There are several socially-inculcated attitudes that are holding you back from developing a powerful Harambe Mindset [1]. They are supported by a web of entangling beliefs and propositions built up over decades. Rather then untangle their sources, let’s just cut straight to the chase – what is their effect on you, the wannabe seducer of YHT girls?
- You should consider the opinions of others.
- You should accept your station in life.
- You should follow the reigning moral code.
When reading them out like that it’s easy to say “hell, no! I will do my thing. I’m a free man” but the whole reason mind control is powerful is because the most powerful determinants are subtle. The world is constantly attacking your frame. This is why:Â Everything in the world is a struggle for resources.
The best way to win the struggle is to make other people do all the hard work for you.
Literally every living organism is fighting for those resources and every one of them has developed tricks to get there. That’s why they still exist – the failing strategies were removed from the DNA pool. Nothing is benign and nothing is innocent – even dolphins gang-rape seals. Flowers reach for sunlight and induce bees to do the legwork [2] of spreading their pollen. Fleas attach to the hide of farm animals to suck their blood. Predators hunt prey. Nature is red in tooth and claw. Here is a general rule I use to look at the world:
Any time there is value, attackers descend upon it.
Let’s just think of this in ever-escalating scale:
- Put nutrients in a petri dish and bacteria will develop.
- Shit onto the floor and flies will swarm.
- Put food on the table and the cat will wait for its moment to leap.
- Put gold in the bank and robbers will blow the safe.
- Post a glowing fact sheet on a Pussy Paradise and the PUA army shows up in town.
- Build a peaceful civilisation and third world savages will invade.
This is the way of the world – any place there is value, there will be a swarm of attackers. You – as an able-bodied male of working and fighting age – have value too. Girls see you as a source of money, attention, security and (hopefully) DNA. Employers see you as a source of labour. The government sees you as a source of taxation [3]. You have value and people are coming for it. Most of us, as K-selects, are quite wise to overt physical and logistical forms of attack on our value. That’s why the r-selected attackers will blindside you by underhand methods. The main method is a moral entreaty followed by gas-lighting [4]
There’s nothing an r-select likes more than watching someone else stockpile value, then swooping in and bullshitting them out of it.
Moral entreaties are any kind of statement that follows the structure of “you should behave more like [x] because of nebulous ethical reason [y]”. Examples would be:
- “You should pay the check for dinner because you’re a gentleman” [5]
- “You should limit your carbon footprint because it’s better for the environment”
- “You should support unlimited mass migration to white countries because diversity”
- “You should get married and buy a house, because that’s what real men do”
- “You should date a woman your own age because that’s normal”
It’s pretty clear that each statement is an attempt to get you to surrender your value (or claim to value) so that someone else can take it for themselves. In order: the woman wants your money, the environmentalist wants you shamed into low consumption, the 3rd world savages want your country, the parents want a legacy, and the scold wants you to ignore the hotties and date her haggard old ass [6]. It’s an effective trick because it engages and subverts our hard-coded inclination to support social trust and to live according to a system of moral values. The problem is it is subverting it.
Moral codes are really only one of two things. Either:
- A way to bullshit you out of your value (as above), or
- You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours [7]
R-selects are highly devious people and they will shamelessly hijack your own human goodness in order to shackle you with it while they loot your safe and rape your wife. Defending yourself against it is simple: any time your hear the word “should”, ask yourself what part of my value they are trying to steal? If obeying their moral entreaty would result in a transfer of value (present or anticipated) from you / your allies to them / their allies, then you know they are attempting to defraud you. So treat them like the dirty thieves they are.
Any successful moral entreaty / robbery is swiftly followed by a gas-lighting in order to persuade the victim that no robbery occurred.
Gas-lighting: “manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity.”
Gas-lighting is best explained via the old-time idiom: “don’t piss on my back and then tell me it’s raining” or “these aren’t the droids you’re looking for”. The fraudster will expressly tell you that what you are seeing is not really what you’re seeing, and if they can engage external supports for their view you may begin to doubt your own lying eyes. This is especially effective if the moral entreaty is part of the reigning orthodoxy, supported by the media and academia, and if it takes place over an extended period of time.
For daygame purposes, we’ll just stick to gas-lighting from the feminist orthodoxy rather than talk about political and racial gas-lighting.
The way to resist gas-lighting is two-fold: (i) having recognised the statements are coming from someone engaged in robbing you, you are forewarned and forearmed against believing anything they tell you, (ii) just trust your own eyes and gut instinct. Never believe a logical or emotive argument if it sets your gut instinct churning. Even if you can’t explicate why, trust your instinct. The world really isn’t very complicated. Our entire minds and instincts have been honed over millions of years to see it clearly enough to reach our survival and replications goals [8]. So if someone is presenting you with convoluted logic, the jist of which is “your gut instinct is wrong, do it my way” then it’s a safe bet they are gas-lighting you.
So let’s get back to the original three stumbling blocks in your inner game that prevent you being more assertive. Other people’s opinions don’t matter at all. Most of the opinions they offer are either irrelevant to you or else an attempt to rob you of value. Most people you think may have an opinion of you (e.g. those men sitting at the cafe watching you open the hottie) will more likely have a favourable opinon (“I wish I had the balls to open her”) or just not much care (“what’s the latest footie score?”). So long as you accept your station in life, I get to clack the hotties while you follow that reigning moral code of being a gentleman, treating girls with “respect” [9].
The Harambe Mindset requires you to put your own interests front and centre. Without helping yourself first you can’t help your people. It requires you to see the world with your own eyes and trust the information they receive. It also requires you to recognise that most of the people telling you that you should do this or shouldn’t do that are really just freeloading r-selects attempting to bullshit you out of your value.
[1] heh!
[2] wingwork, really
[3] and if you’re straight and white, someone to troll and to pin the blame for the world’s problems onto.
[4] If you doubt it’s effectiveness, consider how this strategy has brought the greatest civilisations to their knees in just sixty years.
[5] in this case, the nebulous ethical reason is tacit, not stated
[6] I hear dating haggard old cows is more normal in Belgium
[7] Literally in the case of “do unto others as you’d have them do unto you” and in the famous Tit-for-tat cooperational experiments. Much of human morality is about agreeing to exchange favours and to agree to mutual non-aggression.
[8] So no, I don’t agree with Scott Adams’ “nothing is real” theory. There’s a world of difference between the statements the world is not real, or the world is inexplicable, and we are unable to explicate the world.
[9] “respect” is just a chode’s way of reframing his own fear and exporting it onto you.
If you thought this post was eerily similar to another great blogger in a self-aware manner, you should see my book. It’s completely unrelated.