It’s a glorious day. The first warm rays of summer begin to break through the dull clouds of spring. The squirrels scramble up trees as the birds tweet and the bright blue sky stretches across a sleepy London. I get up, have a wank, and head into town.

Suave and I are getting a little tired of Covent Garden street game and want to try something different. A day like this is likely to bring all the fair-weather PUAs out in force so we’d rather not compete for scraps in the usual areas. We head off towards St James Park. As we pass through Leicester Square I’m just chatting with no intention of opening when my favourite type of set goes by – a tall bitchy Russian. God how I love these girls. Suave fumbles with his spycam and I beat him to it, giving chase. He gratitiously falls back and starts up the long distance camcorder. I turn the girl and open indirect.

Standard leggy Russian M.O. – she looks at me like I’m crazy, eyeballs me and shows no smile or positive feedback. I know from experience that tall Commies give a really strong bitch shield in the first minute but if their feet aren’t taking them away from you it’s just a shit test they hope you pass. I plough and almost to the second she relents and opens up. I’m in.

I’m working on body language and engaging conversation and she’s soon investing. She’s a model – but I knew that the moment she caught my eye. I’m in set for twenty minutes and twice try a bounce. First time it’s to a cafe but she says she’s just finished a mug, then to the National Portrait Gallery but she says she’s going to the Tate Modern. I start walking her there but she wants to get a tube. Fuck that, I number close and I’m out. Good solid set and a better than evens chance I get the Day 2.

There’s nothing to see in Green Park but as we get by the palace and into St James’ I spot two nice girls on a bench. Both are hot but the one with reddish-brown hair is more my type. Technically I have to figure a way to hold myself so I’m not leering over them and then get sat down as quickly as possible without freaking them out. I pull it off in about a minute and they get well into the conversation. They are shit-testing really hard, test after test. I keep passing them but it’s wearing on me and eventually after about ten minutes I feel my frame crumbling. I go for an uncalibrated close, knowing full well my timing is off, but I know I’m running out of ideas. They ask for my email, which I take to be a “we’re done with you, please leave.”

I’m still pleased because it was a really tough set. They were slamming me hard and tag-teaming, and I nearly pulled it off. Over the other side of the pond I see a girl lying down reading Harry Potter. She’s got a nice red crocodile skin bag so I open indirect about that, saying I’m looking to get a jacket from a similar material. The main technical challenge is to get comfortably sat on the grass – not so early I pre-empt the welcome but not so late that I DLV by enduring discomfort in my neediness to talk to her. Again, I think I pull it off easily. After ten minutes she’s into it and moving her feet around in a suppressed pussy tingle so I take her for coffee.

She's my new project

The instant date goes well. I bounce her to a pub, then walk her over Embankment bridge and along the South Bank. We stop at another pub then I take her to a station and after three hours send her packing. In that time I’ve run some NLP (the boxing and rollercoaster routines) which hit big time, frame our interaction as her being the hot girl chasing the alpha (me), and we agree that although she’s a shy girl my new project is to bring out her adventurous side – nothing about her before she met me matters, when we meet she’s going to be a new wild girl just for me. If that works, I’ll put it in my Day 2 arsenal. A good day.