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The Reason Why Pussy Grabbing Triggers Manlet Manginas

January 19, 2017

It’s all about the lack of balls. Les Saunders, Protestant, explains.

In my line of work, I run into a lot of young attractive women and cucks (in addition to old crones). Being me, if an attractive young lady in the workplace drips past, I’ll make a comment about her appearance of something or other. You know, normal guy stuff. These cucks seem just aghast that a male could think of women in such vulgar ways.

I think I’ve figured it all out.

Cucks have never, ever in their lives seen pussy, gone after pussy, and grabbed pussy*. Rather, they are the pathetic losers who have only gotten laid by virtue of women choosing them, instead of their choosing the woman. These are the guys in university who got laid maybe once per semester or year because some drunk girl grabbed them at 2am on the dance floor when Red Red Wine came on. They’ve never chased a woman in their life, save perhaps for some weak, passive aggressive, beta supplicant way which never works by the way. So naturally, they find the idea of men pursuing women “problematic”. Sad!

*it bears repeating. Those of us who’ve ever seduced women in our lives know that grabbing women by the pussy did not and does not mean sexual assault. That’s for losers and Arabs. It’s about seducing and creating that moment with a woman where she totally surrenders to you, and you can take what you wish.

Cucks, manlets, manginas, and reedy-voiced white knights will actually use words like “vile” to describe Trump’s braggadocio about women letting rich and famous men grab their pussies. Les gets it; the manginas’ carefully manicured revulsion of boldly entitled alpha males is a product of their immersion in the shrikeheist of a demasculinized gynecratie coupled with an EXTREMELY slow life history that meant decades in the incel wilderness waiting waiting waiting for subpar poon to fall in their laps instead of sacking up and doing the one thing women really cream for when it comes from a man: busting a move.

The baleful rise of anhedonic male feminism is directly related to the expansion of the incel subsociety and the missing experience that comes from actually hitting on women to know that Consent Feminism virtue signaling dries pussy faster than an accidental Pill overdose.

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Title The Reason Why Pussy Grabbing Triggers Manlet Manginas
Author CH
Date January 19, 2017 10:40 PM UTC (7 years ago)
Blog Heartiste
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