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A Day of Approaching Women in Public Settings (Audios)

Good Looking Loser
July 14, 2013

On Friday, I approached a lot of chicks in various ways/dynamics.

The gameplan on each was to take their number.

Sorry, I didn't count the amount of approaches so I could come home and immediately put them in a spreadsheet and make printable charts to analyze data that doesn't exist.

I just did a bunch of approaches until I got a decent example of what I wanted.
(that's what you in real life)
- I'd estimate I did about 30+ approaches (not counting the silly PUA ones)

Here are some-

  • Basic/Normal Guy (most guys can do this)
  • Pickup Artist Wizard (only the best...)
  • Groups of Girls (weren't that many out, these are good though)
  • Derrick's "No Game, Game"
  • How Guys Invite Girls to 'a Party' or 'to Party' (Do Cocaine)

I uploaded some of the more notable approaches- when I took their number, the context and how they may apply to your own thing.

I wouldn't look into the numbers/percentages too much because in some cases- I'm trying to be super boring, offensive, etc.

This is not necessarily what I usually do, although some are.

Woman Shopping Cartoon

Basic Gym Approach
(How I Basically Always Meet Girls At The Gym)

*this was from a week prior to this article, but a decent example of what I usually do

Here are my notes on "The Gym Approach" that I mentioned in this thread.

Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge

Mr. Basic/Boring Guy Approach

In these specific audios- other than telling stories, I make no effort to really do anything more than just SPEAK.

This is the type of thing I think most non-socially retarded guys can do.

And Probably less boring than I'm intentionally being.

THE POINT of this type of 'basic guy' thing is to show that you can literally have [otherwise] boring interactions and still take girl's numbers.
(the point was NOT to- MAKE SURE I LEAVE A HUGE IMPRESSION and leave her dripping wet)
-please don't leave "suggestions" on what I should have done. The entire point was to BE BORING.

One of the reasons that some guys have bad approach anxiety is because they feel they NEED to have have an 'explosive' sexually-charged conversation to "convince" the girl to consider them as a sexual option.

It's not true.

Girls don't really get hit on much during the day and if you look good enough, that alone is enough to leave an impression.

Most guys (non-PUA dorks) that pick up girls during the day- do it in this manner.

There is plenty of "awkward" (aka natural silences) when strangers talk to each other, even for guys that are "naturally" good with women.

I made sure there was in these too.

There's also plenty of stuff I say that the girls didn't understand and might even be offend by if they don't have a sense of humor.

Approaches went like this-

  • Hi
  • Small Talk Like a Normal Human
  • Compliment
  • Number

Only slightly different than my 'basic guy game' where a compliment is delivered before the small talk.

The motivation for this type of approach was a kid I knew named Drew Rice. He got a lot of girls but considered himself introverted and even BORING. One night he told me, "I have no personality." Whatever he was doing (I figured it out 10 years later) was working. I'd estimate that get probably sleep with 20-30 girls a year- all pretty cute girls from what I know.

This was Drew's super secret formula-

  1. Look good
  2. Try to talk to girls for 2 minutes by asking them questions/giving compliments
  3. Ask them out
  4. When on a "date" - ask them to come back to his place to watch a movie

That is the basically the exact formula that the majority of "normal" guys do.

The ones that score a lot, just do it more often.

Fyi- "Eye Contact"/"No Eye Contact" refers to before the interaction begins.
(not also of these do I completely remember however)bored

Basic/Boring Guy #1 (No Eye Contact, Live Number - Not Available)

Notes: No eye contact, at coffee shop while in line behind this girl. We talk about coffee and water. Prepare to be bored out of your mind.

Result: Girl's name is actually Shawntee; not Ashanti. Real name, not available.

Basic/Boring Guy #2 (Eye Contact, Live Number) - Available)

Notes: Eye contact. We talk about coffee and shopping. Prepare to be bored out of your mind.

Basic/Boring Guy #3 (No Eye Contact, Live Number - Available)

Notes: No eye contact, but I think this girl was looking at me. Not sure. A little less boring than I was shooting for, really pretty girl.

Basic/Boring Guy #4 (Eye Contact, Live Number - Boyfriend Seeker)

Notes: Eye contact. Basic guy stuff with weird/otherwise funny moments.

Clothing Clothing

Pickup Artist Inspired Approaches

Every other pick up artist sounds like this when he "hits" on girls.

This isn't pointing the finger at anyone, I actually have no one in mind-

  1. Speak like a flamboyant, non-masculine pussy.
  2. Tell her she's "stunning".
  3. Notice her "artsy" vibe, whether she has one or not.
  4. Say "Oh my God that's so cool" and/or "Organic" at least 2 times.
  5. Tell her you feel a "connection".
  6. Plow.

(if you are unable to tell- these approaches are "jokes" and I don't actually do this stuff when I'm trying to get girls)

If you are loyal to mainstream PUA, please don't your panties all tangled or wet yourself.


"Peacocking" shows that you are masculine and not afraid to stand out.

Your clothing can be a wonderful conversation piece for women that are interested in you.

PUA #1 (Eye Contact)

notes: Goes great. Watch as I build attraction right before your very ears.

PUA #2 (Eye Contact)

notes: Watch how I "plow" through her shit tests, demonstrating to her that I'm an alpha male and a leader of men. Attraction, swag factor off the charts. She knows that I'm a cool guy with a lot of friends and social value. The REAL question is- is she worth MY TIME? Because I'm the PRIZE.

PUA #3 (No Eye Contact)

notes: Watch/listen how masculine I am. Listen as I dominate the the conversation and defeat her "are you straight or gay" shit test. My frame is a piece of steel. I let this girl go because she is not MY TYPE and I don't want to waste MY TIME on her.

Approaching Groups of Girls

This is how I would get the number off a girl in a group of girls, day or night-

  1. Hi.
  2. Compliment them.
  3. Introduce yourself, ask their names.
  4. How do you know each other.
  5. Small talk.
  6. "I'm going to borrow your friend".
    (GRAB HER HAND, walk 5-10 feet away and ask for her number)

Sorry this shit sounds windy for the first 10-20 seconds, we are inside a department store and I have no idea why this is.

Group #1 (Eye Contact With 1 Girl, Live Number)

Notes: Small talk, "I'm going to borrow your friend". (grab her hand and move her 5-10 feet away). Take her number. Dumb hot party girls, exactly how they sound.

Group #2 (Eye Contact With 1 Girl, Live Number)

Note: Small talk, "I'm going to borrow your friend," again. (grab her hand and move her 5-10 feet away). Take her number. Cute young girls.


Derrick's "No Game" Game

My friend Derrick, mentioned in the "Sense of Entitlement" article does exactly this when he walks up to girls-

  1. Hi
  2. I don't have any funny lines to say but I still wanted to come say hi/meet you...
  3. Small talk
  4. Ask for number

This will work particularly well on any girl that you are equally or more attractive than.

It's more of a "go on a date" thing, but if you touch the girl a bunch- it can be more of a Get Laid thing.

Just about every single girl who is not emotionally destroyed will respond well to this; I don't do this often simply because it can activate the 'boyfriend' flag and isn't aggressive enough for me to screen women.

Met a few hot girls, thanks Derrick.

No Game - Game #1 (Eye Contact, Live Number)

Notes: Eye contact. Hot girl, nice. I actually kick some game at this girl because she's hot. Which normally, with this type of "No Game" approach, I wouldn't do.

No Game - Game #2 (No Eye Contact, Live Number)

Notes: No eye contact, but she might have seen me, not sure. Another good looking girl, great smile and huge swollen breasts. In and out.

No Game - Game #3 (Eye Contact, Live Number)

Notes: Girl thinks I'm 23. So I say I'm 24. Looked 16, she says she was 19. Been texting with her. Cutie, little cheerleader look. Most girls that age are completely silent.

She's probably one those 'blue chip' girls I mention at the end of this post.


Social Invites (Groups)

These are way to get girls (and her friends) to come to your party/hang out with your circle.

As usual, it's less about the "words" and more about LOOKING/BEING COOL, at least equal to the girl, preferably above.

Basic/Boring Guy Social Invite (Normal Party Invite, Dead Number)

Notes: Come to our party. No eye contact. Basic/Boring guy game. Two sisters seated. This is how basic/boring guys can invite girls to a party.

Do Cocaine (Party, Live Number)

Notes: Lets party. This type of this is really common in LA among the "In-Crowd". Guys make small talk with hot girls and then ask them to "party" (this is understood differently than 'we are having a party'). These girls pick up on what I'm telling them. This type of stuff works well on the hottest party girls, usually DTF.

I talk more about this here-

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Post Information
Title A Day of Approaching Women in Public Settings (Audios)
Author Good Looking Loser
Date July 14, 2013 12:00 AM UTC (10 years ago)
Blog Good Looking Loser
Archive Link
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