Over the past six months, I’ve been getting sex whenever I wanted to from my girlfriend. Everything. But she wouldn’t finish me orally. She even tried once and puked on me. She said it’s the amount, the consistence and the taste. I’ve never had this problem before.

Today she admitted that in her past relationship she would do that with no problem.

Anyhow I got fucking angry because all this time I said to myself that she just couldn’t swallow and all that. Now it’s a mix of fuck this shit I don’t even want to touch her I resent her and is there anything wrong with me? Truth be told I had sort of a bad diet when that happened and now I eat and drink clean.

I told her “look, it’s either I get this constantly, or I’m out of the relationship.” To which she said “okay. Come to my place tonight at 8”

How do I deal with these feelings of anger towards her last relationship and my situation? Obviously I searched for shit and inevitably found it, but now I feel like I resent this bitch.

What do I do?