
~ archived since 2018 ~

The craft of poetry writing is the art of seduction

April 7, 2012

you mention in some of your posts about hypnotic language and nlp… do u have recommendations on getting started…

If you understand the basic principles you can just wing it. The principle of hypnosis is that if you tell someone how they are feeling with an authoritative voice, they tend to believe it. The principle of NLP is that one idea plus another idea creates two associated ideas. For instance if you first say the words hate, disgust, vomit, dislike, putrid, and then say the word milk, you have in your mind subconsciously tainted that milk. Words work in context, and the brain gets primed to find the context that gives words meaning by looking around for what preceded and what was previously associated with that word.

So if you want the girl to associate good things with you, you build up all sorts of contexts and associations. For instance as you get to the climax of a heartwarming and positive story, touch her, so that she associates your touch with those positive feelings. Each word and each sentence is a powerhouse of feelings and associations, and will move people. Be careful of the arrangement of these interconnected associations and be mindful of the effect of your speech. Speech isn’t casual, it’s a seductive and influential art.

When you speak you aren’t just letting the pictures in your head out through your mouth, but you are building up associations in another persons mind, so that they can create their own emotion laden pictures.

If you learn poetry writing (preferably in a small group class setting), you are learning NLP. That’s because the mind is simply structured that way – it makes associations contextually. Learning poetic communication is learning NLP.

With poetry writing you take a long time crafting a few stanzas. You edit and re-edit. Then you share your work with a group, and each person will make notes on your handout and returns to you a critique. As well you’ll get public discussion. You also get the opportunity to critique the works of others. This slow painstaking crafting process teaches skills that eventually become natural habit, such that less edits are needed to get the mood, structure, tone, form and rhythm to convey your ideas persuasively. This writing habit will alter your speech habit, as you’ll begin to notice how one word replaced with a synonym or put in a different location modifies the meaning.

Then of course there is voice control, facial expression, eye contact, and body language. All are conveyances to your persuasion.

We usually think language is about basic clumsy ideas held by words. Because of how the brain creates meaning through context and associations, you can communicate more powerfully if you become aware of these associations and interconnections in your ideas. Hitler got his power through oratory. Imagine that.

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