
~ archived since 2018 ~

This is what a good wife looks like

June 28, 2017
To say nothing of proof that NAWALT:
Having been sold a pack of feminist lies that make both men and women unhappier, those of us in the millennial generation who are interested in happy marriages have had to rediscover a lot of politically incorrect truths from scratch.

But there’s one truth that is particularly difficult for our genderless, sexless culture to accept, because it eviscerates not one, but two shibboleths of the age: first, that men and women desire the same things in relationships, and second, that a selfish, “be yourself” attitude is a good prescription for marital bliss.

The unspeakable truth is this: a spouse’s physical appearance is much more likely to be important to men than women. Maintaining their figures and beauty—through reasonable efforts—is one important way that women can make their husbands happy.
My wife is in phenomenal condition. She works very hard to stay that way. And, indeed, after children, it is one of the greatest gifts a wife can give her husband.

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