One plate (probably more so FWB technically) is always super sketchy and secretive with her phone when she’s texting other guys. I have no idea if they’re orbiters or other dudes she’s fucking, but really doesn’t matter. I don’t care if she’s seeing other guys, as I’m seeing other girls.

My issue is when she’s hiding/shielding her phone, it makes me feel like she’s doing something she’s not supposed to be doing. And that annoys me. I don’t like when anyone is secretive. I’m generally pretty open about shit so it’s a personality clash.

Next time I see her in person, I want to tell her something along these lines, while showing zero emotion or anger:

“If you care about what I think about you, I’m going to tell you one time to stop doing something. I don’t like how secretive and sketchy you are with your phone when you’re texting other guys. The issue isn’t other guys. It’s the way you’re acting. Every time you do that I can’t help but think I don’t like that trait about you. I don’t like how you’re so secretive when there’s literally no reason to be. When you do that, my immediate thought is always there’s zero chance this could ever be something more serious when you’re secretive about shit you don’t need to be secretive about. If you’re doing this now, I couldn’t possibly trust you in something more serious when that behavior would actually matter. I don’t know if you think I care about who you’re texting, and you’re just trying to protect me or something, but I could literally care less. Just stop being sketchy and secretive and there’s no issue. Otherwise every time you do that I think less of you. That’s all.”

Do you think that’s an acceptable boundary to set? And am I going about it the right way? Setting boundaries is a fairly new concept to me, so just trying to gauge the responses here. I feel like saying something like that would still fall under red pill philosophy but not 100% sure.