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The Pathologization Of Male Sexuality

November 16, 2017

I’m having as big a laugh as any crimson-blooded American man over the latest sexual assault accusation against ür-shitlib feminist tribal hypocrite Al Franken, but it’s a good time to step back from the charade and examine this strange new moral panic overtaking the land as part of a larger marxist and feminist agenda to stigmatize normal male sexuality.

Pat Boyle worries about the same trend, in a comment over at Sailer’s,

I see this morning that Al Franken is the latest celebrity male to be accused of harassing some woman sometime. I hate all this because my views put me so outside the mainstream of contemporary politics but more importantly the mainstream of the community of iSteve readers.

I suspect that all this moralizing and tut-tuting about men harassing women will read like Victorian posturing’s in just a few years. Women want to be harassed. Indeed they are designed by nature to be harassed. My experience is that women demand to be harassed. Feminism will surely turn on its heel and come to be outraged that men are no longer harassing them as is their right.

Why are women happy and when are women most happy. Probably on their honeymoon and the first few months of marriage. This is when women get the most sex. Normal heterosexual women want to have sexual relations with a man every couple days. Most women for most of their adult lives probably are partially starved for sex.

How do women get what little sex they can manage? Unfortunately for them they are largely at the mercy of the energies of the men around them. They are also tightly bound by a network of prohibitions and customs that keep them from exercising the initiative. They must wait often for some man to make an approach. Not all men find it comfortable to do this. There is some risk of rejection and humiliation. Others are clumsy.

I never cheated on either of my wives but in those periods when I was single I worked diligently at accosting females. There was a time when I dated over a hundred different women strangers in a single year. This has become easy with the rise of the Internet. I was never accused of harassing any of them but I was often rejected – sometimes loudly and in public. So what? Girls dress up so as to become the object of men’s lust. Then they feign indifference. That’s just how the game is set up. Since women are generally small, weak and unarmed, all a man risks by being sexually aggressive is a few unkind words.

In those periods when I was most active I thought of myself as providing a public service. Women like to be vigorously pursued. If they are ignored they pout.

Some women are now thinking of the current jihad against grab-ass as some kind of moral crusade. They haven’t counted the costs. If as seems likely, men become more reluctant to flirt or even just make naughty comments to women, the sum total of human happiness will be diminished. Men will hesitate and women will go home and cry in their empty bed.

Women by nature are loathe to hit on men, so they must rely on men aggressively pursuing them to have any shot at love and marriage. If men stop busting a move, both men and women lose out.

Daniel Chieh follows up,

As Slavoj Žižek kinda trolled, the “new rules” are like an ashtray with a “No Smoking” sign above it. Its all madness, the glorious result of a combination of pursuing fantastical ideas of equality to their natural limit plus absolute atomization of the individual.

Enjoy the Current Year spectacle of leftoids getting id-raped by the very man-hating beast they released from the abyss, but don’t forget that the end game is not good for anyone: this beast won’t stop devouring until Equalism is dead as an ideology and virtue signaling passes from the stage as the flare of madness it has always been.

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Title The Pathologization Of Male Sexuality
Author CH
Date November 16, 2017 11:30 AM UTC (6 years ago)
Blog Heartiste
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