An article titled, "Why Men Find It So Hard to Understand What Women Want" was posted in response to "What Do Women Really Want?" in Psychology Today and gives us all a fresh look at how the mind of a beta male operates.

First of all, the title just shouts projection. In my house, men do not find it hard to understand what women want. And last time I checked, I am a man. If you have swallowed the red pill, then I assume you think and feel the same way. Some men may find it difficult to grasp what women want, but not all men suffer from this problem. Immediately the author is shown here to have made a mistake, and you haven't even read the first word of his article yet.

Anyway, the article itself was rather meek in tone. I was hoping to get a proper response, as a sort of counterpart to the original article on women and their apparent need, their desire to be desired. I read the whole thing but sadly didn't find what I was looking for.

What I did find was a guy revealing himself to be a beta via thinking out loud. I'm not saying this guy is a complete chump. After all, he holds a Ph.D and writes for Psychology Today, among other things. Only he demonstrates beta thinking as clear as the light of day.

He spends the entire article pussyfooting around his point -- which up to now I still haven't found -- and peppering apologies and explanations for his behaviour all throughout.

By far his most revealing line of all to me was this:

Basically, men can understand on an intellectual level that women want to be desired, but we find it hard to relate to this on a visceral level.

What he's really saying is this: "I can't relate to this on any level at all. The feeling of being desired? Never happened to me."

And really, most blue pillers operate on the same line of thinking as him, don't you agree? They are the unloved, the unnoticed, the unwelcome, the undesired.

Now, here's the lesson: Seek to become the object of desire through whatever means necessary. It will literally flip your world upside-down.