
~ archived since 2018 ~

Your Papers, Comrade!

Keoni Galt
March 16, 2010

One of the primary tenets of the "conspiracy theory" sphere of the internet concerning the New World Order, is the idea that the elites who are striving inexorably towards a one world government, and that all the masses will eventually be tagged, cataloged and registered into a central database that will have implications that reach into every facet of our lives.

As the Biblical prophesy concerning the Number of the Beast in the Book of Revelations:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

If you look at the Wikipedia page I linked to for Number of the Beast, you'll see the majority of the content regarding this passage is concerned with the actual number 666 and possible translations have mistaken that for the originally intended 616. Does the actual number itself really matter?

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast...

This is about CONTROLLING mankind by ID. I think the number itself is really just an allegory's the basic idea that is most important aspect of this scripture to ponder!

Why do you think the banks, and many large corporations are pushing more and more people to use debit cards? Why they've made it the ultimate convenience tool to use? The more people use debit cards, the more they're financial transactions are easily traceable!

Whether you believe in "conspiracy theory" or not, you must look at what has been going on in the past generation in which Government entities have been working towards the goal of having a uniformly IDENTIFIED populace.

I believe this is the true rationale behind the imposition of a federally mandated drinking age of 21. (Note - this is just a theory of mine, I haven't read that anywhere else, I have no proof - it's just my own thoughts developed from trying to decipher the incremental approach to social engineering being used on the masses.)

People who have traveled in other countries in which the drinking age is much lower (if there is one at all) can quite easily see how a relaxed societal attitude towards alcohol usually results in a society for which drunken debauchery is generally disapproved of, how responsible drinking is the norm, and that all of the supposed chaos and problems that would result from having a lowered drinking age in America are usually not evident in most countries outside of the USA.

One can also see the most apparent contradiction in the drinking age policy when it comes to military service and suffrage. You mean society says your adult enough to vote...and sign up for military service to go and kill and be killed in foreign lands when you're 18...but still three years away from being mature enough to handle drinking alcohol?

This simply does not pass a cursory examination based on objective, common sense.

So why, than? Put on your tin foil hat for a moment and consider the "conspiracy" angle:

- We now have an entire generation of Americans that have grown up in a society in which a fairly common behavior throughout all of human history like social drinking has been regulated by Federal, State and County authorities. To now have a few drinks for recreation, you must line up, and submit your identification for scrutiny to enter an establishment that serves alcohol or purchase some from a grocery store or market.

- We now have an entire generation of Americans conditioned to the idea that they cannot wait to reach the age of 21 so they can eagerly obtain a government ID to prove their eligibility to enter an establishment or buy from their local grocery/liquor stores.

Seen from that angle, the Federally mandated raising of the Drinking age in the late 1980's to 21 now makes perfect sense!

Another idea for tagging We the Sheeple so we can be cataloged and tracked, is to store our individual, unique bio-metrics in a centralized database.

This, is also why I suspect their is such a huge push being done to pass "universal" health care. It's not about "caring" for everybody. It's about creating the impetus to justify the creation of a large, central database of the average citizen's medical records, indexed to their SSN's. Just one more way to advance the primary goal to tag and track We the Sheeple.

From Against Simple Universal Healthcare:

The SSN was created in support of the social security program of the Federal Government in the 1930’s. Originally limited in use to recording individual ontributions to the social security plan, its approved Federal use has been broadened to identifying taxpayers and their tax transactions, civil service employment, Defense Department personnel, recipients of some forms of public assistance, and other functions. In addition, states use the SSN for their own tax-related records, and many also index drivers’ licenses, motor vehicle registration, and criminal history to the same identifier. Non-government uses include records holding an individual’s history of employment, insurance, credit, and education. If current trends continue, health records will join this list.

With growing interoperability of database systems, we are getting close to the time when a single SQL query can, at not very great cost, find a selection of individuals based on any or all of the characteristics indexed by the SSN listed above. To anyone who values privacy even slightly, this is a frightening prospect.

Rest assured, those that would Tag and Track us are not betting all their efforts on duping the populous to accept "universal healthcare." No...there looking for other ways to get our bio-metrics recorded...

Have a look at these two recent articles:

Judge: Police Can Forcibly Take DNA Samples Upon Arrest

Obama Supports DNA Sampling Upon Arrest

Note that this is UPON ARREST. Not conviction...merely arrested! Based on that alone, any man falsely accused of domestic violence as a simple divorce tactic as advised by his divorcing wife's attorney, will than be subject to an involuntary collection of his DNA.

I do believe the pattern is clear. Our government agencies and their agents have slowly but surely working towards collecting our information and working towards a Brave New World Order where we the Sheeple are all tagged, databased and easily tracked, controlled and manipulated.

Think THIS type of scenario is really that far fetched?

We are certainly moving closer to this sort of thing becoming our new reality.

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