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The Lesson of Hugo

Rollo Tomassi
August 15, 2013


Up until just today, other than a few tweets over the last two weeks, the heavy hitters of the manosphere seemed content to simply let Hugo Schwyzer self-immolate. Who can blame them, right? Vox had a quick hit just detailing the revelations of Hugo’s reputation / legitimacy death spiral. Advocatus Diaboli then did the manosphere the favor of highlighting Hugo’s post, post internet exit and twitter meltdown (which may still be ongoing, I’m not sure).

Needless to say Hugo endeared a lot of manosphere spite, but now, in light of all his self-righteous self-destruction and subsequent admissions of complete guilt and culpability in his career spanning, psuedo-feminist scam, we can finally dissect the corpse of Hugo’s grand production. Hugo was almost too easy a foil, too easy a mark for the manosphere. I forget who I read drop this quote, but Game recognizes Game, and for all of Hugo’s purported investment in feminist flag waving, a lot of guys in the ‘sphere saw his Game for what it was.

I’ll have to admit, when I first read the Real Porn Wiki Leaks of Hugo’s professional death throes I was ready to pile on. I need to thank Nick Krauser for talking me off the edge and killing a post I briefly published, ready to join the Hugo scrum, but as he commented, it was ‘off brand’ for me. That’s the temptation of going off half-cocked, most times there’s usually something deeper in the story than just the salacious parts. Sometimes a story needs to mature before you can grasp the significance of it, and Hugo didn’t disappoint.

There’s a lot of angles to Hugo’s destruction. In one sense he actually shared many of the experiences and frustration most men find their way to the manosphere to resolve. He was a Beta, but he was a Beta dedicated to the blue-pill – in fact he was so ego-invested  he built his entire life around the feminine Matrix to the point that his career and livelihood depended upon it. However Hugo wasn’t one of the blue-pill careerists like the Dr. Phills and Dr. Drews, he sold himself as the next stage in feminized man’s evolution – Hugo was the feminized man.

At least this was the pathology he’d convinced himself of.


If you’ve ever known a pathological liar, the primary characteristic of their psyche is an ability to convince themselves of the veracity of their own lies. “Repeat a lie enough and it becomes true”,  Joseph Goebbels was inferring this in a social sense, but it’s also true on a personal, psychological level. Repeat the fantasy, replay the mental imaginings, review the desired, conditioned ,belief often enough, and the lie becomes the truth for you. This is the essence of pathology. The pathological personality literally creates its own reality and expects others (or coerces others) to fill the roles he defines for them to fit his narrative. Sometimes this isn’t such a bad thing; think of Steve Jobs defining his own reality, but more often it means the absolute destruction of that person’s identity when actual reality crushes their imagined reality.

Hugo repeated a lie often enough for himself to believe it, a handful of minor league academics to believe it, and broad swathes of the femosphere to believe it. Of course there’ll be the element that will say they knew it all along and he was always a charlatan, but Hugo’s reach into the mainstream, repeating his lie, was a message they could at least tolerate for their cause if not endorse wholesale. Thus, Hugo got a pass – he became the male representative of fem-culture and the happily willing tool of the feminine imperative.

I did promote others but I secretly wanted to be THE male feminist. 12:41 PM – 9 Aug 13 @hugoschwyzer

There’ll be no mercy for Hugo on this or any other manosphere blog. If there’s any consolation for Hugo it’s in his slitting his own net-persona’s throat and thus denying those in the manosphere the satisfaction of roasting him themselves. Even in his self-loathing twitter posts he still expects attention (like a woman) and consoling like a Beta child clutching at the femosphere’s apron strings.

The End Result

However, after all his singular sense of feminized purpose, Hugo got exactly what he wanted; he became, and in his personal destruction still is, the male feminist. He became the male representative of the gynosphere, the go-to guy, the man you sought out if you wanted to better identify with the feminine purpose. Hugo became, and is, the model of the man the feminine imperative would ultimately have any man become – a man so thoroughly invested in the likeness it created for him that it would grant him exclusive access to its most powerful media voice (Jezebel, BlogHer, Xojane, The Atlantic). It’s their game, and Hugo was the only man the feminine imperative was comfortable in legitimizing; he was one of the select few men to be allowed to be take seriously.

Whenever you see one of these pathetic parodies of a man self-identifying as a ‘male feminist’ and holding some hand-scribbled placard with the words, “I need feminism because,…” understand that Hugo Schwyzer is the man the feminine imperative would ultimately have them become. The man at the end of that process, after 47 years of identifying with the feminine, after an utterly destroyed career based on obsessively denigrating his own gender, the end result is what Hugo is today.

For every guy who’s convinced himself of ‘correctness’  of gender equalism, much less feminine-primacy, understand that Hugo’s example is the logical extreme of repressing your gender-purpose in favor of the feminine. For every blue-pill guy on the cusp of taking the red pill and accepting the harsh truths it demands in dispelling your blissful ignorance, understand that if you don’t, the face you’ll see in the future’s mirror will be Hugo’s.

I don’t have any sympathy for Hugo, nor do I have any pity for him. He’s only a year older than myself, so I imagine that he and I share a similar cultural upbringing and life experience. Obviously we differ in experience when it comes to waking up to the Matrix, but here’s a man who, not unlike myself, also had his run-ins with a BPD woman (if not more than one). Hugo, like most men, wanted to get laid, maybe worse than most men, so he built up a Game around identifying with them, only he took this identification to such an extreme that he became a woman, he embodied their expectations, but still retained the liabilities of being a man. Hugo is a living paradox and his destruction viscerally illustrates that even feminists won’t tolerate a perfected feminized man. They don’t want what they want.

For all of Hugo’s blue-pill, male feminism, he was still a man and prone to the desires men innately have.

How many blue-pill men have sought out the manosphere because their similar delusions simply never bore fruit with women, or they were burned by them? At some point Hugo was not all that unlike most guys seeking answers in the manosphere, but at some point he made his decision to remain firmly implanted in his blue-pill existence and cope with his maleness the best way he knew how – an extreme, life investment in what would become the identity crisis he’s experiencing today. Hugo is what is waiting for any man who thinks they can become a better fe-male – they become Gollum, corrupted parodies of their original form, but still accountable to their real nature.

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Post Information
Title The Lesson of Hugo
Author Rollo Tomassi
Date August 15, 2013 5:09 AM UTC (10 years ago)
Blog The Rational Male
Archive Link
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You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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