URL: http://illimitablemen.com/2014/02/20/understanding-the-friend-zone-scam-and-the-role-marriage-plays-in-it-part-1/

This article is mainly aimed at new guy betas who have friendzone problems as well as guys who have found themselves in sexless marriages due to an inability to hold frame and set boundaries with their woman.

Main themes explored:

  • Identifies sexless marriage as an often overlooked form of friend zone with harsher penalties in place making escape more difficult.

  • Synoptically links marriage to the friend zone by exploring the concept that the friend zone can be applied retroactively to a relationship by a woman once sex has already taken place because she [the woman] has attained the ultimate security of your provisioning via the institution of marriage.

  • Looks at value exchange between men and women and why women have no motivation to elevate a beta from the friend zone into relationship status "she doesn't want to ruin what you've got" more aptly translated as: "you're giving me everything I need already so I don't need to fuck you to get what I want out of you."

Enjoy. Special thanks to /u/Archwinger and /u/Human_v2 for inspiring the blog post.