
~ archived since 2018 ~

More Mask Slippage: Sweden Edition

February 19, 2017

During a Florida rally, Trump commented that Sweden was having security problems with their self-inflicted migrant invasion. Swedish globalists (mutually exclusive terms in due time) rushed to snark-shame President Trump for implying migrants had brought any rise in crime with them into Sweden. (“Official statistics”, they huffed, showed no such migrant crime rate rise. Official Sweden statistics coincidentally also show Syrian migrants contributing to a massive increase in economic growth, world peace, and a boom in the nonconsensual fertility rate.)

So OK Swedish authorities (probably not for long) lie about their migrant problems and cover up crime associated with migrants. The data that lies outside “official statistics” clearly shows migrants have brought huge increases in crime with them to Germany, Sweden, and other NW Euro nations. Trump was likely referring to specific news stories about two Swedish police officers who blew the whistle on the Sweden government’s cover-up of migrant crimes. (One whistleblower is, incredulously, being charged with inciting racial hatred.)

The mask slippage in all this brouhaha is revealed in the words of the Swedish Foreign Minister (a woman, natch).

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom appeared to respond to Trump on Saturday by posting on Twitter an excerpt of a speech in which she said democracy and diplomacy “require us to respect science, facts and the media.”

Did you catch that? “…respect science, facts and THE MEDIA”. Since when does democracy automatically require the media is lavished with respect? Respect must be earned. Is it not possible in the world of Sweden’s Foreign Menstruator that a lying, discredited media can coexist with a democracy? In fact, all the evidence to date amply demonstrates the case: advanced degenerating democracies coexist quite warmly and even symbiotically with corrupt, media indoctrination mills. There are now six megamedia companies in the US, and all of them are wholly-owned subsidiaries of globohomo oligarchs. Our vertical and horizontal is controlled by a handful of obscenely wealthy rootless cosmopolitans who love open borders, cheap labor and compliant consumer cogs.

The mask slippage reveals another great fear of the anti-White Left: their loss of the leftoid legacy media megaphone and the power to shape public sympathies through devious framing of stories and omissions of counter-Narrative facts. If the media is discredited as the VeryFakeNews that it is, then the Left will have lost a powerful ally in their demographic war to reduce White majority nations to White plurality or White minority nations.

We in the Maul-Right are getting very VERY close to the target now. You can hear the Left’s fear in the nervous scoffs of the foreign ministers and in the shrieks of indignation from the newspaper editorial boards.

The stuck pig squeals loudest, and by the sounds of it the globalist pig is stuck in the vitals.

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Title More Mask Slippage: Sweden Edition
Author CH
Date February 19, 2017 6:56 PM UTC (7 years ago)
Blog Heartiste
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