Now don't get me wrong, I think the actual "niceguy" behavior is super toxic and usually highly misogynistic. I follow the sub because I enjoy seeing those sorts of people called out (even though, as an earlier LWMA post has pointed out, our assumptions about "niceguys" can be misleading). That said, I can't help but think there is some notable misandry on that sub. The peak example to me is this thread which pretty much assumes a guy is a creep without any context because he has behavior that is "too clingy" (which, besides connecting a lot to masculine stereotypes and gender roles, is often actually the result of insecurities and mental issues that need to be worked on). (No brigading please!!!) Even threads calling out genuine "niceguy" behavior often seem to use insults like "virgin" that are designed to punish men for not adhering to traditional masculine expectations. (Again no brigading!!) I decided to discuss this just because compared to known misandric subs like GenderCritical, TrollX, FDS, etc. (which are definitely worse than the niceguys sub) I don't really see this display of sexism addressed much. I don't know if I'm overreacting but I think there is some sexism and hypocrisy on that sub. Thoughts?