I like reading and I read a lot of stuff, mainly red pill related stuff (psychology and philosophy). After like 5 months of constant daily reading It seems to me that I've got so deep inside the rabbit hole. (I know 5 months are nothing compared to most of the people in this sub, but I'm comparing it to how little I knew a few years ago). I feel like 95% of the people around me are sleeping and are not conscious about reality.

I feel like I have thousand of tools in my arsenal but I can't find a way to use these tools to actually improve my life and make something concrete (apart from lifting and studying).

I have journals where I write everything: what I think, ideas for my future, field-reports and anything that comes to my mind. In the smallest details. I feel mad.

I've reached a point where everything seems just mental masturbation. I'm that intellectual guy who knows everything but does little to nothing.

From a post of IllimitableMen "How to be Happy":

"I’m naturally prone to analysis paralysis because I have an analytical nature. Once you achieve a reasonable amount of self-discipline, you can catch yourself in the act of procrastination and force yourself to act.

Other than procrastinating, the other problem with being overly analytical is it allows you to see all the negatives in the world (there are many, everywhere, daily) and the sheer volume can will bog you down if you’re not careful.

If you are intellectual, your analytical faculty will apply a negative filter to life because you are prone to cynicism, over-thinking, and in turn, inaction. These traits are a hotbed for depression, and depression destroys productivity. I think I just described every intelligent underachiever that ever lived – knowing so much, yet doing so little."

This relates to me perfectly.

Have you ever been in a similar situation?