23M DM'd a girl on IG 20F, didn't really thoroughly look through her photos, just glanced and decided that she was pretty enough.

Got her number and we agreed to meet up this Saturday for a go kart race. After setting the date, I went back and thoroughly checked her profile and was a bit disappointed. She looks good in older pics, but in anything from this year she looks like she could lose like 30 lbs. so I doubt I'll feel sexually attracted to her if I see her (I'm 6'3 200lbs w/ an athletic build)

Seems like a waste of time at first, but this could be a good opportunity to practice teasing, negging, push pull, eye contact, etc. I broke up with an LTR of 5 years 4 months ago so I feel like I could use the experience. Recently went on a date with a HB7 and I froze up. Was way too nervous, answered all her questions directly, didn't kino except for trying to tickle her. I was disappointed in myself and wasn't surprised when she stopped replying to my texts.

I'm not a total failure either. I've spun 2 plates since the breakup 4 months ago and have gone on many dates, all of them ending in a k-close except for 2.

So what do y'all think, should I just go out with this chick and just practice RP concepts for the experience points, or should I have some self respect and not settle for mediocrity? What would you guys do in my situation?