
~ archived since 2018 ~

Nagging Noah

Captain Capitalism
October 28, 2020

I had managed to make it 9 minutes from home before I got a call from my girlfriend.  She was caringly calling to let me know that a tail light was out in my truck and that I should get it repaired.  Caring as this was, it sent me into a rage as I was currently enroute to a much-needed retreat at a middle-of-nowhere Air BNB in rural Wisconsin.  And I was so looking forward to this trip, the road trip included, that the jarring phone call interrupted my recently-achieved zen, which sent me into my rage.

However, irrational as this may be, there is an explanation for it.  Like many of you I have a ton on my plate.  There's work.  There's chores.  There's a ton of projects I'm working on.  And all of this is couched within the backdrop of COVID and the creeping communism that is slowly taking over the US.  And when you take in the totality of both current work you have to do just to stay alive, as well as the tremendous amount of work you have to do on top of that to

Ensure you have enough for retirement
Ensure you make enough to pay off your debts
Ensure you have enough income streams to insure against recessions, cancel culture, industry set backs, etc.
Ensure you have enough ammo, guns, and training to protect your family against potential riots
Ensure you have backup savings overseas in case the US does go full communism

the pressure often becomes too much, at minimum shortening your fuse.

However, I am not the only one in this situation.  Many of you face the same.  And it's important to realize precisely what kind of situation we're in because if we don't we will not be able to solve the problems that face us, also  as well achieve the much-needed mental calm that comes with at least understanding the situation we're in.  And the situation we are all in is that we are modern day Noahs and we all desperately need to build our arks.

The short version is simply this - the United States and the west are slowly decaying to the point they will not longer be able to function as nations.  And I'm not talking so much about communism or socialism (though there certainly is a real and increasing chance of that).  I'm talking about Idiocracy where the current and future generations of Americans are so ill-reared, so ill-prepared they will not be able to function as normal, healthy, mature adults.  Be it 

the many videos of mentally ill women freaking out that Amy Barrett is a supreme court justice,
the animals who protest and riot because they want to,
the spineless ballsacks of mayors and city council members who let people destroy their towns,
the people in these towns who will vote for it again,
adult children who major in the dumbest subjects while crippling their lifetime finances with student loans,
fat women who think fat is hot,
or just your token millennial,

the day is rapidly coming a critical mass of the US adult population will not be capable of sanity, self-supportation, or mere functionality, and that society will collapse.  And so if you're like me, not only are you now chartered with the task of supporting yourself and your family, you are now also tasked with coming up with a "Plan B" to escape this nightmare that is coming.

However, there is a problem.  And that problem is you're surrounded by the normies, conformies, and inferiors of the world.  And as you desperately try to come up with a contingency plan, dedicating the work and effort towards building such an insurance policy, the normies, conformies, and inferiors of the world are going to pelt you with their small, insignificant concerns, often times wondering why you're so angry, in such a rush, not "chilling out and relaxing man," as you vainly try to explain to them WHY you are doing what you do and at the furious rate you're doing it at.

It is here you must realize this has nothing to do with politics.  Because it really isn't as clear cut as "republicans realize X, and democrats don't realize Y" and so only democrats are going to critique you, while republicans are going to volunteer to help you.  It is eternal and inherent human laziness that is the cause of all these people bogging you down with irrelevant questions, pelting you with petty critiques, or mocking you with sophistry.  And though it won't make these incredibly annoying, even time-wasting critiques go away, it will help you maintain your sanity understanding why these sheep do what they do.

First, the average person just lacks the foresight to understand basic economics.  It's 2020 and it's not like we didn't know there was an education bubble for over 10 years.  Students are demanding a bailout, and liberal arts degrees are commonly used as the butt end of jokes as they should be.  Still the fact worthless degrees are a cancer on society didn't prevent 70% of college students from declaring stupid majors in the 2019 school year.  There are certainly other unlimited examples of Americans' ignorance of economics (shoot, most Americans don't even know what a trillion dollars is, let alone what it's percent of GDP is, let alone how many trillions in a deficit we ran under Trump), but the point is the average normie, conformie, inferior American will not understand your concerns, let alone why you are building an economic boat for insurance.  They will roll their eyes at you, perhaps even calling you a "sexist" or a "racist," and in a Dunning-Kruger effect dismiss you as some "right wing nut job" as they then vote to spend 50% of GDP on a "New Green Deal."  Whatever your real concerns are about the future viability of the US economy, they are not capable of understanding it because they're too stupid.

Second, even if you find people who understand economics enough to realize the real and likely threats a combination Idiocracy/Communist economic system would present the nation, they are not courageous enough to admit to these threats.  These are your proverbial frogs in the water, who like Obama voters, "hope" things get better, but take no action.  They are not agents, they are objects, and are usually embodified by friends and relatives who they themselves may be conservative or libertarian, but think you're crazy for "prepping" or looking for land overseas.  They roll their eyes at you just the same and say, "Ohhhhh, that ole crazy Aaron, he says there's a housing crash on the way."  "Ohhh, that ole crazy Clarey, he says the schools are brainwashing the kids with communism.  They'll never riot."  But do not be mistaken, these people are afraid that you're right, but their fear of their current status quo life going away is even stronger, which keeps them in blissful inaction.

And third, laziness.  Even if people know there is a flood coming, even if people know the "Wyoming Three" will be a universal fact Americans will suffer in the near future, they won't do anything about it, because they don't want to.  They don't want to be like you when you finish a full day at the office, only to then go and spend another 3 hours researching getting a foreign passport or finding a foreign bank.  They don't want to cut spending on their Applebee's budget or their Sportsball wings on the weekend to fund a rainy day fund in Croatia.  They want to sit on their ass and watch TV.  And so whereas your physical energy, mental faculties, your patience are all taxed, making your fuse for petty and irrelevant bullshit incredibly short, these people's relatively laxed lives allow for longer fuses.  And longer fuses allow minds to engage in pettier pursuits, of which they will annoy you with as you're focused on drastically superior and more important concerns.

Alas, this is the "nagging Noah" that you, me, and the other handful of Noah's get to face.  Most of my life has been left-leaning family and friends thinking I was crazy there was a dotcom bubble about to happen.  Most of my professional life was catching flak, getting disciplined, and threatening to be fired because I said there was a housing bubble.  And today my life is filled with people who are telling me I need to relax and chill.  And while certainly a case could be made to relax and chill for health reasons, it doesn't make it any easier, let alone less annoying when these people pelt you with annoying concerns, petty criticisms, or condescending critiques.  But let us be perfectly clear.  For whatever comforts ignorance is affording these people today, it will not be worth the price they will pay tomorrow when society collapses, or is at least severely impaired from functioning, under an Idiocracy.  And when the day comes that every white person or every male has to have a struggle session under President Ocasio Cortez, or protests on the highway make driving an impossibility, or rent is so high because we printed off another 4 trillion in money to cover the national deficit, or fat chicks are beating up pretty thin chicks to fight against "beauty privilege", you can be sitting at your comfy, quiet, apartment in Phuket laughing at the news as you decide to take a stroll by the beach or maybe get a drink at the local bar.  All because you were some eye-rolling weirdo who (Beavis and Butthead laugh) "huh huh, heh heh" thought there was a chance the US would collapse.


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Title Nagging Noah
Author Captain Capitalism
Date October 28, 2020 1:56 PM UTC (3 years ago)
Blog Captain Capitalism
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