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Key Success Factors

August 29, 2011

This is one of those times where I port a proven principle from the success and business word over to the seduction world.  What I’m about to show you is one of the core techniques I used to go from living alone with zero money at age 18 to making a six figure income by my mid-twenties.  I’ve used it many times since then, including how to master online game after my divorce a few years back.

It applies to any area of success in life; today we’ll apply it to seduction.  If you really get what I’m about to show you, it will radically change your game in ways that may surprise you.

The principle is called Critical Success Factors.  In any area of life, there are always five to seven seven Critical Success Factors that determine how successful you will be in that area.  This applies to anything: starting a business, getting a college degree, getting down to 7% body fat, winning an Olympic gold medal, training your dog, and yes, even becoming a player who gets consistent results in the area of women.  In all those areas, if you break everything down needed to be successful, you will always come up with, five to seven areas where you need to be good, or at least “not bad”.

The technique is to:

1. Map out those five to seven areas and determine specifically what they are.

2. Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 in each of those areas.  You’ll find you’re fantastic in some areas, decent in others, and pretty horrible in a few (hopefully just a few).

3. Find which area you are the worst at, and focus all of your efforts on getting good at THAT.

The magic is in step three, but the first two steps are required to get to step three.  Your entire level of success is dependent on the Critical Success Factor in where you are the worst.  People often don’t realize that your measure of success is not about what you’re good at, it’s usually what you’re bad at.

In terms of seduction, the six Critical Success Factors are (in no particular order since they’re all important):

  • Confidence
  • Outcome Independence (and being non-needy)
  • Opening (or more specifically, the ability to consistently create new female “prospects” whenever desired via daygame, club game, online game, or whatever)
  • Physical Appearance
  • Sexual Escalation
  • Logistics Management

That’s it.  If you’re good at those six areas, you can lay hot chicks whenever you like.  If you’re good at some of those areas, you’ll get laid occasionally and sporadically with a lot of trouble.  If you’re bad at most of those areas, you’re an AFC who will usually never get laid unless it’s to a bitchy dramatic girlfriend or wife who owns your balls because you had to promise her monogamy in order to get sex from her.

You need to evaluate yourself.  Take those six areas above and put a number from one to ten by each.  BE HONEST. BE CRITICAL.  BE BRUTAL. DO NOT BE NICE TO YOURSELF, or this exercise won’t work.  Once done, you’ll see very clearly there will be one or more areas where you really suck.

Guess what?  THOSE are the areas you focus on and use 100% of your energies to improve in.  Those areas where you are already good you really don’t need to worry about.  I’ve seen a lot of guys “ride” on the areas where they’re good but never improve the areas where they suck.  It’s those areas where you’re not good, those are your sticking points….and you may have more than one.

I’m going to use myself as an example.  Here’s how I rated almost five years ago, right after my divorce as I re-entered the dating world as a guy who was reasonably confident yet way out of practice when it came to women:

  • Confidence – 9.5
  • Outcome Independence – 8.5
  • Opening – 6.5 (mostly older women via online game)
  • Physical Appearance – 5
  • Sexual Escalation – 6
  • Logistics Management – 4

With those ratings above, I did get laid.  But it was difficult, time-consuming, expensive, and I had a lot of false starts. I was pulling ass, but I was working way too hard.  That’s why I sought out the seduction community in the first place.

Years later, here’s how I rate today:

  • Confidence – 10
  • Outcome Independence – 10
  • Opening – 10
  • Physical Appearance – 6.5 (and I can push this to 7.5 if I have to)
  • Sexual Escalation – 9
  • Logistics Management – 9

Now, I can get laid whenever I want, quickly and easily.  Like David DeAngelo used to say, I’ve got that area of my life “handled”.  My lowest area is my appearance, but it’s not low enough to really sabotage me in any significant way, though technically I am losing some lays because of it, just like I talk about in the seduction point system.  And as many of you already know, I’m still working on it.  It will probably be a while before I can look in the mirror and proudly say I look like an 7 without trying or an 8 if I try, but I’ll get there.  (Frankly, I’m really not doing it to get laid more, I get laid plenty already; it’s more for health and longevity reasons.)

Anyway, once I get to the point where I can push my Physical Appearance to an 8 if I have to, I’m done.  No guy ever lost a lay because he was an 8 in looks…but he did lose lays because of other Critical Success Factors that were well below an 8.  I am amazed at the number of guys I’ve worked with in my seduction business who are way better looking than me BY FAR yet still have a lot of trouble getting laid.  It’s always because one or more of the other Critical Success Factors they have are at 4 or 5 (or lower).

I’m speaking here about seduction in general.  Every type of game has an additional set of five to seven Critical Success Factors that apply directly to that type of game.  There are five to seven Factors for picking up chicks at clubs.  Five to seven for daygame.  Five to seven for online game.  And street game, social circle game, college game, and so on.

So if, for example, you’re a club game guy, you could (and should) come up with the five to seven Critical Success Factors specifically for club game.  No matter what the area, you’ll always find five to seven things you need to be good at.  Five to seven.  It’s the damnest thing.  Apply this to any area of life and you’ll see.  It’s pretty cool.

I’ll do one more Critical Success Factor list, this one specifically for online dating (again, in no particular order, since all these things are important):

  • Cool Photos
  • Cool Profile
  • Sending Lots Of Openers (and having enough women in your city to do so)
  • Avoiding Women’s “Talk Forever Online” Frame
  • Asking For the Date
  • Scheduling the Date and Handling Scheduling Challenges and Logistics
  • Follow-Up Prior To Date / Comfort Bombardment

Get at least reasonably good at those seven things, you’ll have all the first dates you could ever want, whenever you want.  If not, you’ll struggle.  If online game is your main weapon of choice (as it is mine), rate yourself on all seven of those areas to see which areas you need work in.

Remember those things are above are in addition to the six core items in general seduction I listed above.  Great online dating skill won’t do shit for you if you don’t know how to escalate to sex with a woman in real life.  All I’ve done for the online dating Critical Success Factors is narrowed my focus to one type of game, rather than “game” in general.

You get my point.  Regardless of the style of seduction you focus on, sit down sometime and really do this.  You can also apply this technique to any area of life you’re working on, from writing a book to getting your black belt.  Do it and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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Post Information
Title Key Success Factors
Author Blackdragon
Date August 29, 2011 6:56 PM UTC (12 years ago)
Blog Caleb Jones
Archive Link
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