Sorry but rant incoming.

It's become obvious that The Purple Pill Debate sub isn't a place to actually discuss or debate issues with dating. They remove anything that's in anyway critical of women or any handicaps that women may have when it comes to dating. Even basic red pill truths such as the wall. But you can criticize men all day with no problem.

I recently wrote a post about young guys that are struggling can get laid. I merely suggested that young guys having trouble with young girls should just go after post wall women. Post wall women are easier, tend to be lonely, also might appreciate a young man with stamina.

It's something that I have done in the past that helped me scratch that itch until I could build up enough status till I could get the girls I really wanted.

But unfortunately PPD removed it.

I also wrote another post about how women can't handle to face their issues with dating. I merely pointed out how women deny basic things like the wall and that a high body count lowers their SMV. Very basic points, yet it was removed by PPD.

Then if you say anything at all critical of women the MOD comes and accuses you of trolling. It's becoming obvious that the real purpose of that sub is to try and confuse and mislead young men. Time for everyone that wants to discuss these issues in good faith to leave that sub.

I will be reposting those deleted post here so we can discuss the issues without censorship.