women trying to get a toehold in the campus culture. Well, it seems they've arrived.

[–]prodigy2throw3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yo that trigglypuff video was the funniest thing I've seen in a while.

[–]ILikeTortuls3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm a few years out of school. I was not familiar with the red pill back then, but I wish I had been. In modern universities, male behavior is shunned. Not only exaggerated behavior like machismo or locker room banter, but any masculine expression. Speaking in a deep voice. Using declarative sentences. Sitting naturally (man spreading).

When you feel the need to police every little detail of your demeanour, you go crazy. I went a little crazy. I couldn't be myself!

I'm grateful for this backlash. It's very entertaining to see the rug being pulled out from underneath sjws, feminists, manginas and other sundry creeps. These types have spent a decade or more attacking, demonizing and harassing men for no reason. They just assume every man is guilty of something and that he therefore deserves punishment. Well, guess what? We don't care anymore about proving our purity or innocence. Too bad.

[–]Ifuckinglovepron2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Q: Is having your jimmies rustled the same as being triggered!? Because, god damn, if it is that fat cunt has triggered me.


[–]zag833 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

She must have been mad that there was a shortage of plankton so she was hangry.

[–]NameOfAction2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Roll her in flour and aim for the wet spots. So sexy!

[–]getRedPill2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Throw their SJW nonsense back at them. That's how you silence them.

"you want to silence Milo because you fascist, homophobic shitlord!!1"

[–]1jcromero2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hah, I used to go to UMass Amherst! The political climate in that area is weird. Being sandwiched between two all-girls schools, a stoner liberal arts college, and a rich/smart kid school really makes UMass stand as sort of just a generic state party school.

The weird, struggled breathes of Feminist hostility sometimes can be heard at UMass Amherst but mostly I'm just surprised anyone hears it at all.

College kids are weird and confused, but I think most people distance themselves from any belief structure

[–]MeatCurtainRod2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Milo is a freaking awesome guy. We need more of him around who are willing to fight the fight.

[–]Recon_by_Fire2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is why good comedians don't do colleges anymore.

[–]lone_wanderer1012 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That trigglypuff name was given to her by 4chan lol. I saw that thread.

[–]Belerion2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Breath 1: "This is my right to free speech!"
Breath 2: "Get your hate speech out of here!"


[–]getbangedchatshit1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The Gene Simmons hair is making a comeback i see.

[–]Endorsed ContributorNiftyDolphin1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

These events get their venue's name into the media's eye, give a paycheck to the presenters, and provide a forum for dramatic theatre (entertainment) along with "a chance to make a difference" (without risking their safety or having to exert much effort) to the attendees.

Everybody wins.

[–]Redasshole1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

People who have cancer wants acceptance, not a cure.

[–]allrandomworldnews1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

All in all, the event was constantly impeded by SJW hysteria and nothing productive came out of it.

I'd say every non sjw saw how they behave and that they are retarded. Milo propably achieved exactly what he wanted. Waking up the guys that were on the fence to begin with by showing of the sjw retardedness without even lifting a finger.

edit: I doubt he did not see the result coming. Therefore it must have been planned to happen this way.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm still rolling about the fat chick. They now have a new mascot who embodies what current SJW's are and she is called, get this, "Triggly Puff."

[–]juliusstreicher1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The events that took place during this lecture seem to provide further evidence to the notion that the typical SJW's weapon of choice is to ruthlessly adhere to their own hypocritical agenda, and when all else fails, spout ad-hominem attacks until their faces turn red (literally).

Additionally, their weapons of choice also include:

  1. Interrupt the proceedings so that the speaker cannot deliver his/her message

  2. Interrupt the proceedings so that the interruptor can get all of the attention rather than the speaker

  3. Interrupt the speaker so that the media will interview the interruptor for their 'bold stance' and 'hear her side of the story'

Why was the interruptor not thrown out? When Trump's people throw the bums out, people remember The Donald. Who can remember the interrupter's name? But, when this fat pig interrupts , and gets to keep yelling her shit, she gets a few pics. Even on THIS sub. Does anybody here remember what the speaker's name was, or do we have a pic of him?

Our PR is severely lacking.

[–]TryDoingSomethingNew0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You make a good point. Unfortunately she accomplished (for the most part) what she set out to do: disrupt an open discussion and presentation and create turmoil and disruption.

You're right. Just like in the Mizzou University incidents, that kind of bullshit was allowed to happen. And now the university and innocent students are paying the consequences.

Nip it! Nip it in the bud!

[–]SupremeIntellect1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What pea-brains. SJW's are some of the most dangerously stupid people alive. Facts are facts people. It's immoral to block speech you don't like. Which is why we need to block these people from interrupting ANYTHING. They're nothing but silencers, so they really need to have a cap put on. Jesus.

[–]CSMastermind1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

[–]Strike481 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What a fantastic post. Thank you OP.

[–]LancerKagato1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm back in college after the military, being 30+ in college is insane, kids these days are fucking morons!

[–]RedMoonAscendant1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

First they came for the White Men, and I said nothing, because I am not a white man.

Then they came for the Gay White Men, and I said nothing, because I am not a gay white man.

Eventually they'll come for the black, lesbian, gender-queer bronies.

[–]idontwanttostart1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I have no time to care for this shit

[–]JackGetsIt1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I watched that whole video. Cringe. Those speakers had iron patience. I would not have tolerated the constant interruptions and left the stage. Which is of course what the hecklers wanted. Somners got the worst of it for some reason. I blame most of the safe place/SJW phenomenon on the break down of social studies education in public schools. Social Studies and Civics use to be classes that taught students to respect speech of all types and entertain new ideas in fair debate formats. I think it spells out disaster for this country if we lose our marketplace of free ideas.

[–]Tscio1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The mental gymnastics of that massive female are incredible.

When told that she will be asked to leave if she keeps disrupting the event, after having graciously been given 2 chances to shut her massive mouth no less, she responds with "MUH FREE SPEECH".


[–]RIPelliott4 points5 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Im a UMASS alum (graduated last year) that place is unsalvageable OP its gone too far PC. do what I did, get a bit of revenge by fucking the hotter SJWs and then getting them all pissed off afterwards by letting them know you think feminism and PC is a joke, its a great way to get under their skin. oh and as far as the religious aspect, Im a Muslim, and UMASS was just as discrimantory to me as anywhere else ive been, dont let any of them tell you theyre better people for it

[–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Thats a great way to get a rape charge today

[–]RIPelliott-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

ehh i ask for consent like ten times. you don't gotta tho, more poon for me

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nless you get witnesses its your word against hers. She still wins

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If she was a real muslin she would shut up, put her burka back on, and learn some common sense from her husband quran style.

If anybody has an issue with this they need to accept that other people have different cultures.

[–]Darkwoodz1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's seriously embarrassing being politically left in my ideals but having to be associated with these morons.

[–][deleted] 2 points2 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]thereddespair0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

sometimes i dont really know how to react to these, as its hard for me to dismiss that they are most likely mentally impaired, special needs. it makes me laugh watching it but inside its like laughing at a cripple or with a leg injury and is being passed by by everyone else.

[–]daeboo0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Utmost of respect for Milo.

Didn't realize that trigger warnings irl are a thing now.

[–]netherlanddwarf0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Trigglypuff is too much of a compliment for a nickname.

[–]mksu0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

If you told me that was a dude in drag I would have believed it

[–]ghee990 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

lol, yes! ;)

and if you told me that was a circus elephant that the tent fell onto, i would have believed that as well.

[–]Gawernator0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I watched the entire video. Hilarious

[–]Evileddie130 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Social Justice Warriors are a woman's mind run amok.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Good god that creature called trigglypuff is disgustingly obese and unattractive.

It should change its name to mega-trigglypuff.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

By Zeus's Toga, I did not realise what you Americans meant by "ham beast" till I saw that video........

[–]Karitz0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thank fucking god at least some academics are waking up.

[–]8bitmadness0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Strangely enough, trigglypuff is actually right with the sign that she was holding. It had the autism speaks logo on it, so I'm assuming it's because autism speaks has no autistic members on their board and most of the money goes to trying to find a "cure" rather than community outreach and other things that people on the autism spectrum would benefit from.

[–]Unholy_VI0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

most of the people I talk to who are high functioning spectrum dwellers like myself think this is exactly true.

They (Autism speaks) see me and people like me as something that needs to be cured and eliminated from future generations. fuck them.

[–]8bitmadness0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

High functioning myself, was diagnosed at age 5 with Asperger's Syndrome.

[–]Unholy_VI0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


So many aspies get caught in self pity and depression. You and me aren't going down without a fight!

[–]ransay32770 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

How many times do we have to remind them... For the last time! Prozac and Twinkies are a bad combination!

[–]joedapper0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

My favorite thing of all this is the newly founded milo privilege fund. keep it up SJWs, all you'll do is send more white cis bigots your way!

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is why security is needed. Every time I read something like this I think to myself that this could be prevented. You make the simple rule of "those interfering with other people's ability to hear the speaker or those who intentionally disrupt proceedings will be removed from the building", security escorts them out and you move on with your day.

[–]howard3330 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Social Justice Warriors/Ultra Feminists have no coherent method of logically debating conflicting points of interest and will usually resort to abrasive behavior in order to try and get their way.

Guess why you aren't getting your way? Stop being logical. Embrace the hate.

[–]beginner_0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

If that is you OP, that is filming, be cautious. At one point the video shows your face partially. Well enough that someone who knows you will recognize you.

OK. That gave me a huge insight into what you guys there in US have to deal with.I can safely say move to Europe and it will be 100 times less bad. This is unimaginable in the country I live. People here are much more reserved and care about their reputations. Public outbursts like that, and not a single person would take them seriously anymore. It would be social and political suicide.

[–]cali81120 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That fatty went viral. Even pops up as a frequent Google search. I hope she enjoys the nickname.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Great post. Now onto the most fascinating character in this story, Trigglypuff. Now as tempting as it is for me to launch into merciless teasing I pause and think: is she more to be pitied or scorned?

The poor thing has been dealt a truly brutal hand in life. It is just so clear to any observer that she is not a happy person. She has no doubt been either ridiculed or ignored her entire life. If anyone at all is nice to her then she would become their biggest supporter. Within 1 week of treating her nicely, and helping her to improve herself, she would be wearing a red pill t-shirt and using her ample attention grabbing powers on our side.

So why is Trigglypuff on the SJW side of the debate? Coz they were nice to her and accepted her. They let her come to meetings and go out for coffee. They treat her nicely and just deal with her idiosyncracies.

We see the same sort of sheltering behaviour in here at TRP. Some poor victim of a kid who clearly has been dealt a rough hand. Mental and physical issues, terrible single parent upbringing, facing an uphill battle in life. Every time Red pill men jump in with words of support and encouragement. They make them feel nice and part of the crowd. Like a pack of alpha wolves who adopt a crippled pup and protect it. (I know wolves do not act like this but we are human, altruism is a part of our nature).

So basically Trigglypuff and all of those fat blue haired feminists you see have had a rough life. They are female gammas, the hot girls persecuted them but a few of the low level beta girls are nice to them. Their life sucks just like the life of a fat, fedora wearing gamma MRA guy's life sucks.

So I can see why it is fun to pick on gammas, hell I have done it myself. Sad thing is the most effective way to deal with this problem is simply to be nice to them. I vote that someone from red pill (not me haha - yes I am a hypocrite) takes Trigglypuff out for a frappe at starbucks, talks nicely to her and gives her a hug goodbye. Hey presto, our very own mascot.

[–]stawek0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

SJW are sheep from the Animal Farm. Whenever somebody tries to make a point they start bleeting "hate speech, hate speech"

[–]Unholy_VI0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is the left wing in general. disagree with a libertarian or republican we want to argue with you. Disagree with a democrat they want to shut you up.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Holy shit. She's an aspie!? We're not all like her, I swear.

[–]penworth0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

These cunts can't use logic. They will fail since they have no intellectual leg to stand on.

[–]AugmentedFury0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Ugly inside and out.. Why does that rhinoceros even exist?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Holy Hell, look at those bat wings flopping around.

[–]TheColdDark0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Fucking gold. Just stayed up to watch the entire source video. Well worth it.

[–]ForeskinLamp0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

So it turns out she had a dating profile on OKCupid.

I feel bad for the poor girl. She was failed by those who were meant to guide her, and activism has become her coping mechanism (i.e. it's a way for her to belong to something). Even so, there's no excuse for an adult to act like a child. If a point can't be made without resorting to screaming and shouting, it probably isn't that good to begin with.

[–]1nzgs0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It would be nice if people stopped treating SJWs as a mere nuisance and started calling them out as fascist extremists. They are extremely dangerous people politically as we are finding out now in the UK with our Labour party going through a crisis with members being outed as rabid anti-Semites and admirers of Hitler

[–]csqr0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This was an awesome event, unfortunately I missed it. I graduated from UMASS Amherst a couple of years ago & can vouch that it is SJW/ Blue Pill central. The gender warrior force field is strong there. Little known fact, Melissa Click (the Missouri prof fired for asking for "muscle" to evict a student journalist during protests) graduated from UMASS.

[–]Socrate_wesh0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I can't see if anything is a parody these days...

It's not even tragic anymore, it's just pure comedy. I can't believe this would make our Western civilization go down... we can't be that weak can we?

[–]1grubek7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes, yes we can. People believe political bullshit all the time, this is just the continuation.

[–][deleted] -1 points-1 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]TryDoingSomethingNew2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

He might not be the hero you want, but for now, he's one of the few to stand up to the onslaught of the insanity we are seeing play out every day.

Plus he's fun to watch. Very entertaining guy, very open to straight men's issues, too.

[–]1PrinceofSpades-2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Just said it on MGTOW, but creatures such as this should routinely be put down.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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