
~ archived since 2018 ~

From the Sewer Main to the Fever Swamps

Keoni Galt
December 19, 2015


Sometimes I come across a comment on teh Interwebz that's so good, I have to steal it re-post it.

In response to Vox's post We're not radicals or extremists:

"You must cherish your extremists, not turn your backs on them, much less shoot at them. They provide the impetus for advancement; even if they go too far, at least they are going in the right direction."

Neanderserk weighed in:


Outside the stream.

Which stream?

The mainstream.

Of what does the mainstream consist?


Which are like assholes: everybody has one.

Ergo, the mainstream is society's open sewer main.

Its smell pervades the air; its pathogens the water.

Yes. I am outside that.

 Me too!


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