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How to be More Feminine: 18 Ways of a Soft Feminine Woman

Renee Wade
July 19, 2020

Becoming more feminine can make you more attractive as a woman.

Not only that, it allows you to become more of yourself, and become more of who you are deep down inside.

Embodied feminine energy is created from the inside out, and for a woman to be more feminine, she must prioritize what goes on within herself internally.

In this article, I will first show you how to become more feminine in 4 simple steps.

After that, I will share with you 18 ways of a soft, feminine woman.

Itâs quite easy to improve how we look externally, but the more important focus should be on the true embodiment of your own unique feminine energy.

Some of the most feminine women in the world have no money for pretty clothing, shoes, the latest LV bag, or the latest Chanel sunglasses.

Yet, they show up extremely feminine, because (perhaps due to the fact that they live in a more traditional culture where feminine energy is celebrated), theyâve kept their natural, undulating feminine energy within their body that they were naturally born with.

Let’s not forget also, that making ourselves up as women, and dressing ourselves has in our
modern world, become a bit of a race to the bottom: a race by which women try to out-compete each other for cheap male attention by dressing more provocatively than the woman standing next to them.

What is feminine energy and how can you become the ultimate feminine woman?

First, letâs establish whether your primary energy is more masculine or more feminine.

Chances are, if youâre searching for ways to increase your feminine energy and your expression of it, then you are probably more feminine naturally.

However, there are some of us who are more preferentially identified with the masculine energy.

Yes, a woman can be naturally primarily identified with the masculine energy, and thatâs perfectly ok.

Of course, I must also remind you that some of us are neutral at our core. What this means is that some people (male OR female) are neither clearly very expressive of the feminine energy, nor are they very clearly expressed in the masculine energy.

So, these more neutral people donât seem to have the emotionally expressive, changeability, non-goal oriented radiance of a more feminine identified human, and they donât seem to have the impersonal objectivity, or the directed and linear energy of a very masculine identified human.

However, the majority of females born (roughly 80% of women) will identify strongly with the feminine energy, and given the right environment and opportunity, they will gravitate towards existing from that energy.

This is often called your feminine core.

So, do you have a more feminine core?

Hereâs a table I made for you to see clearly what the differences between the masculine and feminine energy are.

Itâs for you to figure out if you are more feminine or masculine at your core.

If youâre still confused as to which energy you identify more with naturally, you can take this free quiz we have created called, âHow Naturally Feminine Am I Actually?â

Now we can talk about HOW to emulate more of your feminine energy.

STEP 1: First relinquish Your Rules

Rules are useful when they are useful.

Yet, femininity and feminine energy is often squashed by ârulesâ on how to act. And that’s troublesome because most of us live in a society full of unspoken rules.

Not to mention peer groups. Often, our friends or our peer groups can be the most limiting when we want to change.

I have said before, that femininity is not so much about following a set of rules, because rules = rigid and there’s nothing rigid about femininity.

Feminine energy is the energy of life – it is sometimes more nurturing, and sometimes more wild, dark and more carnal in its expression.

Hereâs a quick contrast between light and dark feminine energy.

So, do you have any rules about what it means to be feminine?

Do you think that by being more soft, youâll always be extra feminine in your expressions?

Do you have a rule that very feminine women should always look and be elegant?

Do you have a rule that says feminine women can never be masculine?

Do you have a rule that says that to be feminine, you can never, ever swear or use obscenities?

Do you think being feminine is all about being passive?

Have a think about that.

You see, due to a number of growing dating and relationship rules circulating on the internet, many women now have erroneous ideas about how to show up more feminine.

Due to the new age rules, a lot of women these days think that being feminine is about being passive, being more receptive or about receiving.

Being receptive is a good overall skill to have, but it doesnât relate specifically to becoming more feminine.

Receptivity will help you open more and relate more as a human, rather than being strictly about feminine energy.

If you would like to find out more about that, you can read my article, Is It Really âFeminineâ To Receive? & Other Myths of Masculine & Feminine Energy.

A lot of people say that in dating, to be feminine means to practice “leaning back”. See my article here on The 9 Dangers of Leaning Back & Why it’s Not Feminine.

The truth is that a masculine man can lean back as well, and not suddenly be or look âfeminineâ.
People are getting their knickers in a knot about the whole feminine and masculine paradigm. Thereâs really no need!

First and foremost, relinquish all the rules youâve taken on board about what it means to show up with more feminine energy.

Remember, you are a unique soul. Youâre one of a kind. You have your own âflavourâ of feminine energy.

This means that no amount of rules you follow will really help you become more of feminine self – unless youâre coming out of an abusive relationship, and you want to feel safer when connecting with a new man.

Even then, strange rules about being passive or never contacting a man and never doing anything masculine would really restrict your expression of yourself.

Sure, you might want to become softer rather than being hard and rigid – but being soft doesnât always equate to being passive.

Sometimes femininity is soft. Other times it is not.

STEP 2: Remove the Masks & Stop Trying to be âworthyâ

Ask yourself this question: âam I wanting to become more feminine in order to be more worthy?â

If deep down, you know in your heart of hearts that the answer is yes, then just remind yourself of somethingâ¦.

Remind yourself that to emanate more feminine energy requires that you stop trying to be worthy.

Rather, itâs about being able to relax beyond the stress and tension of being worthy, into who you already are in your true nature.

Striving to be or feel more âworthyâ of love is a mistake Iâve personally made.

It really gives off the wrong vibe – the vibe that youâre not âquite thereâ or âcalibratedâ socially or relationally.

See, femininity must occur from within. Smart men will never be fooled by a fake feminine woman.

In other words, you need to remove the fake masculine masks you may have adopted as a little girl in order to be received by others as more âhigh achievingâ, âcompetitiveâ and âenoughâ in this society.

See, the fact that youâre here on this earth already means that you are worthy.

If your core is truly feminine, what you need is to remove the masks, the layers of striving and coping to be âworthyâ or to be more âenoughâ and move beyond rules into the delicious expression of your own unique feminine radiance.

(If you would like to learn more about what exactly feminine radiance is – D.Shen has an amazing article I recommend you read. Itâs titled: âWhat Exactly IS Feminine Radiance?â)
Removing masks of fake feminine energy or fake masculine energy doesn’t mean you should give up your masculine qualities.

Please don’t give them up.

We all have masculine and feminine energy in us (men and women) – remember that feminine and masculine energy are not gender-dependent.

Your masculine qualities are equally as wonderful and useful in your life (and yes, even in your relationship!)

It’s just that a lot of us women have become extremely masculine because of our work and our habits.

This means that many women now donât want to, or know how to come out of their hyper-masculinised lifestyle.

See, what we do most of the time shows in our body and if we do a little too much of the so-called masculine tasks and things, then it makes our bodies masculine.

In fact, having a highly unbalanced, masculine lifestyle or job can affect your beauty and femininity.

The truth is that of course dominant and successful men are attracted to a feminine woman.
Yet not every man wants a feminine woman, and not every man finds a feminine woman attractive.

Not only that, to be a high value woman, you need to be able to access your healthy masculine as well.

Try to remember that.

The type of men to find a very feminine woman attractive are the men who spend a lot of time being very centred in their masculine “core”, which means that they are unafraid to be themselves.

This means that their natural dominant energy, their natural sense of autonomy and direction gifted to them at birth has not been quashed by society (or if it has, he has learned how to get back to his core)

What is the one specific emotional trigger within every single man in this world that inspires him to want to commit to ONE woman, want to take care of her, worship her and only her?

Click here to find out right now…

STEP 3: Become free to be in the sensations of your feminine âbodyâ

When you have a lot of work and responsibilities, itâs imperative to be able to switch from that masculine, goal-oriented energy to the undulating waves of changing feminine energy that exist in your body naturally.

To release that constricted ball of masculine energy in your body, use music and relaxation to soften the constriction.

And do things that bring your body towards relaxation. Relaxation reduces stress and brings your body in connection with its natural pleasure or even pain. Things like having a bath, dancing and moving your body in whichever way it wants to move (whichever way feels good to you), will help you bring you back to your body.

Feminine energy is usually highly concentrated in the hips, thighs and reproductive organs. This is where the energy needs to be for successfully maintaining your cycle and for reproduction.
We donât want to be trapped in our head all the time, and we donât want to quash our undulating feminine energy.

Instead, we want to free up all the constricted energy from living in the masculine world.
You see, when we go to school and college and then proceed to get a job, we take on responsibilities and stressors that affect our feminine energy.

Not only that, if we have a career that requires us to be in our masculine energy a lot, we lose that ability to be more feminine.

When we have a very masculine career (which many of us do!), and we go to it day to day, it makes our body masculine.

What you have to do in order to accomplish things in a highly competitive and cut-throat masculine environment, is you have to suck up all the subtle ripples of feminine energy that would normally traverse your body unhindered, and turn it into a linear energy of focus and âgoing for the killâ.

This âsucking upâ of your feminine energy is what your body does naturally, to get the job done.
Now, this doesn’t mean that if you are trapped in this kind of habit that you are doing the wrong thing, because you aren’t.

It just means that you may spend a little too much tie in your masculine in order to really keep a healthy feminine.

It means that youâre not existing in your sensual world, or in the sensations of your body. (Remember in our table above that feminine energy is more about existing in the body and the bodyâs sensations and feelings?)

Feeling is the essence of femininity, because to feel, you need to surrender. And that is, surrender to life force and let it become you.

What I also mean by this is that to be feminine, we cannot be trapped in limiting beliefs that lead us to become a detached or cold woman who is disconnected from connection, and also the spontaneous flow of life.

This is one of the attitudes you don’t want to have if you want to be more feminine.

Women are nurturers. And this requires a level of attachment and sensitivity.

Truly beautiful, feminine women take care of things that they care for – (not just anything, you don’t want to take care of everything just for the sake of it).

In fact, they care about almost everything. Remember from our table above that the feminine finds it hard to let go? Rather, it hangs on (often a little too long?)

Sometimes, patterns of detachment from sensitivity and emotion, love or intimate relationship are a product of experiencing pain and/or believing we aren’t worthy of being seen as who we naturally are.

Sure, we’ve all had trauma. Weâve all had enormous pain. But it doesn’t mean that a woman has to become ‘broken’ and feel like she has no way out other than to wallow in victimhood.
Here’s what’s interesting.

A feminine woman, if she shows up as a man’s âone and only” instead of “one of many”, truly gives a masculine man a reason to live, to work, to provide, and to conquer.

Due to the fact that her energy and aliveness (connection with all of life….her surrender to pain and pleasure) gives him something he can NEVER experience fully for himself as a man.

Unless he goes to Hawaii or perhaps fiji.

These are very feminine places that can truly enlive men (and women) when we visit them. They nurture us with their lush beauty and feminine energy.

So, see your feminine energy or your femininity as a gift to a good man.

By the way, if you want to learn the 5 secrets of how to make him fall in love with you and beg YOU to be his one and only, I have something special for you here.

Step 4: Vulnerability

Vulnerability has become the ultimate buzzword in the last 5 or so years.

But how do you practise it?

Thereâs a few suggestions I have for you.

1: Take a cold shower. This makes you instantly vulnerable and makes your emotions surface (learn more about cold showers here before you begin them, however. I am not a doctor.)

2: Emotionally invest in someone or something.

Yes, of course, that means you can invest in yourself too, if you want to!

Investing in yourself doesnât mean watching crappy tv shows and binge-eating potato chips (although you can do that if you want – but thatâs more about being escaping than it is about investing in yourself).

It means to make yourself vulnerable by learning something new, actually studying a topic you do not understand (like MEN, money, health, relationships), or simply investing your time in getting to know another human (yes, including men).

If you want to be vulnerable, understand men!

If you want to be more vulnerable, understand another human (women included).

Be on the same page they are on, so that you develop a sense of beauty, relatability, authenticity, softness and humility.

All these things lead to deeper vulnerability which can also lead to deeper connection.
And what does deeper connection mean?

It means that your feminine energy gets the nourishment it needs.

Connection is the lifeblood of the feminine.

The more connected you are, the more vulnerable you are.

Of course, the more vulnerable you are, the more you show to men that youâre not really all that capable in certain areas of life.

Just like perhaps he wouldnât be capable of breastfeeding a child.

(See, if you can kill all of your own snakes as a woman, that’s great….but if you kill each and every snake for yourself time after time, then…then what is the purpose of a man in your life?)

It’s important to be aware that if a man is masculine at his core, then it’s important that he does feel needed to an extent. (just like you like to feel needed by a man, but in different ways).

So, allow yourself the gift of vulnerability.

Surrender to the feelings in your body.

Surrender to whatâs true of life.

When youâre real like this, youâre more of yourself.

When youâre more of yourself, your natural femininity will shine through like the brightest star in the night sky.

Itâs kind of like peeling back the layers.

Peeling off the masks and saying, âHey world. Iâm here. Iâm real. I feel. Iâm a woman and Iâm proud to be so.â

And guess what?

Then he (men) will see that you do struggle sometimes.

And perhaps you struggle in ways that he can really help you!

He will see that you donât have a whole lot of direction in your life like he does, because you donât tend towards that masculine bias.

Instead, youâre not about direction (most of the time – perhaps at work you are, but definitely not inside of a relationship).

Your feminine core is about flow, remember?

Flowing from one thing to another – and yes, that embodiment of life energy makes you very vulnerable at times.

So he will see and feel that you are vulnerable and real.

If there’s no vulnerability, then there is no need for him, and if there’s no need for him, then he will be more likely to subconsciously put you in the category of “one of many” and pump and dump you.

Because your sexual exchanges wonât mean anything to him.

You may wonder what the difference between neediness and vulnerability is.

Hereâs an article on, How to Be Vulnerable Without Being NEEDY.

Would you like to also discover the one ONE specific emotional trigger within every single man in this world that inspires him to WANT to commit to one woman, and commit to her and only her?

I share with you what that one specific emotional trigger is right here.


18 Ways Of A High Value, Soft & Feminine Woman

When I was 10, I liked a blonde haired, rough around the edges boy called Shannon, but Shannon didn’t like me; he liked my friend Tilly who wore floral skirts.

When I asked Tilly why Shannon didnât like me and liked her (yes, I really did that), Tilly said I was acting like a boy and Shannon would like me more if I wore a skirt.

Looking back now, I can see that that Tilly girl – she was smart.

When I was 13 walking down the river bank with my best friend at the time, who has since sadly passed away, a couple of boys walked past and said to us ânice tits, ugly headâ.

I didnât have any breasts, I was flat chested and my friend was the total opposite of flat chested, so I assumed he was saying ânice titsâ to my best friend and ugly head to me.

Was I being too negative? Maybe.

Then, when I was 22 studying my law degree, a male law student acquaintance said to me âyour body looks your age, your face looks oldâ.

I still remember this for a reason – cause it sucked to hear it. (Iâve since been told that he wanted to have sex with me, so he said that to bring me down a peg. I donât know…it still hurts though.)

Now you can take a guess at one reason why I got interested in the topic of feminine energy, relationships, dating and men. I had a few…letâs call them unanswered questions.

Which, by the way, I had to figure out the answers for myself. My parents were too proper to answer any love, dating or sex questions I had.

So these 18 tips are as much for me as for anyone else who gives a damn about love, sex and the art of intimacy.

I suggest that you choose only 3 (THREE) of these 18 ways that appeal to you, and begin doing them.

You’ll be better than 95% of people in relationships for doing so.

1. Always, always consider things from his perspective.

Why? Because it makes you smart, and able to see very quickly if he cares about you; or is hanging with you for the wrong reasons.

This is an essential skill to become good with men and people in general.

Itâs just about caring. Try hard to understand where another person is coming from, feel what problems they might have. Try to see what their motivations are.

Prepare to be wrong about this more often than not. But the point is not to be right.

The point is to start. To care. Eventually, you might get 10% better at it. Thatâs an enormous difference from most humans, who never try.

2. Re-sensitise yourself.

Both of my sons (and I believe possibly all newborns) came into the world highly sensitive.
I would leave my older son in a room with his father for 5 minutes while I hung up the washing, and if he cried for me while I was gone, I was dumbfounded that I could simply walk back into the room (without seeing me at all), and he would stop crying, sensing my presence.

These babies, innocent and free, also donât tolerate anything less than full love and connection.

How many of us keep this capacity for sensitivity and connection after childhood?

If this vulnerability and trust that we are born with is broken, which it is for most of us, we lose innocence and purity, we can also become thick skinned and stupid in relationships.

This is not to say that we should be like a newborn baby, but that we should try to have a capacity for sensitivity and a capacity for trusting others and the capacity for feeling untrust.

You would ideally also be just as able to connect to pain as you can connect to pleasure.
Why? Well, because if you’re feminine in an “advanced” way, then your body becomes more and more open over time, and as it becomes more open over time, it becomes incredibly sensitive to pain and pleasure.

So consider re-sensitising yourself with feeling deeper beyond the superficial patterns you have.

Breathe deeply, dance, appreciate your feminine body.

3. Do touch your chosen man physically lovingly, showing presence and sensitivity and softness.

The reason this tip is in here is because soft feminine woman are sensual, because they are attuned to the sensations in their bodies.

When you reach out and touch a man gently, softly and lovingly, Iâve noticed it feels feminine to them, and it takes courage to do this from a caring place.

We can be mindless, going about our day-to-day, and forget to connect with him from a soft and sensitive place.

4. Play

Be playful and move and throw pillows and wrestle for fun.

Connect with him in these multi dimensional ways – one caveat: I mean to do this in a way that you enjoy and that gives you pleasure.

Men in general love a womanâs pleasure. It’s horrible that so many of us are ashamed of our own pleasure: because it triggers other women’s jealousy.

A little secret: playfulness also the no.1 trait of high value dating profiles online (that men fall in love with).

5. Blow jobs

Only with a man that youâre exclusive with and that you trust.

Don’t give blowjobs to men you don’t have any relationship with.

If you’re already in a trusting relationship, and you’re sure that this man truly cares about you and is fully committed to you, then blowjobs would be appreciated.

Remember to only give it to a man who is worthy of your vulnerability. There’s a whole article about it hereâ¦

6. Be feminine for yourself first – then invite him into your world

Let the natural feminine energy arise out of pleasure in your body.

Deep and wild pleasure is often taboo, and so itâs not so much that you should be feminine only for your own pleasure – pleasure is more so the gateway to full sensitivity.

Full sensitivity means you feel pain and pleasure, and you should ideally have the capacity to feel and sense both pleasure and pain.

To achieve this, you can try dancing by yourself.

Dance naked, sing and move your body in the ways it naturally wants to move, for your pleasure. Dance and listen to music that makes you cry or rage.

Then, connect with yourself that way and if you feel like it, you can share that with him.
No, pleasure is never just about sex.

Consider what you deeply enjoy, what makes you want to connect with others, what makes you laugh, what makes you cry.

Then truly be free and let go.

7. Donât assume every man wants feminine energy

Some men want to BE the feminine energy.

If you do assume all men want feminine women, you could be trying in earnest to feed a horse to a fish, and youâd have good intentions there, but the fish wouldnât perceive any value in your offering.

See this: 5 telltale signs a man has crippling low self esteem.

8. Don’t assume feminine is always best

Be careful if you assume that all you have to do is be feminine, and that will be the key that will make you stand out as more high value than other women.

Thatâs not usually true; feminine doesnât work in many contexts of your life, perhaps in the workplace, even if it sometimes works for attracting high value men.

Feminine and masculine energy is only one lens through which to see your dating life.

Being feminine is great, but being attuned to a man is just as great.

Being feminine cannot solve every dating or relationship problem – I know that some ladies have that impression, but as great as feminine energy is, to think that being feminine is the holy grail – well, that’s a terribly myopic view to have.

Here are 3 Undercover Ways to be More High Value Over Other Women & Get Him to Choose You.

9. Show him that youâre willing to trust him

Show him that youâre willing to trust him, but donât hold back your expression of lack of trust when you donât.

Hereâs what that means: show willingness to try to trust his direction, and relax into trusting him when you really do, but communicate with non-blaming âIâm not feeling very safe right nowâ as feedback when heâs not being considerate or is making a scary decision.

(There Are Exactly 7 Signs That A Woman is Perceived as Low Value to Men. Do You Know What They Are? (& How to Avoid Them Like the Plague)? Click here to find out right now…)

10. Polarity or commonalities!

If you are not interested in wild intimacy, sexual depth and passion in your intimate relationship – then maybe a relationship with a strong masculine man isnât for you.

This is because it is the strong feminine and masculine poles that create polarity, which contribute to feelings of attraction.

Thatâs fine – itâs just important for you to know that if all you want is an average, functioning relationship where you are both best friends, then being feminine may not matter at all – being a team player, getting the job done and being agreeable may be more important.

11. Sex is not the ultimate value you can give, really!

Unless he has got it in his head that he just has to have physical sex with you and that will make everything great.

Connecting to him, putting connection above all else, sharing your feminine energy, accepting him, allowing him to be human is the real deal.

Giving him sex for the sake of not losing him is never what it is about.

Donât make yourself do this because youâre fearful there are no other options. It causes stress and dishonesty in your body.

At least tell him that you feel scared to have sex with him. Read more on how men view sex here.

12. Choose connection, not sex to honour your feminine soul and be âthe one and onlyâ to him

Itâs hard to become the âone and onlyâ if you guys have already been friends with benefits for a while, and then suddenly you want him to be your committed boyfriend with a soul to soul connection, you may not have that opportunity anymore.

To get to exclusive girlfriend status, be selective and avoid having sex out of fear that he will leave if you donât.

This is honouring your own feminine soul.

Avoid having sex if one part of you wants to and the other part dreads the consequence.
Instead communicate your fear of the consequence. You are more trustworthy and feminine this way.

Sex is still a thing you allow men access to – unless youâve already established trust, love and commitment with each other. Not being sexist or unfair to women here.

You are the woman, you have the womb. Men don’t.

Sex means something to you, and it can mean absolutely nothing to men (unless you are their one and only).

Want to know how to show up as the one and only woman, rather than the one of many woman? Access my âBecoming His One & Onlyâ program here.

13. It’s OK to dream.

Itâs OK if you dream of having a man so strong and masculine that youâre willing to travel the world with him, supporting his dream, allow him to order you around with love.

Just love that you secretly want that with the right man. Thatâs what your feminine soul wants.

14. Give first

To add to your mate value, when you want something from a man – say, more of his time or more sensitivity, try offering that to him first.

Be able to offer what it is that you demand from him.

Pure generosity is anything but low value.

Itâs one of the traits of a classy woman.

Simply think about what value you can add to him before you ask for more commitment and investment, so that you become deserving of that commitment.

Many women today are entitled.

Women who are entitled and think men owe them something proudly shout their ârulesâ that âMEN should giveâ and âMEN are the providersâ.

Yes, but that doesnât mean they will provide for you.

Itâs all about how you show up as a woman.

Who wants to feel taken advantage of?

What rich, masculine man would want to provide for an entitled woman?

This is one reason why we suggest that you have enough generous spirit to offer to pay specifically on the FIRST date, not the second or third or fourth date.

Weâre not advocating that you âbe the manâ or that you offer to pay for a lavish dinner on the first date.

Rather, we believe that if you offer from a genuine place to pay for the tea or coffee date, not only do you get to show up more classy and generous – you set yourself apart from all the others.

15. Be loyal

Be so loyal it is painful. Men who have at least an average level of intelligence and value connection, absolutely value loyalty in a woman.

A loyal woman is feminine because to be feminine, you must honour your need for attachment to a man. And when youâre proud of being attached, more of your natural softness, vulnerability and femininity will show.

Loyalty is something I am convinced that men are primed to look out for in a woman, because they don’t bear children, and therefore can’t know if children are theirs or not – unless they find and choose a loyal woman.

This means that you donât try to âdate like men doâ by engaging in ârotational datingâ which can be low value.

(No, Iâm not suggesting you should only date ONE man – read the article above to understand).

16. Too much defensiveness; itâs not good

Yes, objectively speaking, defensiveness serves a purpose, but it doesnât always go well with love and connection.

Itâs hard not to be defensive if youâre an insecurely attached, insecure or fearful person – but the point is to try our best to practice feeling deeper and breathing instead.

When all else fails in your relationship, remember to put connection first.

Of course, not all relationships deserve you putting connection first – especially when youâve tried to do that – when youâve tried to connect soul to soul with him repeatedly, and he still treats you poorly.

To understand if youâre in a healthy relationship thatâs worth your time, I wrote this article for you on the 10 Ultimate Signs of A Healthy Relationship.

17. Smile Openly when you feel like it

Smile genuinely. If you smile when youâre already in your feminine, this will enhance the joy and the happiness men feel around you.

You will enliven their hearts and put joy, hope, life and happiness into their dry masculine world.

This is not to say that if you donât smile youâre âmasculineâ. This is to say that when youâre in your feminine energy, sharing a genuine smile can show your feminine openness to men and add to your value.

Interestingly, research shows that the more a man smiles, the less dominant women perceive him to be. Dominance is connected to masculine energy.

Of course, a smile is also attractive on a dominant masculine man, if itâs genuine. Because it makes him approachable and even endearing.

But if men smile all the time for the sake of smiling, that just doesnât feel quite right.

18. Appreciate men as they are

Yes, if you want to be in your divine feminine energy, appreciate men. Itâs that simple.
If you want to be a woman of value to men, appreciate men.

The masculine enjoys being appreciated, even if appreciating him doesnât appear to give you what you want right this moment.

This doesnât mean having a bunch of rules for them and how they should be and what they ought to be doing for you.

It means accepting them as they are and being curious about how masculine energy can be experienced by men.

It means accepting that masculinity doesnât always show up in the way you wish it would.
For example, some men experience their masculinity through playing video games. Playing video games doesnât mean theyâre feminine (yes thatâs right!).

It means they like to experience winning and losing.

Many video games help men connect to their masculine core.

Sometimes, yes, playing video means they want to escape life. Which is why a lot of women find the habit of playing video games annoying.

But playing video games can still mean that they want to get back to their masculine core!
Having judgements about it wonât create polarity or connection in your relationship.
It will only create distance.

Conclusion and final message…

Whatever strategies you want to use to connect to your divine feminine energy, remember that if it’s all too overwhelming, just start with freeing yourself and letting yourself truly FEEL.

If there’s one tip I have today to become more feminine, it is simply to feel. Just FEEL.
Begin valuing your feelings and valuing who you are.

If you cannot feel….all the pain, hurt, anger, ecstasy that has been pent up or held in for the sake of being accepted in our society, then you can never be free to be fully feminine.
I hope that you enjoyed this article and that you found it useful. If you have anything to say, please leave me a comment.

You can even leave a comment if you hated it. Have a lovely day/night!

Oh, also. If you want to learn the 5 secrets to have your chosen man fall deeply in love with you and beg you to be his one and only, check out my program, âBecoming His One & Onlyâ.

renee wade

P.S. Connect with me on social media

Our new Facebook Group is hereâ¦Â Join the âHigh Value Feminine Womenâ Community using this link

P.P.S. Here are 7 Common Signs A Woman is Low Value in the Eyes of Men.

TheRedArchive is an archive of Red Pill content, including various subreddits and blogs. This post has been archived from the blog The Feminine Woman.

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Post Information
Title How to be More Feminine: 18 Ways of a Soft Feminine Woman
Author Renee Wade
Date July 19, 2020 5:10 PM UTC (3 years ago)
Blog The Feminine Woman
Archive Link
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You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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